
Friday, January 8, 2016

Being Back in Reality Doesn't Always Bite, TToT 134

I'd like to say we're back to normal now that school has started, but that is not the case. My kids' schools didn't start back on the same day, so I've been messed up the entire week. (Today is Friday, right?)

Good stuff happening around here...

1. The 12 Days of Christmas are officially over, and the decorations have been put back in their boxes. Cuckoo is not happy about it. Thankfully, he's easily distracted, so the "WHY? WHY DO WE HAVE TO TAKE THE ORNAMENTS DOWN??" only lasted about 30 seconds.

2. I brought a little bit of summer to the cold winter nights by thawing some of the black raspberries I picked and froze over the summer. A cobbler with some home-whipped whipped cream hit the spot.

3. The year of "Get Stuff Done!" is going strong. (It is not a resolution. I started it last year when I hired the handyman to actually do the stuff.) This week, I bought a much needed dresser for Turken and a TV stand for the game room. For 20 years, we've had a TV sitting on a cheap, round, little table covered in a piece of pink and white striped material. It's ugly and it doesn't have the room to hold the VCR or the kids' video game console.  (Yes, I said VCR. It works and we still use it!) It's way past time to replace it.

4. On Monday, while the three youngest were in school, I took the three high school kids and 5 other high school kids to the north side to do some rock wall climbing. They all had fun, and I was able to get a good workout in. (I was still sore three days later.)

5. It seems as soon as we got past the Winter Solstice, the chickens started dropping more eggs again. (Did you know that chickens mostly stop laying in the winter? Not because of the cold, but because of the lack of sunlight.) They were doing pretty well all winter, giving us 5-7 eggs each day, so I only had to buy a few dozen. Soon, we'll be back to selling again.

6. On Wednesday, I was able to have breakfast with a friend and her itty bitty baby. Snuggling with an extra-small 3 month old is a great way to start the day.

7. A bit random here, but I'm so glad our school does not and never has had required, logged reading time each day. I hear of so many parents complaining about it, and I'm guessing their kids are complaining right along with them. It may help kids learn how to read, but it certainly doesn't seem to help kids learn to love to read.

8. Including the rock wall climbing, I managed to work out 4 days this week. Today I even tried the yoga class at my gym. It's been one year since I joined the gym, and it's about time I looked into the classes. Shake things up a bit.

9. There are a few meals that all the kids and Bryan and I like.

10. While the winter is cold, and we hate that, it is also a relaxed time of year. It's the calm before the spring storm of soccer and volleyball and baseball and track and middle school musical and Sacraments and graduation and and and and and. These days, we are enjoying our free evenings to relax and play and eat dinner all together. And watch sporting events. There's always basketball and football for the boys to watch.

So, how has your first week back in reality been?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. I see the code problem. Last week's link up. Hmmm. Hopefully, someone smart will figure out how to fix it, which counts me out as a candidate.
    We're expecting our first snow tomorrow. I am already very cold in anticipation of it.
    I need to get back to the gym, but since I can't wear anything on my right heel, it's not going to happen.
    There is nothing more satisfying than getting all the Christmas decorations put away.

    1. (waving hand wildly in the back of the class, half jumping up…. "Me Me!!")

      …oh you were being sarcastic with the 'half smart'…. never mind

    2. Oooooh, how much snow did you get? Ours was all rain today. Lots of it. So glad it wasn't cold enough for snow.
      How about swimming? Or water aerobics? :)
      It does feel nice to have them away. Cleaner. Now, to get the rest of the "We don't have a home yet" Christmas gifts put away...

      Hi Clark. :)

    3. It ended up being only about an inch of snow, but it was fluffy and looked pretty.
      I can't swim. I used to do Aqua Zumba, which is fun but which did NOTHING for me otherwise, as far as I could tell.
      I feel a big purge coming on here before long.
      Hi Clark :)

    4. Do you mean "I can't swim" as in I can't swim well enough to do laps or "I can't swim" as in I'd die a horrible death if I fell in 6 ft of water?

  2. My tree was taken down last night, but I still have lights out front on my house. It's just the white ones however. The red bulbs were removed.
    I would love to try a rock wall climb. It's on my list of things to try at some point in time.

    1. I wouldn't mind if people kept lights up on their houses all year long. They are so pretty to see when I'm driving around at night.

      Do it! Do it! There are all sorts of levels, so really, you can do it!

  3. 3 - What's wrong with still having and using a VCR? I still have one, 20 years old and works perfectly. I don't watch tv enough to justify having all the latest technology and gadgets for recording things I might miss etc so I just stick with a basic tv with built-in Freeview and dvd player, and still use the VCR on occasions.

    4 - The rock wall climbing looks fun - and very colourful too. I've often thought about trying it myself but fear I may be a bit too old now!

    5 - Glad you're getting more eggs from the chickens, definitely far tastier than mass-produced shop bought ones.

    6 - Extra-small babies are just so adorable. There's one next-door to me, six months old but looks less than half that - I've seen bigger new-borns.

    8 - Well done on the gym workouts. My friend and her daughter recently joined a local gym and their membership came with a free 12-day pass for me so I've been there most days. The fees are too high for me though so I joined another local one and will be going for the first time later today - it's open 24/7 too so I'm not tied to always fitting in my workouts with my work life.

    PS - And guess what? - It's STILL raining!!

    1. Thank you! We get made fun of all the time because we don't have a DVR or any way of recording things off the TV. It's just not that important.

      You're not too old! Give it a try! The colored stripes are the "paths" you can take if you choose to follow one. Each color is a different level of difficulty.

      They do taste so much better, and they're better for you, too!

      This family whose baby I held has the smallest babies. My kids came out bigger than her 3 month old is now.

      I've never heard of a 24/7 gym! I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Many places are these days. Hope the new one works out for you. (See what I did there? Didn't mean to, but I'm leaving it.) ;)

      Still?!!? I'm sorry to hear that. We had a lot of rain today, too, but at least we had a break of a few days between. I pray your home is still dry.

  4. Hey, Christine, I was drooling over the blackberry cobbler and homemade whipped cream. At my gym I only do classes, because they are such fun - just follow the instructor and let my mind go wherever. Except for yoga. I have to concentrate on that. So nice to hold a baby. I am anxious for a new one in our family (really soon). A grand niece is due in April. Just between you and me, I wish a certain recently married son and daughter-in-law would get to it. All in good time.

    1. It was good, if I do say so myself. (and it's not boasting, because I used the easiest recipe on the internet. No one can mess this one up.) :)
      I try to concentrate during yoga, but my mind tends to wander and pay no attention to that pesky breathing. I'm looking forward to trying the Zumba next week.
      Will the grand niece be living close enough that you can get your baby-holding time as much as you want? I it really a thing for people to volunteer to hold babies in the NICU? I've heard that people are needed to hold babies, since parents can't be there all the time. I would do that in a heartbeat!
      Patience, Mama... :)

  5. Firstly, a happy new year, Christine. I am glad that your hectic week is over. As a former teacher, I'd have to agree with you about logged reading. It may instill discipline, but it does make the activity a chore for kids who dislike it. I think engaging children with short ebooks is probably the way to go.

    1. Thank you!
      So many variable with the reading. As with most things, I guess, the ideal would be for a different tactic to be used with each child, specific to him to best help him. There's no way that can happen in a classroom, though.

  6. Our Christmas decorations are still up. I have every intention on taking them down because I really hate looking at them but hockey is making me its bitch.
    First week was the worst. My son is getting bullied by his teacher at school. It has taken everything in me not to murder him this week.
    Booze. That's what I need to do. Take up boozing for 2016.
    Those raspberries look delicious. My grandma had planted them in her garden and they took over her entire yard! They grew all over the place!

    1. Well, you don't HAVE to take the decorations down. My dad and stepmom keep their tree up all year long. The first year they took the ornaments off, but this last year, they didn't even bother with that.
      I really hate to hear that about your son, and I pray your son and you find a way to deal with it.

      I have no doubt about your grandma's yard being taken over. We didn't even plant these! They grow wild all over our property. Each year, I find another spot where they've started growing.

  7. Good (about the getting to the gym). Not only is exercise good for one's health and such, it's essential for a scott. Your people have so much energy, outlets are nearly necessary (visual: well-cared for, health dog chasing it's tail).
    Impressed though with rock wall climbing! lots of real strength necessary.
    Totally agree, 'the love of reading is one of the single best gifts to any child from parents'

    1. Did you know my nickname in high school was Spaz? Lends a bit more credibility to your theory. :)

      You ain't kidding. At one point, hanging on the wall, I had only one more move to make before I was at the top. I so wanted to reach it, but my hand/arm would not move. I was looking at my arm, actually telling it to let go and move to the next one. It refused. It would only release so I could drop to the ground.
      If only all parents could...

  8. I got the last of our decorations put away yesterday. Perhaps now I will stop getting the side-eye from R. ;)

    That cobbler looks deeeeeelicious!!

    Oh how I wish we did not have the reading log and you are SO was torture for all of us. :(

    1. Ha! I'm sure Riley appreciates it, even if he never actually tells you. :)

      It was!

      I understand the need to make some kids read, but man oh man. There has to be a better way.

  9. Oooh the climbing looks hard but good fun! So nice to think that the days are getting longer ... increase in egg productivity and who doesn't like a wee baba?

    1. It was fun. And difficult! Fortunately, there are levels for everyone, even the wimpiest of wall climbers. :)

      I am so happy to know that the days are getting longer. So, so happy.

  10. I always love coming over to read your posts, you know that? All the amazing things you do with your kiddos and how you manage your home and chickens and LIFE is inspiring to me. I mean it. I wish we lived closer... I'd get a even better 'view' and walk alongside you to take it all in.

    Can you make me a gluten free cobbler please? *Thankyouverymuch* #Berightover.

    1. Aw, Chris. You are so sweet. Come over any time. :)

      We would have a roaring good time if we lived in the same town.

      If you come, I'll find a way to make it.

  11. Yeah, all those kids with dyslexia? They never choose to read so you do have to make them. It kinda sucks, but it has to be done. Look at a chart of the gap of vocabulary development between a kid who doesn't read and one who does regularly. Not to mention fluency. And the hope is that somewhere someday the kid will find something that motivates them to read without a timer.
    I wish I had a blackberry cobbler.

    1. I know. There is no getting around the making of some kids read. I just wish it could be done in a different way. How much better would it be if we could get kids to enjoy books before they had to learn how to read them? To see the benefits and fun to be had first. Unfortunately, in many schools, kids are now expected to know how to read before they leave kindergarten. Forcing kids to read before their little brains are ready isn't doing anyone any good.

      Come to Indiana and I'll make one for you! :)

  12. I so agree with number ten. I love the long nights that bring family inside with fewer commitments and no desire to freeze. Time together playing and catching up with one another. The best!

    1. It is worth the 5 layers of clothing and blankets I have to wear at all times of day and night. :)

  13. our chickens are all confused too... The egg production is at an all time high.

  14. i cook with eggs a lot .. and almost every time I crack eggs in a bowl i hear you virtually of course say how thin the shells are from store bought eggs ... i am fascinated with the whole raising chicken and living on a farm and lastly but not least in awe that almost all of your meals are prepared with food that was raised or grew at your home - it is amazing... and a this cooks dream to feed my family food that i know where it comes from...
    newborns are precious - i believe two things about babies that it is therapeutic or a need or a force that women need to hold babies - holding my nieces, nephews and friends babies always made me happy, calmer, at peace...the second thing about babies - newborns is that when they looking right at you with their eyes wide open they still hold or know all the secrets of the universe - they know God - does that sound quirky? its what I feel....
    omg lastly and i'll stop i promise the rock climbing although i would love to try it i know i would probably sit on sidelines watching the kids climb - i don't think i have the stamina or energy lately ---- i need to get active again...:)

    1. It makes me happy that you think of me when you use eggs. Add to your internal conversation, "And the yolks are so pale and the whites aren't very white". :)
      I do still get a thrill on nights when at least half of our dinner is from our own yard. I think the only reason we can do it, though, is because I stay at home. If I worked, there is no way we'd be able to live where we live and do what we do.
      That isn't quirky at all! I've often thought the same thing.
      You are always welcome to say as much as you want in a comment. I like that a post gives you so much to say. :)
      Oh, give it a try! There are lots of levels, including beginner.

  15. The cobbler looks delicious! I've been craving all the sweets lately, I think because I stopped adding sugar to my coffee so my body is withdrawing or something.
    Rock wall climbing is a lot of fun and a great workout. I've done it once but need to look into places nearby to do it again.
    I wholeheartedly agree with #10. I'm not a fan of the cold but I love relaxing evenings at home with the family enjoying the simple pleasures of each others company, board games and good books.

    1. It was. :) And it was so easy to make. I have no doubt the lack of sugar in your coffee has something to do with your cravings! That stuff is hard to get our bodies to get away from!
      It is a super workout, isn't it? My kids have gone several times with their friends, but it was the first time I have been. I've already talked one of my friends into going back with me while our kids are at school. :)
      It's one of the very few benefits of winter. For sure.

  16. I wish our Christmas decorations were down! It was my intention to do it this weekend, now that the 12 days have passed and we've celebrated the feast of the Epiphany. However. A dryer repair, eczema, a head cold, and other things kept that task from getting checked off the list. I'm ready to have my house back to normal. We did get the outside lights down and the banister decorations and stockings down, but the rest will have to wait. I hope to add that to next weekend's TToT list! Sounds like you are enjoying your winter evenings - sounds like great fun! Karate goes all year so we still have that, but we've moved swimming to Saturday mornings which gives us two weeknights of freedom and that's making a huge difference.

    1. You've made progress. Don't beat yourself up. You could always do what my dad does and leave the tree up all year. :)
      I celebrate an evening off. Outside of winter, they are few and far between.

  17. Rock climbing is the best! Not that I'm biased, or anything.

    1. Ha! I much prefer rock climbing when it is the hiking kind up a real mountain of rocks. This fake wall will have to do for now. :)

  18. That cobbler looks so wonderful...and the rock climbing...good thing to do...thanks for the great list.

    1. It was really good. And the recipe is a snap.
      I didn't think I'd like rock climbing as much as I did. Glad I gave it a try.

  19. Stupid internet.

    It was so hard. I got to a point where my arms and hands refused to do what I told them. They couldn't let go of the rock I was clinging to unless it was to completely give up. That's how you know you've worked hard. :)

    It is a huge deal. Have no fear, though, there were a few who did poo poo the sides. :)


  20. I don't think I've ever been so late in taking down Christmas decorations, but the inside of the house still looks like December! (Come to think of it, so does the outside, though the lights are unplugged.) I was going to take the tree down on Saturday, but then decided to start painting my bedroom instead.

    My chickens have been confused for a very long time--zero eggs for months! I don't know what the problem is--I keep thinking that they will start up again soon.

    Raspberries are the best, and that cobbler looks delicious!

    1. Ha! You and I are alike! I just surprised Bryan this weekend when out of the blue I said, "I'm going to start taking the wallpaper down now." Home improvement, once we stop procrastinating, is so satisfying. :)

      What?!?! That's weird. How old are your chickens?

      Funny, I'm not a fan of just eating freshly picked raspberries. But cooked into a dessert? I'm all over it. :)

  21. Ok so I have belonged to our gym since I was PG with Tucker and never have done a class, so you're ahead of me and I was totally going to take down the Christmas decorations today but then, I was like "it's cold and gloomy and we have three days until the recycle mulch truck comes for the tree so we'll leave them up!
    Also yum to rasberries. And to rock climbing.

    1. Is there a reason you don't do the classes?
      Hope you didn't miss that recycle truck. :)

      I second that yum.

  22. Ah, newborns. Did you sniff baby's head? I hope you sniffed baby's head. =)

    Just a note... I would love (LOVE) to join in on the linkup, but is it only live on the weekends? I seem to keep missing the deadline for it.... I try to avoid technology on the weekends, so that must be it. In any case- so fun!

    1. Of course!!! Is there someone alive who DOESN'T smell a tiny baby's head?

      It is open Friday night through Sunday night. Our "rules" are very un-rule-like, so if you would like, just post your list on another day. You just have to link up after Friday night. Or let me know that you want linked and I can do it for you once the link goes live. We'd love to have you!

    2. And really, your "Blessings" posts would absolutely fit in our thankful linkup!


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!