
Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Listicles - Compliments

Every Monday, Stasha at The Good Life starts a Monday Listicles link up by giving a prompt.  This week, people are to list 10 compliments.  I thought that today I'd give it a whirl.

I have for you a list of 10 compliments.  Sentences spoken to me by other people who only meant to be kind.  And in return, I am going to totally make fun of them.  It's amazing that people even talk to me anymore.  I'm going to do it David Letterman style. 

10. "The floor is clean!" No need to be surprised, Dear Giant. I do actually get off my rump and do things around here.

9. "Well, that's different." Grandma, you're going to have to come up with a new word. Your entire family knows that when you say it, you really mean, "That is just plain awful."

8. "This doesn't taste too bad." Well, then quit scrunching your nose. And really, unless you can say, "Thank you for making a delicious dinner, Mom" just don't talk.

7.  "Have you lost weight?"  This would have been a very nice thing to say, if it wasn't spoken by someone I hadn't seen in at least a year.  And I didn't happen to be 6 months pregnant when she asked me

6.  "We want to be like you in ten years."  Also would have been a nice thing to say, if it were from a high schooler.  Unfortunately, not so.  It was from my "friends" in my bible study.

5.  "You are a better woman than I am."  At first hearing this, I was upset, because I don't like to hear moms put themselves down.  But after hearing this more than once, I realized it is more like the southern phrase, "Bless her heart".  People only say it when I am in the grocery store or some such crazy place with all six kids.  In those situations where one child is pulling things off the shelf, two are in the middle of a bicker-fest, and two are flinging each other around the aisle.  The people that are saying this aren't complimenting me.  They are pitying me.

4.  "Can I see your I.D. young lady?"  said the bouncer-guy at a piano bar.  I know, and you know, that he says that to every single crow's-feeted, gray-haired, saggy-boobed, frazzled mama that comes through that door. 

3.  "You have got some muscular calves!"  While, in fact, I did have muscular calves, I really wish the female high school teacher of questionable orientation didn't point that out when she was walking up the stairs behind my friends and me.  25 years later I still get reminded of those muscular calves by Hubby and other high school friends.

2. "That is perfect on you!" The last time I ever listened to my mother's fashion advice was the day she talked me in to wearing a blinged-out cowboy hat for my wedding.

And the number one compliment I have received....

"I love you more than a Big Mac."  Spoken by Hubby in the middle of his marriage proposal.  In the 7 years we dated, I knew him to eat maybe a handful of Big Macs, so I couldn't say in all certainty that this was, in fact, all that great.  

Have a lovely day!


  1. Loving you more than a Big Mac. That's got to be a forever kind of love. Now I give the "you a better woman than me" out every now and then. I really mean it as a compliment to something I would utterly fail at. And I get the nice, muscular calves one too. At my age, I'll take what I can get. Cute boys!

    1. That love has lasted a good long time, for sure. I'll try and take that better woman phrase as a compliment from now on. These days, I'm thrilled if someone compliments my legs. In high school, I was mortified. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I have nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! :D I really do enjoy keeping up with the chicken coop!

    1. Aren't you sweet. Thank you! I'll head on over to check it out.

  3. Hey -- You ARE a better woman than me. That was not pity. That was (and is) a fact. :) Love ya mean it!

    1. Now don't you be starting one of those no, you are, no you are arguments. We're complete and total equals. You crack me up, love ya mean it.

  4. You always make my Mondays better!! From the clean floors to muscular thighs, I was in total stitches!! And, oh, those adorable kiddos of yours and their big smiles that make me want to squish my kiddos with mama bear hugs! Thanks for keeping me positive!!

    1. I'm glad you find it enjoyable to visit the blog. The feeling is completely mutual.

  5. I think the best compliment I ever got was from an old gentleman in his eighties who said to me "Lass, you've got a lovely set of ankles on you."

    1. Well, you know what they say about lasses with lovely ankles... OK, I don't know either.

  6. That was a fabulous list, and seriously I can't decide which has been laughing more: the questionably orientated gym teacher or the Big Mac proposal?

    1. Well, thank you. Glad you liked it. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. This is really funny. I love your husbands cute! I have been told "That's different" so many times...people really need to come up with something new to say!

    1. I thought it was pretty cute, too. And yes, there must be a better word than different.

  8. Holy cow that was funny. The Big Mac comment made me laugh. I WISH I had muscular calves! I have never had good calves in my entire life, so I am envious! :)

    1. I'm glad you liked it. Good calves are a direct result of running track. They have disappointingly deteriorated over the years.

  9. You crack me up. My mom and dad are here this week from Pennsylvania and I could fill a notebook with the "nice" things they say that mean other things. Seriously.

    1. Good luck with that this week. Is your week filled with smiles and deep breathing?

    2. Oh yes...and nice long walks. :) I'm so thankful for the beautiful weather. You asked if we were coming to your tournament. I have to say I'm not sure! The tournament we are signed up for is the first weekend in November. I was thinking it was the one in Terrehaute. When is yours?

    3. Ours is the weekend before. Shucks. Good luck!

  10. These are great! You really need to show off that blinged-out cowboy hat! #6 cracked me up! #3 is scary. Funny list!

    1. Thank you. I may just have to pull the hat out of storage. Maybe for our 20th anniversary for old time's sake. My bible study friends are some of the handful of people that know about the blog. When they read the post, they realized what they had said and we had a lovely laugh about it. They won't ever say it again, though!

  11. OMG...I just spit all over my screen and keyboard over number 3! Obviously I can relate. ;P

    Hilarious list!!!

    1. Hopefully no damage was done. Thank you for stopping by!

  12. I'd better stop saying "You're a better woman than I" although I really do mean it as a compliment!

    1. I'm sure you do, but stop saying it anyway. Don't put yourself down like that! Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Liking someone better than a Big Mac is sheer love. Is that what made you marry him? ;)

    1. For sure. Well, that and he had an awesome swimmer's body :)

  14. With friends like that who needs enemies??! #8 I tell my kid all the time. Honestly. It is so lovely to meet you! Great list.

    1. Ain't that the truth! I'm so glad to have met you, too.

  15. Funny! You just gotta love those back handed compliments! One time my son, in a comment to a new recipe I tried "I've had worse". gee thanks. (came from finding the funny)

    1. Ha! I've heard that one, too. I love it when kids try to be tactful, yet fall so short.

  16. You literally make me LOL. I'm telling you, you have to publish this.

    1. Was your hand on your chest when you were laughing? That's the real test of funny.


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