
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

'Cause I Am Nothing But Helpful

In the age where Pintrest is all the rage, I give you the anti-Pintrest.  Here is a craft you should NOT do with your children.  Don't think that you're going to get a cute, egg-shaped, Easter decoration to hang from the ceiling.  You won't.

Don't start with these supplies.

Especially the eager children.  You really don't want eager children thinking they are going to have fun making cute, egg-shaped, Easter decorations to hang from the ceiling.

Do not blow up a balloon and put it in a big coffee mug to hold it steady.

Do not water down some glue, give it to your child, and tell him to dunk some pre-cut yarn in it.

Don't have him hold the string up while he smooths out the excess glue.

Having him put the string on the balloon is just a waste of time.

It's an even bigger waste of time when you repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 many, many times.

You'd think letting it dry would be a good idea. 

It's not.

You'd think the rest would be self-explanatory.

It's not.

Most certainly do not let your four year old pop the balloon with an extremely sharp knife.

Things will not go well.  Guaranteed.

Nope, not a cute, Egg-shaped, Easter decoration to hang from the ceiling.

Just a colorful, upside-down, shrunken head.

I guess the only thing I can tell you TO do is take your cues from a two year old.

He watched me put the first string on his balloon, evaluated the situation, saw we were delusional to think it was going to work, and bailed.  He played with his cars while Turken and I carried on to shrunken-headedness.

So we're on to plan B. 

Same yarn.  Same glue.  But instead of a balloon, we'll lay it down on wax paper and sprinkle it with glitter.

I don't need no stinkin' Pintrest.


  1. Yep..that is funny! Just one of life's wonderful adventures with children! They will remember this one forever most likely, more than any successful craft!

  2. Oh I love the look on his face when he sees the "shrunken~headedness" poor kid! I am sure there was lots of laughing about it! What fun! I will be sure NOT to do that idea, thanks for the warning!

  3. Lol! That's priceless. You had better post some pictures of the new plan. :) I want to see how it turns out!

  4. LOVE IT! You're too funny. Thanks for linking this up with the ALU!

  5. LOL! I love it! Those pics are CLASSIC! The anti-Pinterest...I think you're on to something there! Ha! #TALU

    1. If I knew anything about computers, I may have started my own site! :)

  6. I love it! Anti-Pinterest- that is so me! Hilarious post! Happy TALU!

    1. Thank you. I knew I could find some kindred anti-pinterest folk.

  7. LOL!!!!!!!!!! Hilarious. I have a Rainy Day projects board that I have yet to try anything. I'll tell you that many of the Pinterest things I have cooked have not been as good as the picture looked.


    1. I have never been on Pinterest, mostly for these very reasons. I'll stick to my own crafts, even if some of them fail.

  8. Hilarious. Fun! And it sure looked like your son was having a good time. TALU

    1. For some odd reason, Google insists on calling me Juliet and won't let me comment with my wordpress account (discrimination). I'm actually, Jennifer (

    2. He was having fun, until that anti-climactic finish! So sorry about the name change. While Juliet is pretty, I'm sure Jennifer fits you better. :)

  9. How it the world is that expected to work? my daughter is doomed- I have no creativity at all! TALU

    1. We probably should have pulled the balloon away from the yarn before popping it. I can be creative, I just don't always execute properly. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Hmmmm, I wonder if it just wasn't dry enough yet when the balloon got popped?? Looks strangely similar to my first attempt at making chocolate bowls by dipping balloons. The first one wouldn't let go of the balloon no matter what I did and ended in a similar mess LOL.

    1. We had left it for several hours, so it was dry enough. We should have loosened it, though, before popping.
      I have that chocolate bowl idea in my recipe stash, but have never done it. What did you do to make the balloon popping go better?

    2. If memory serves, I think that even tension was the trick - with the first one, I yanked at it and pulled the bottom out, so in an effort to be more gentle with the next one, I tried peeling it off like a bandaid with a similar result because the tension was on one side. When I just pulled at the tie with one hand while using the other to sort of cup the part that was stuck and pinch it inward for a slow release, that worked fine. I also found that it's easier to release candy melts than chocolate, but I prefer the flavor of the chocolate. I guess it really depends what you're filling it with.

  11. Thank you! Turken was excited, until it all collapsed on him! Thanks for stopping by!


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