
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

It's Obvious. We Don't Know How to Garden.

A few days ago I asked Hubby when the sweet potatoes we planted would be ready to harvest.

Yesterday, I found this on the counter:

Perhaps I should have asked him a few weeks ago.
Fortunately, apples grow above ground and are a bit easier to distinguish doneness.
Looks like we'll be having apple pie instead of sweet potato pie.

Which is good.  I have no idea how to make a sweet potato pie.

Have a lovely day!


  1. Well, the apples look delicious! The sweet potato though ... It kind of looks like it went ten rounds with Jack The Ripper.

    1. It seems that a drought is just what our apple tree needed, because they are really good. I have no idea what happened to the potato. Perhaps a mole with some serious claws?

  2. Gotta admit I have never seen a sweet potato like that before--but hey, at least you're growing SOMETHING out there!!!That's more than I've been able to do. I have too much wildlife in my yard--they eat everything I try to plant!! Newest follower via GFC. You're funny--glad I found you because I'm always looking for a little humor to add to my day!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Fortunately for us, the dogs keep most wildlife away from the garden. We have had a year or two when rabbits get in and eat all of the green bean plants. And our own chickens turn on us sometimes and go after the tomatoes. Basically, you can blame our terrible garden results on us, the gardeners.

  3. Hi there :) Found you through the Blog Hop and added you to my reading list. I'm enjoying your blog :)

  4. This is so funny! I hope you enjoyed that apple pie!

    1. We will, and the applesauce, and apple slices for snack. Thanks!

  5. Sweet potatoes are over-rated anyway. ;)

    1. I couldn't agree more. I only grew them because the kids and Hubby like them.


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