
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Some Alphabetical Ideas Would be Great.

I'm taking a risk.

It's not a big one, but it is a risk nonetheless.

I am going to do the A-Z Challenge in April.

A post every day of the week except Sundays.

Each of the 26 posts is assigned a letter of the alphabet, and the post must revolve around it somehow.

I did this challenge a couple of years ago, and while it took a lot of time, it was a lot of fun. Plus, I met a lot of bloggers, some of whom I consider good friends now.

This time, though, I'm going with a theme to make it easier.

I think I'm going to go with a theme.

I threw out "Phrases that Are Getting Old and Bug the Poo Out of Me" for a variety of reasons.

While I do wish people would stop saying "taking it to the next level" when talking about absolutely everything, it seemed like a whole lot of negativity crammed into one month.

Speaking of poo, I could probably come up with 26 different encounters with poo, but that's just too much poo for one month. Although, the titles could be fun.

I thought of doing something bizarre that's never been done before, like 26 uses for an old umbrella, but that would take work. Our broken umbrellas really only have one use. They pretend to be fully-functioning umbrellas until it rains and I take one out of the trunk and get soaked because one arm is broken in half.

26 Ways to Embarrass or Annoy Teens could be fun, but the kids would end up hating me by the end of April.

Between raising 6 kids and teaching and coaching and leading teen groups and taking photos of kids and volunteering in a wide variety of places with kids, I've learned a thing or two. But since giving unsolicited advice in person is a bad idea, I never get to share my hard-earned wisdom.

There is no such rule against giving advice and sharing wisdom on one's own blog.

So, in the spirit of doing what people on the internet do, I'm going to go with "Tips and Tricks and Ideas to Make Working with and Taking Care of Kids Easier". 

Perhaps someone will find something useful.

Yes, I realize half (if not more than) my readers aren't taking care of kids on a daily basis.

For you, I will be putting stories in with the tips and tricks and ideas to keep it interesting. AND I ask that you stick around and give advice and ideas in the comments pertaining to each day's topic.

So... I've been coming up with a list in my head about the topics I'll cover. Based on the alphabet. I've hit a few snags.

I could use some help.

To my readers who have kids, little or big, do you have something which is giving you headaches? Is there an area in which you could use some ideas?

Perhaps something that starts with Q? Or K? Or U?

Please let me know. 

We'll see how this all shakes out.

Have a lovely day!


  1. Replies
    1. hahaha!! Does anyone really have an answer for that?

  2. I'm going t have to think on this one. It's been a long time since kids lived here. I'm in my 60s so they've been gone a long time.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Well, when I start getting into the challenge, give me your two cents about the topic at hand. I'm wanting to learn, too!

  3. I love the idea of 26 different encounters with poo. With your ability to make some of the direst situations sound funny I'm sure it would make a very amusing subject :)

    It's good to know you're doing the challenge again. I decided a couple of days ago that I would do it again and I registered yesterday - my theme this time is places I've been to or stayed at while camping and I've already got ideas for most of the letters, though Q, V and U could be a bit difficult :)

    1. Hahaha! You may be the only person who wants to read about poo for an entire month. Perhaps it has something to do with your profession? :)

      That is a perfect theme for you!

    2. Well with at least three votes for underwear for your 'U' post I think you should definitely include some poo somewhere :)

      I hadn't thought about it having anything to do with my profession, though I suppose you could say that sometimes I have a really sh*t job! :)

    3. Well with at least three votes for underwear for your 'U' post I think you should definitely include some poo somewhere :)

      I hadn't thought about it having anything to do with my profession, though I suppose you could say that sometimes I have a really sh*t job! :)

    4. Well I posted the above reply and saw that it was published, now several hours later I see it's gone on twice! Definitely not me - your blog must be spooked! lol

  4. Snow days! Snow days are giving me headaches! And separation anxiety. Like SEVERE separation anxiety. Like complete hysteria because two went to play in the snow and one went to take pictures of the other two all in full view of the front door. Any ideas for building independent play, too.
    I am looking forward to this even if you don't address my questions because as far as I can tell, you are a master at this, and I will learn SOMETHING.

    1. Thank you for the ideas! I'll definitely use at least one of them. Hopefully by the time the challenge gets here, we won't have to be thinking about snow days anymore.

      That would be a real bummer if no one learns anything or gets a new idea in an entire month.

  5. I will follow your alphabetic adventures avidly, but bet I won't be bored, can you create consistent….. (damn! that A to Z thing sounds kinda tough!…)
    A post a day, huh?
    That should be fun!

    1. Look at you go! Don't suppose you'll be jumping into the challenge. :)

      Fun is one word for it. Not one that many people would use, though... :)

  6. Q could definitely stand for quiet. K could be for kickstart (motivating children to _____). And how about uncovering the truth for U?

    One of these years I should jump in and join the fun. It's been a challenge for me to write more than once a week lately, though, so I'm not sure writing 26 posts in April is realistic. Looking forward to reading your posts, though.

    1. Good ones! Thank you!

      I'm certain that writing 26 posts in April is realistic. I'm trying to get as many done before April starts as I can.

      Feel free to jump in with any advice you have along the way!

    2. Oh, I have no doubt you can come up with 26 posts. I was questioning whether I should try. I'm still trying to decide, which means I'm leaning towards jumping in. I definitely would want to get as many as possible written ahead of time!

  7. Q for Quiet...I Need Some.

    K for Kick Something. As in Kick Something's (flu, cold, schoolwork, vacation, messy house) butt.

    U for Underwear...Why Do Kids Never Want to Change Theirs??

    1. With five boys running around, I know what a rare thing quiet can be.

      So many questions about underwear!!

  8. KnockKnees or what happens when your kid has orthopedic issues , and X-rays for those little to huge emergencies...Urine or potty training ... although I like the underwear suggestions better.Q could be the top five quintessential things for.... then you can have a free for all!!

    1. Well, we never had the first problem, but xrays? Yeah, we've had a few.

      Yes, I think I'm going to go with underwear.

      Great idea for Q!

  9. I don't see what was wrong with 26 Ways to Embarrass Teens. And it would be so easy!

    1. It would be easy, that is for sure. I do it on a daily basis, even when I'm not trying.

  10. Good for you!! I thought about participating last year. For about a minute. Maybe longer. I got stuck at the letter "D". It was a sign. ;)

    I laughed out loud at Dyanne's suggestion for "Q" and Amelia's topic for "U". You could definitely do justice to those two. :P

    How about "Ketchup...condiment, fruit or vegetable?" After all, don't most kids love ketchup?!? Well. Not mine. But most???

    Looking forward to your posts and good luck!!

    1. Ha! Start writing now for next year. :)

      Thanks to Dyanne and Amelia, my posts are in my head and ready to be written.

      It is the only tomato most of my kids will eat.


  11. Ha! Don't hold your breath. :)

    That's 3 votes for underwear! I do believe it means I have to do it.

  12. I'm doing the a-z too. I have found that actually, themes are harder to work with b/c you have to stick to a certain subject. I never do a theme, then I can write randomly, like - d is for donuts, m is for monkeys, q is for, Oh, look, I found a quarter. See? works for me! I'll be checking in. ;-)


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!