
Saturday, August 1, 2015

This Week, I'm Mostly Thankful for Friends, TToT #111

(1) I'm pretty quiet about my blogging. I don't talk about it with any of my friends. I don't promote it on my personal Facebook page. Just not something I do, probably because non-bloggers don't really get the point of it. Doesn't mean I don't cherish my blogging friends. I am so grateful for all of the friends I've made. This week alone, they've been checking on me and praying for some intentions I have and sharing embarrassing dead animal stories with me to make me feel better about mine. Thank you, everyone!

(2) While I'm at it, thank you to all of you readers who don't share much. I know you're out there, because I hear about you and from you every once in a while. I appreciate you, too.

(3) I am glad, though, that my family has finally come around and sorta understands that I have blog friends. (It helps that I've met quite a few of you, and even crashed at your houses.) Unfortunately, they have now forgotten that I know people outside of blogging and church. My good friend from college surprised me when she sent a note saying she and her family were going to be driving through and wanted to stop. I hadn't seen her in over 10 years, so the kids don't remember meeting her. When I told them S was coming, each of them asked (at different times), "Which blog does she write?" They couldn't grasp the fact that I had a life before them and know lots of people from those years. When I told them she was a college friend, Star, funny guy that he is, said, "You were blogging back then?"

(4) We had such a fun time with S and her family, despite Cuckoo's attempt at derailing it. (Same link as the last one. Really, if you haven't read it, you should.) Her girls are delightful, and S and her husband are just as they were in college.

(5) Bryan is attempting to turn us into a whole different family. We never, ever used to go to movies in the theaters, but in the last 6 months, Bryan has suggested we go many times. Our family has seen more movies in the last 6 months than we've seen in the previous 6 years. Last weekend, we split up. Bryan took the little boys and Buttercup to see Minions, and I went with the big boys to Ant-man. I most definitely got the better deal. I was told their movie stunk, but I really enjoyed ours. No one is more surprised about that fact than me.

(6) While I'm not happy about aging, I'm very glad that medical advancements can help with the symptoms of aging. Specifically, these:

Finding reading glasses that don't look completely ridiculous on my face was a failure, but at least Buttercup and I had fun trying. I used them to try to read the paper this morning. The words were so clear! but it's going to take some getting used to. I actually started to get a little queezy after a while.

(7) For three years I've been talking about my friend who moved to Japan. For three years I've missed her terribly. Well, SHE'S BACK!! They moved back for good, and it's been so fun getting to hang out with her again.

(8) High school starts on Wednesday, and the younger kids start the following week. (I don't want to talk about it.) Having to buy school supplies for six kids for the first time (I said I don't want to talk about it!), I am very grateful that stores have great sales on common school supply needs. I still had to shell out a bundle of cash, but it could have been a whole lot worse.

Some of our purchases. Don't know where we're going to eat dinner until their backpacks arrive.

(9) As you know, we didn't have any pigs this year. BUT we have a freezer full of pork again thanks to a friendly reader (who is married to Bryan's college roommate (who happens to be a real farmer)). We had some sausage gravy and biscuits last night and it was delicious!

(10) Despite my complete disregard for planning, our church directory photo session went well. We all had coordinating shirts, everyone was in a good mood, and the photographer was fun to work with. While Cuckoo was hysterically over-cheesing for most of the shots, we managed to find one that would work for the directory. (We were very tempted to use one of the funny ones, but it's the 50th anniversary edition, and we didn't want to be that family in this particular one.)

So, my friends, tell me about something that went well for you this week.

Link up or let me know in the comments.

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. FRIST!!!???

    no time to reAD GOT TO HIT publish

    1. Yer, Sir! Good thing you jumped on it, seeing as how Sandee beat you to the read the post before commenting punch. :)

  2. I'm met a lot of blogging buddies and some in other countries. This October I have a blogging buddy from Australia coming for a visit. I'll be posting about that later.

    I love your thankful posts. A. Lot.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. How exciting to have a friend from Australia coming! Can't wait to read about it!

      I'm glad. After 111 of them, there's a fear that they become monotonous.

  3. ... my second ('well. yes, I did, in fact. actually read the actual Post...eventually) comment disappeared, so here it is again

    Number 8 one word: 'No. Way'*

    it's August, is there something in the Central Time Zone that automatically drops a month to make up for all the hours you are behind us every single day? surely that's explanation for 1st Day of School being, like the middle of Summer. Unless, when the kids graduate, they're like Second Year Med School or taking their GRE's....
    gonna try the simple form of comment publish again.

    1. I was thinking the same thing... wow you guys start early... I actually thought when they graduate they must have a bachelor's degree! clarks...

  4. Hey, hey hey! Loving the new look. And you look great in those glasses!

  5. Your kids are starting school already? Wow. My daughter starts Sept7, but then again you were probably out way before we were.
    I know exactly what you mean about the reading glasses, I just got a pair too. Still not sure I have processed needing them!

    1. It is a bummer. The high school kids were out May 22 last year. I'm thinking it's May 28 or so this year.

      I still haven't used my glasses much. Denial is my middle name. :)

  6. It feels weird that Lily just started summer break and Violet will have two more week of kindergarten before the break, and your kids are starting again already. Luckily, we've already got the supply list for second grade and we've been out buying most of it, so we won't be running to the store with everyone else on first day of school in September!

    So excited that your friend moved back from Japan. At the moment, I'm helping a very close friend of mine to pack up and move to England, and it breaks my heart. But we now know that we absolutely have to visit England :-)

    Enjoy your week, Christine!

    1. You are just now getting out of school but starting back in September? How many days is a school year?? It's 180 for us.

      Oh, it is hard to say good-bye to a friend. It's always good to have an excuse to visit England! Start planning!

  7. I remember the back to school cash outlay as equal almost to Christmas. Glad you found sales and good prices. Kids need lots of stuff. Those reading glasses. They are my least favorite acknowledgement of aging. I can never find them, I refuse to wear them around my neck on a chain, and they're always smudgy. Enjoy the last week.

    1. At this point, it might be equal to Christmas. We don't buy a lot for our kids. :) For four years, we are having to spend more than most, since each year we have someone starting high school, which has a different uniform than the elementary/middle school. I'll take a sale whenever I can.

      My mom thinks she's funny and gave me two chains for my glasses. I haven't used them, but I kept them. There may be a time when I wear them around the house when no one is looking. :)

      I'm doing my best!

  8. I enjoyed the wonderful weather this week while golfing! And HOW IS SCHOOL STARTING SO SOON?!

    1. It has been some good weather. I've liked seeing your pretty course photos. :)


  9. I thought California was the only state that starts school in the beginning of August. I won't make you talk about it, but from one mom to another, let me just say you might eventually enjoy the few quiet hours each day sans kiddos. Every stage has its advantages.

    Your comment about your family forgetting you have friends other than blogging friends and church friends made me laugh. We were having a similar sort of conversation here the other day!

    1. I know I will not only get used to it, but eventually come to like the quiet. That first few days are going to be rough, though.

      Ha! I guess I should just be glad that they realize I have friends at all. :)

  10. Nashville kids start school Wednesday, too. Our big cheeses decided last year (mostly because the high school wasn't completed like it was supposed to be) to start school the week before Labor Day, which works for me. Then the high school STILL wasn't done, and they didn't start until the day AFTER Labor Day, which was REALLY nice. They added time to every day and now we go less days, getting out in mid-May. Pretty sweet deal.
    How did I not realize you didn't have pigs this year? And I'm obviously out of the loop, because I didn't know you had anything going on that might need prayer. I'm sorry! (stop, drop, pray for Christine)
    There are a couple of good things about high school with laptops and no books: no school supplies! Or, at least, only a minimal amount.
    By the way, I no longer have to say "my blog friend Christine" at my house; you're just "Christine" now :)

    1. So they have made the change permanent? Longer days but fewer of them from now on? How many days do they go now?

      I only mentioned it one or two times, so it's not surprising you missed it. I didn't tell anyone about the needed prayers until they asked. I left a comment at Lizzi's saying I'd had some sad things happening around me lately, and they messaged me. No your fault you didn't know.
      I wouldn't like the no books thing at all. Buttercup would hate it. She has summer work in which she has to outline 6 chapters of her textbook and turn it in electronically. She writes them out in a notebook, then types them into the computer.
      YIPPEE!! :)

    2. There are 164 attendance days in 2014-2015. Before the change, it was 174. I guess it will stay that way until a new superintendent changes it back.
      There are books for AP classes only. Most of their stuff is done online, with very little turning in of physical papers. It's weird, but they're used to it by now.

    3. Lucky ducks! We go for 180 days.
      I would really hate the computer only for math. One of the biggest things when teaching/learning math is to show your work. That's really hard to do without actual paper.

  11. It is marvelous to have her back. Her oldest is in Giant's class, and her youngest will be in Cuckoo's. I'm not the only older mom like I am in Turken's class, so I'm happy, happy, happy. :)

    A hipster? No way! :)

  12. My husband is nuts for sausage bacon.
    I'm glad my kids are a bit older because it does make the bts shopping cheaper--mostly notebooks, pens and folders by high school.
    Isn't it great to claim so many friends? I feel like blogging is a lot like the pen pals of my youth--I had one from FRANCE!

    1. Yes, high school does make supply-shopping a lot easier. Plus, they stop growing, so clothes fit longer. And they don't have recess, so the knees in their pants stay intact.
      That's what I always say! Blog friends are pen pals, but even better. Of course, I never had a pen pal. Very cool that you had one in France! So, did she write in English or did you write in French?

  13. I am always fascinated by the differences in school year stops and starts around the country - and the world, for that matter. We're crying because we go back August 31st this year and here you are already into it by now! Best wishes for a great year to all of you - all six in school. Holy. Cow. Or pig. :D
    I'm off to read the dead animal thing because while I did see it go by in my feed, I have yet to catch up on anything this summer. Life, you know?
    I think the glasses are cool. Of course, this is from a woman who can no longer see without them at night or early in the morning - I get about ten hours of the day where my eyes work OK and the rest...pfft. Forget it!

    1. Yeah. Holy pig indeed. I'm really starting to get anxious about it all. High school is started. Only a few more days with the rest of them. :(
      Odd that your eyes only work certain hours. Huh. Never heard of that.

  14. I'm thankful that I've got a wonderful aunt and uncle who are willing to have my daughter visit them for a week and keep her entertained. That kid has watched FAR too much Netflix this summer! I'm also grateful that the government didn't screw around about paying out the death benefit for my mother so I can now pay back what I borrowed for her funeral. Talk about a monkey off my shoulder!

    I'm also SO grateful that our kids don't start school as early as yours do! :)

    1. Well, you've had a difficult summer. I'm glad she'll be able to visit with her aunt and uncle, though. What fun!
      So glad the financials are getting worked out in a timely fashion. That is always stressful.

      Ha! I'm not happy about it, I'll tell ya that!


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