
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Feeding Children on the Go

If someone were to ask me what the best purchase I have ever made in my life has been, without hesitation I would say our Tupperware divided lunch boxes.

I bought them for $10 each when I was pregnant with Star.

I would have paid way, way more.

Ours are something like this.

Unfortunately, Tupperware doesn't make them anymore.

I apologize for Tupperware's inability to see the goldmine they had.

In the past 14 years, we have used them hundreds upon hundreds of times.

Here's why:

1. Money is saved. There are no baggies, as everything just gets put into the boxes. And think of the money I haven't spent on eating out!

2. Everyone eats healthier meals.

2. The boxes can be packed depending on each child's taste.

3. When it's time to eat, there isn't a bunch of time-wasting divvying up of food. Just pass out the boxes.

4. There is no concern about food being placed on dirty tables.

5. When eating outside, while a child is eating his sandwich, the lid can be closed so as not to attract flies and bees.

6. When traveling, the boxes are easily held in the kids' laps, enabling them to eat while the car is in motion.

7. The words "HE ATE THE LAST ONE AND I DIDN'T GET ANY!" or "HE GOT MORE THAN ME!" or "I WANTED THE GREEN BOX!!" are never screeched, since the food is dished out beforehand into identical boxes.

Road trip with Phoenix, Buttercup, and Star.

But what to put in those boxes??

Sandwiches, of course, are the easiest to pack. That is the usual for us. However, I've packed salads and wraps in there, too. Really, anything your kid likes to eat. (And if your kids are anything like mine, they will want to eat the same blasted thing every single day. I usually let them.)

I have packed breakfast foods in there, too. In fact, 180 school days in a row, my kids ate breakfast in the car. Scrambled eggs, cereal, bagels, french toast with's all good.

No joke. If you have little kids and you like to picnic or need to eat on the go a lot, get these.

Well, something similar to these, seeing as how Tupperware is a doofus.

Have a lovely day!

This post is part of the A-Z Challenge, whose motto should be, "Stressing bloggers out while keeping them asking for more since 2010".


  1. Wow, you are so organized! Sure beats me throwing poptarts at my kids!

    1. I will admit, a small(ish) part of the reason I am so organized about food and even video games is because when Phoenix was little relatives said I would not keep up the no TV or no fast food rules. I am nothing if not stubborn, but in this case, I think it has served me well. :)

  2. (…. dman! near FRIST…. if you little friend, Mrs Real doesn't want her FRIST…can I have it?)

  3. hey! that was kinda appropriate to today's post!*

    * yeah, I know, I'll try to be careful, next time

  4. I'm a big fan of lunchbox containers. Rubbermaid has come out with some cute little containers that snap together in different sizes. My daughter loves to take her lunch to work in them. Construction working husband, not so much. I like the point about not putting food on dirty tables. And no trash. Another brilliant one, Christine.

    1. Bryan has gone through periods of packing lunch, but it never lasts long.

      I'll have a look at the Rubbermaid ones. I'm always looking for something that will work since they can't have mine. :)

      Thank you!

  5. They arent lunch boxes but the Glad people just put out divided food storage em... they are perfect for the niece who doesnt like any of her food touching! Not to mention her father who gave her that idea! I also make dinners for my mom once a week and this lets me freeze them for her without it becoming one solid frozen block in the container!

    1. I saw those! They are perfect for a variety of situations.

  6. They arent lunch boxes but the Glad people just put out divided food storage em... they are perfect for the niece who doesnt like any of her food touching! Not to mention her father who gave her that idea! I also make dinners for my mom once a week and this lets me freeze them for her without it becoming one solid frozen block in the container!

  7. A brilliant way to feed the kids and adults too. Way better than baggies. Those things are expensive.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Wow, that is genius. Too bad tupperwear doesn't make those any more. But I bet I could fashion something similar.
    Good luck with the 2015 A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

    1. Thanks!
      I'm sure you could. There are plenty of versions, but I haven't found any I like as much. :)

      Thank you! I am really going to need it throughout the month.

  9. great idea - awesome containers -

  10. After this month, you need to just publish your entire parenting book!

    1. Ha! I'm already tired of my theme. I feel like I'm just a big know-it-all, spewing info people don't need, but make me look smarter than I am. :/

    2. No! I don't get a bossy undertone to your posts, just practical tips. I loved reading those kind of tips when my kids were young, and now that they are grown, I still enjoy reading your posts.

    3. No! I don't get a bossy undertone to your posts, just practical tips. I loved reading those kind of tips when my kids were young, and now that they are grown, I still enjoy reading your posts.

  11. I remember Tupperware - too bad they don't have them anymore. My Aunt was a Tupperware lady and she would pitched the new wares first to my mum and other aunts before going to other households. We have matching Tupperwares, especially food containers, some of which my mum still kept in her shelves. Your kids are all adorable!

    Greetings from fellow AtoZer!

    Postcards Crossing

    1. Was your mum and aunts happy to be her guinea pigs? :)

      Tupperware does make some great products. I have lots of them, and they all get used.

      Thank you!

  12. Those are awesome! And I love that picture of your kiddos! I think Phoenix looks like Cuckoo in that picture.


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