
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Photo Blogging Challenge!

I may not have written much this past month, but I have been taking photos. The inspiration was the theme for PJ's Photo Challenge this month. Three, in celebration of the three years the challenge has been going. Congratulation, PJ, on three great years!

On to my photos...

Three boys.

The three non-high school boys with whom I spend the majority of my time having some french toast after school one day.

Three bananas.

Three over-ripe bananas on the counter means it's time to make banana bread!!

Three Pairs

There are always three pairs of boots (a variety of sizes) ready and waiting at the mud room door for someone to head outside to do some chores.

Three days.

Called the Triduum, it is the three days from sundown on Holy Thursday to sundown on Easter Sunday. It is a special time in the Catholic Church, full of special worship and prayer services and Masses. This was taken on Good Friday during the 8th grade's presentation of the Living Stations of the Cross. Giant had been chosen to play the part of Jesus, and this photo was taken when he was being carried to the tomb. It is always an emotional prayer service, but it was especially so this year, watching my own child up there on a cross.

Three dollars.

Two days after Easter Sunday, Easter lilies were on clearance. I snagged a couple of them for $3 each. For now they are decorating our newly painted front porch, but I'll be transferring them to the ground soon.

Whenever I see an Easter lily, I am taken back to Bermuda, where Bryan and I spent our first Easter as a married couple. Easter lilies were abloom all over the island, not just in pots at the grocery store.

There's still time to join in if you want to head out with your camera and take some photos. If you want to join in next month, PJ will be posting the new theme on April 1. (No joke!) He also started a Facebook group if you want to keep up to date on future challenges. 

Have a lovely day!


  1. FRIST! lol

    Great photos, I love the first one of the three boys and the Easter lilies but those over-ripe bananas would have been in my bin :)

    1. Yes! :)

      Thank you. IN YOUR BIN?!?!? But those are the best bananas to use in bread!

  2. I like your take on this month's theme. First -- French toast after school? Yes please! What a great snack! And the banana shot is awesome. But the banana bread sounds divine! :D

    1. Thanks!

      There are several days that are super busy in which I won't be home to make dinner later in the day. We just switch dinner and snack. Dinner at 4, snack at 7. And who doesn't like french toast for dinner?? :)

      The banana bread is quite wonderful. :)

  3. How fun. I love all the shots, but the three boys was my favorite. The looks on their faces.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Ha! They are such goobers. They refused to smile, but after I took it, I liked it just the way it was. :)

  4. You should make French toast with banana bread. It's fabulous!

    1. I have had some at a restaurant once. It was waaaay too sweet. Maybe I'll try it the next time I make bread.

  5. Replies
    1. Okie doke. Consider it ignored...

      And then...since you brought it up, what were you trying to do?!?

  6. Your photos are great..Ilike your welly boots image and the bananas. I tried making banana bread quite a few times with no success, the bread won't rise. I read your recipe which said bake in oven at 350 I know why my banana bread won't rise, my oven won't heat up that high. I bet it tastes good.

    1. Thank you!

      Your oven doesn't get to 350?!?!? I use that temp for almost everything I put in it! I didn't know there were ovens that didn't get that hot. One good thing about blogging...learn something new almost every day.

  7. Great shots! I hope your son doesn't get egotistical about playing the son of God.

    1. Thank you! Ha! While he does have a healthy does of self-confidence, I'm not worried. :)

  8. Great shots! Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  9. Awesome collection of "threes", and now I'm hungry for homemade banana bread. Thank you very much!! :-)

    Josie Two Shoes from Josie's Journal

    1. Thank you! I'd send some, but I don't know how well it would travel to TX. Good thing it's really, really easy to make. :)

  10. OMG the cross one. WOW. Unbelievable. My friend's son did the same thing - he was Jesus and she talked about weeping when she saw him on the cross. Your pictures are beautiful and moving!

    1. Thank you! What a coincidence!! It was quite unnerving to see him up there, for sure.

  11. Your snapshots of family life are terrific. I use 3 overripe bananas in my banana bread recipe, too.

    For pure emotion, the cross photo is absolutely compelling. Such a special addition to your family photo album.

    1. Thank you! The perfect amount of banana. :)

      It is definitely one of my favorites from that day.

  12. It was fantastic to be in Bermuda this time of year. The entire island is abloom. I didn't even know Easter lilies grew in the wild until I saw them there. :)

  13. When will the banana bread be out of the over....I'll be happy to help you eat it! :-) You selected five great "three's" this month. Very creative in your interpretation of some of them.

  14. Great photos and I love the explanations of each one! Those lilies are beautiful!


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