
Friday, July 20, 2012

Brotherly Love is a Great Motivator

The suitcases are packed.  The tomatoes are canned.   The library books are in the car.  The good-byes have been said to my friend.  I am about to head to bed, but I need to write this down before I forget.

Both Buttercup and Giant take piano lessons.  She is on year four or so, while he has only been taking them for one year.  A couple of weeks ago, Giant told me that he didn't want to take piano anymore.  I expected this, as Buttercup did the same thing after the first year.  I told him to stick it out a little longer, as piano lessons get much more fun once you can play longer songs that you actually know.

This week, he came home with some new songs.  He actually sat down to practice on his own, which never happens.    Even though it was very start and stop, I easily recognized it as "It's a Small World."

I yelled to him, "Didn't you tell your piano teacher that this song isn't allowed in the house?" 

A strong dislike for this song has been passed down from generation to generation of women in my family.  My grandma went on this ride at Disney and was stuck on it for over an hour.   It started with her, and it has happened to my mom and me, too.  Not for as long, but stuck nonetheless. 

He replied, "I asked her if I could play it." 

I immediately thought, "Oh, isn't that sweet.  He picked it to remind him of our trip and how funny Cuckoo was on the ride.  Cuckoo loved it, and we had to ride the ride..."

Before I could finish my thought he added, "I wanted to annoy Star.  He hates this song." 

He was actually practicing because he wanted to nail it before Star came home from camp.  Plus, he is hoping there is a piano in the house we rented for vacation, so he can play it from memory the whole week. 

Ah, brothers.

Well, at least he's practicing and enjoying the piano.  I think I'm happy about that.

Here's to hoping there is NO piano on vacation.

Have a nice week!


  1. I love it! Sounds like something my brother would have done to me growing up.

    1. My brothers were more of the physical pests. The kind that jabs you in the ribs and runs.

  2. Hello! I wanted to thank you for leaving such a kind comment on my blog, Sole Searching. You have such a beautiful family, and I love that you garden and live in an old home. I am your newest follower! Blessings ~ Susan

    1. Thank you! I never would have guessed from your blog that you had Fibromyalgia. It is inspiring to see other women do all that you do despite the pain.

  3. Okay, one more comment. I have Fibromyalgia too. It's nice to see that someone else out there is giving big family life a "go" despite the aches and pain. Take care!

  4. Oh ,That is sooo funny! I guess the best motivation is to annoy a sibling,lol!

  5. I am cursed on that ride too!!! I was stuck on it for 45 minutes in the goodbye room so I had nothing to look at, WHILE baby A puked all over the boat, me and my stuff. I do not like it for the memories either. We then had to stay on the boat and wait for people in blue gloves to come help us out and put our boat in the time out area...

    1. And they call Disney the "happiest place on Earth." And what is it with your family and puke?? Your family lets it fly more than any family I (virtually)know! :)

  6. Hope you enjoy your vacation! I nominated you for a little blog award. It's linked back to my blog. Have fun!

  7. I remember one year around 1994 when they closed that ride because a little girl was killed jumping off the boat as it docked. I was there that day

    1. I thought of that as Turken climbed into the boat. They have changed them, so there isn't any room between the boat and land.


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