
Friday, February 26, 2016

You Can Blame Bryan for the Lack of Video, TToT Week 141

Well, it finally happened.

Facebook, that egotistical entity that tells me which posts I should and should not see, that creepy being that finds people I haven't spoken to in 25 years simply by knowing I used to live in Ohio, has finally given me the power to like, love, be sad, be angry, be surprised, and laugh out loud with one little click of my mouse.

Because I didn't spend enough time scrolling through the lives and likes of other people, now I get to spend more time trying to figure out exactly how I feel about all those posts they share. While we used to stress over how many likes we did or did not get, now we get to stress over the people who rage (Is that what that emoji is called?) over what we share.

OK, so I don't analyze or stress over which emoji I choose or how many likes I get. BUT you know some people do.

In a world where Donald Trump is winning presidential primaries, you know there are people stressing over emojis.

Because this world has lost its mind.

That's all I'm gonna say about that.

You can thank the pain meds I've been on for that little intro.

There are still normal things going on for which I can be thankful.

1. I survived oral surgery. The pain has been managed quite well, and I'm able to eat way more than I thought I would.

2. The applesauce I spent so much time making last fall came in very handy. I've eaten over a quart all by myself this week.

3. Pudding has been helpful, too.

4. There are no videos of me being dumb after the surgery. While I did make the mistake of trying to email and comment on facebook while completely incoherent, there is no video embarrassment. (Seriously, when someone asked a simple question about an AP test being given, I replied, outschool is, but it'e llpr wtwtee". It didn't get better when she asked for clarification. (And that probably explains my lack of promised post this week.))

5. I had lots of people offer help, which we ended up not needing except for that first day when a friend picked the kids up from school for me.

6. Phoenix's tournament was cancelled last week, so Bryan was able to join me at our school's fund dinner. We had loads of laughs with the few other "old" parents in attendance.

7. Phoenix and Buttercup had fun and did very well at their Mock Trial competition last week. So well, in fact, that their team is moving on to state! They are working hard to perfect some things before the competition next week. (Bonus thankful: We live in the state capital, where the competition takes place, so there won't be any travel for it.)

8. While I was at home recovering, I did manage to have one productive day. I made some headway cleaning out the basement and stripping wallpaper, and I scheduled a painter and a chimney repair guy to come give us some estimates. I have given myself a little over one year to get everything we need done to be done. When Phoenix graduates, and we have to have an open house, this house will be ready!

9. One of our favorite people in the world (the dad of the family with whom we vacation every year) came through Indy on Thursday. He stopped in to play fuseball and football with the boys and have dinner with the rest of us.

10. The beautiful weather returns tomorrow. It's so nice to have it on a Saturday instead of being wasted on a school day.

How has your week been? Tell me all about those things for which you are thankful.

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful


  1. Oral surgery. That takes some serious oomph to push through and do what ya gotta. I love how you made that incoherent FB comment. Hehe. So cute! (Of course, it's probably not so cute when you look back and go...I did that?).
    In any case, it sounds like you're making progress on house stuff, too. I moved into our current house last August and there is *so* much to do that we haven't done. Cleaning your basement and stripping wallpaper? That is no small task - I've been there and done that. Kudos to you! And yes, so glad for nicer weather. :) I think I'm going to have to spend some time outside tomorrow. Take care!
    I enjoyed reading your list and I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. It was my first time with oral surgery, and I hope to never have to do it again!
      Once I came off the strongest of the meds, I messaged the person to whom I had written that incoherent reply to apologize. Who let me on the computer in the first place? :)
      We have lived here for 10 years. There has been sooooo much work to do, both things that needed done when we bought the house, but plenty of other things that needed done because we have 5 destructive boys. The's amazing what can accumulate in 10 years.
      Enjoy the springlike weather while it lasts!

  2. Glad you are feeling better - too bad about the video or not having one (LOL) (you know I am truly kidding about that)

    i love these lines:

    In a world where Donald Trump is winning presidential primaries, you know there are people stressing over emojis.

    Because this world has lost its mind.

    I hope we find it soon...

    Sounds like you had a good week- all while living on apple sauce and pudding (not too shabby). oral surgery is no laughing matter - and truly uncomfortable -

    Enjoy the nice weather today i think it gets warmer tomorrow for us. :)

    love it when things get done in the house ....

    1. I know you are kidding, but I know you wouldn't have minded a funny video either. :)

      Oh, I do hope people wake up and we manage to get back on track.

      It was a good week, despite the uncomfortable surgery. It's still bothering me, but at least I can still do things.

      Productivity makes me so happy. :)

  3. So glad to know you're recovering well from your oral surgery and you're able to eat more than you expected; the apple sauce and pudding sound good (though not both together, obviously lol)

    Well done for managing to clear out the basement and strip the wallpaper, I can imagine it wasn't an easy task.

    I have to admit you've rather disappointed me - I've been checking every day for at least one photo of you in a drugged-up, loopy mess. The incoherent email you sent to somebody made me lol, I just wish you'd written a post on here like that :) I think Bryan should be bribed to feed you a cocktail of mind-numbing drugs then bribe YOU to post on here while still under the influence :) :)

    Glad you're getting some good weather. The constant rain has finally stopped here and we've had some nice but cold days with early signs of spring; I went out with the camera yesterday and managed to get a couple of nice pics which I'm about to put on my blog.

    Hope you have a great weekend, I'm off to walk the dogs in the SUNSHINE! :)

    1. Besides applesauce and pudding, mashed potatoes, pasta, graham crackers, and scrambled eggs were also on the menu. Though never together. :) I do miss crunchy things, thoough!

      Well, I didn't get it all done. The basement is too overwhelming. I just do 15 minutes at a time, working little by little. Get one trash bag filled or get 10 items out and cleaned up to donate. Wallpaper, though, will be done this weekend!

      Ha! I couldn't stay awake long enough to write anything longer than a couple of sentences. The combination of medications I was on put me right to sleep! Maybe next time. :)

      I look forward to seeing the photos you took!

      Enjoy the early spring weather!

  4. I stay away from Facebook for the most part but when i dont i pretty much have to be incoherent... Take care...happy recovery.... :) :( ;) :/

  5. I stay away from Facebook for the most part but when i dont i pretty much have to be incoherent... Take care...happy recovery.... :) :( ;) :/

    1. Truth. Incoherent is usually best for scrolling through facebook.
      Ha! Those are the only emoticon thingamajiggies I know! :)

  6. …er then the singing Candygram ("HEY! HAs anyone seen my lost tooth!!!") at my door was not Official and Coop-sanctioned?!?!

    lol those new empticons ('old person' for emjois)…. well, here's a shocker: I don't like them and plan to not use them… (yeah, I know big sell-off of FB stock first thing Monday morning!)

    in any event, good to know that you have survived time in the land of moveable walls… (scotts make the best of it, when under-the-influence, but prefer the real world, where, when you catch the rabbit you're chasing, they stay a rabbit and don't turn into an armadillo of anything)


    1. It was definitely not. :)

      I'm not a fan either. I'll be sticking with the like button, unless it's something horrible and I can't.

      Ah, Clark, you make me smile. :)

  7. Graduations have been all that has motivated great home improvements for us in the past decade!
    The opening that you said thank the meds??? Well, I am thanking the meds! That made me laugh!
    I too had pain meds recently for a dental procedure. I made the mistake of texting the school to say I thought I would take a 20 nap and then I would be good to come to work. When I awoke 4 hrs later I was horrified to find three nonsensical texts, the final one ending with the words Stupid School! Good thing they love me there!

    1. Ha! I had no idea it was such a big motivator until it started looming for us!
      Glad you enjoyed it.
      Oh no! Hahaha! I'm thinking, they may love you more after the texts. :)

  8. I told you the oral surgery wasn't that bad.

    I don't care for Trump, but he's there to get Hillary elected. If it's him against Hillary then you know who'll win. I don't care for her either, but those two are great friends. Mark my words.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Sandee, I had the same idea. I thought Trump was running to help Hilary. When is he gonna come out and say it was all a ploy?

    2. It wasn't that bad, but the uncomfortableness and pain is really getting on my nerves. After 6 days, I've had it! Hopefully after the stitches come out tomorrow I'll be feeling better.

      I never thought of that! Ugh.

  9. Yeah, our country has gone crazy. The political stuff on Facebook is the worst. I think there should be a BS button or a check the facts button. At any rate, yay for pudding and applesauce and feeling better. And Spring. I'm waiting for Spring.

    1. A check the facts button would be helpful!
      Yesterday was another great spring teaser. It's coming! It's coming!

  10. I couldn't agree more with your intro. A political agreement for the two of us!

    So glad you're recovering, though I am disappointed in the lack of video.

    1. I knew there HAD to be something we agreed on! yay! :)

      I must say, I'm almost disappointed myself. I could use the good laugh.

  11. Applesauce? Sorry but that's one thing I can't do but OMG to your poor mouth! Also the political stuff? GROSS. So gross. I cannot EVEN when it comes so Donald. For real. It's disgusting. Anyway...
    As far as the weather? It was 66 degrees here today and I got to hang out with Sarah aka AmyCake and wow, just wow, so amazing.

    1. No applesauce? Really? I've never heard of someone adverse to applesauce! Huh.
      It's mind boggling that there are so many people voting for him.

      I saw the photos Sarah posted. How wonderful that you two live close enough to hang out sometimes! Call me jealous.

  12. You will never get anything more than a generic "like" from me on facebook. Gotta draw the line somewhere.
    I wrote blog posts while laced on narcotics after my hemorrhoid surgery. Those would be the same ones where I took pictures of my feet in the bathtub. No one thought to take my personal electronics away from me.
    Yay for going to state and state being in your own backyard!

    1. Awesome. A very good place to draw the line. :)
      Of course they didn't take them away. They had too much fun laughing at what you did with those electronics!

  13. Life without any surgery would be grand. I'm not going to complain too much, seeing as how it really is minor stuff, but I'll be happy to not see any pain meds for a very, very long time.
    Hopefully after the stitches come out tomorrow, I'll be feeling way better. This lingering pain is really getting on my last nerve.
    Ha! They don't bother me in the least. :)

  14. Glad you didn't have too much pain. I know and isn't it just so exciting that now "like" isn't our only choice of recourse when we inevitably have to give our opinion on everyone else's life.
    It is a mad world, like you say, but I don't need medications to state it.
    Glad this hop helps with the positivity, in the face of all the craziness you speak of at the start of this post.
    Have a great week.

    1. "Isn't it just so exciting that now "like" isn't our only choice of recourse when we inevitably have to give our opinion on everyone else's life". One of the best sentences ever in a comment left here. :)

      Ha! I don't need the meds to state things when I'm talking in person, when inflection and body language have just as much to do with the conversation. On the blog, I'm usually pretty reserved. Very little ranting going on here.

      This hop is the best thing going as far as looking at the positives in the world goes.

  15. Glad the oral surgery went well. Yay for homemade applesauce!
    We had beautiful weather here this weekend, too. And today, really. Could spring be coming? I'd love to believe but I know we're far too likely to have more winter before the calendar officially tells us it's springtime. But it's hope the weather gives us and that's good enough for now.
    Maybe I'll finally stop having a cold.
    Mock Trial is a very cool thing. Nice that you don't have much travel to do!
    I can't even think about this election without getting sick to my stomach or a raging migraine. Either way. Ugh ugh ugh. I pray about it. A lot.

    1. Thank you. I grabbed a little container of purchased applesauce one day. It tastes terrible compared to what I'm used to! :)
      The good thing about this time of year is, even though winter sometimes shows up, it never lasts for long. A warm day comes soon after to melt any snow we got. Spring is coming!!
      I really hope you stop having a cold. They are so draining and frustrating. A couple of my boys have them, and I lie awake at night listening to Turken cough. Poor guy.
      I had no idea Mock Trial was such a competitive thing until they got into it. It's a great experience for them.
      Ugh is right. It's like a train wreck we see coming, but we can do nothing to stop it.

  16. I'm one of those "which one do I choose now?!?!?" people. GAH!!! ;)

    Too bad about the lack of video. Tee hee.

    Congrats to Phoenix & Buttercup!!! How exciting!

    1. I'm in the same boat. Unfortunately, by the time the Indiana primary rolls around, there won't be much choice left. It's a terrible situation.

      I'm even kinda disappointed. :)

      Thanks. It is super exciting. They've been practicing all week, getting ready for the big day.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!