
Friday, February 13, 2015

Last Grandma Update and Other Things, TToT Week 87

Jumping into the list this week...

1. We are getting 12-15 eggs per day out of the chickens, and we have enough customers to buy them thanks to the lovely ladies in my new Bible study.

2. I'm ready for Lent. One thing I did was sign up for an eight week Bible study. The youngest woman there has kids my age. It's quite the nice balance to my days with the moms with first graders who are all at least 10 years younger than me.

3. Beside the Bible study, I've joined up with Dynamic Catholic to do their Best Lent Ever series. I have used materials from them before (most recently, their Confirmation preparation) and have nothing but good things to say about them.

4. The high schoolers are involved in the Mock Trial team. Who knew the Mock Trial team could take so much time? If you did, why didn't you warn us?!?! The finale is this weekend, so we can switch this item from their to-do list to their never-do-this-again list.

5. Phoenix also had volleyball tryouts for the high school this week. I heard from a few people that he did very well, but we won't know until Monday how it will all shake out. I'm just glad he is taking full advantage of the opportunities to try new things throughout high school.

6. My grandma's house sold. It took less than a week. Grandma can now completely relax, as that was the only worry she still had.

7. Grandma is doing well in the independent living facility. I talked to her earlier this week, and she was having some fun. And she figured out how to work the modern washing machine. All is well with her. The rest of the family, on the other hand, is now in an all-out hurry to get the house cleaned out in the next couple of weeks.

8. The preschool Valentine's Day party, of which I was in charge, went well. The kids had fun and I didn't leave with a headache.

9. Did you see Cuckoo's and Turken's Valentine cards on Instagram? They were the best ones we've ever made. I'm so glad I tucked the idea in my brain when I saw it last year and was actually able to retrieve it when I needed it this year.

10. CVS had a special running on printing photos and I took advantage. I not only printed them, but organized them in the appropriate albums, too. Go me. If it were July of 2012, I'd be all caught up!

Did you notice that I kind of flew through this post? It's because I'm working on quite the post for tomorrow. I'm joining up with some other lovely women who are celebrating Valentine's Day by posting about things we've learned in our years of marriage. Since I've been married 20 years, this sucker is taking a while.  You're welcome to join us if you'd like!

So, how has your week gone? What made you say thank you?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. Frist. And I love your list. Those valentines were simply the cutest I have ever seen. ( And I have seen a lot) No headache at a Preschool party???? Rare occurence. Wow, how fast Grandma's house sold. But I love the link up your writing. It's 30 years for me - I'll be around to check out what everyone has to say. Have a good week.

    1. I know you understand about the preschool party headache! And the valentine cards. Wish I could say they were my idea, but alas...

      Grandma had an awesome house, with a finished basement, a screened in porch and a gigantic park-like area behind it. And it's spotless. I figured it would go fast.

      Gearing up for your 30th anniversary trip?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Pardon me. You're writing.

  4. Love the Valentines. Wow on the house and yeah sounds like the dreadful adjusting is going well! Fingers crossed for Phoenix!

  5. So glad grandma is doing well!!! Those V-day cards are wonderful!

  6. I'm filing away your Valentine's card idea for next year. I love it! So glad your grandma's house sold fast, and that's off the worry list.

    1. Good! They are so easy to make, too!
      As much as I hate that we won't ever be in the house again, I'm glad it sold quickly.

  7. The cards are lovely. Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. Happy Valentine's Day! Lovely list of thankfuls

  9. Our chickens' egg production is picking up, too, which is a really good thing. A new law went into effect in California on January 1st, which requires that eggs sold here are certified to come from farms where the hens have a certain minimum cage size. I think it's good that the chickens have a more humane environment now, but the price of eggs has really sky-rocketed ($6.99 for 18 eggs!)

    I'm sorry. I thought that anyone who could handle the sports schedules you have, would find Mock Trial no problem. (Or maybe I was just a slacker mom, and didn't attend as many trials as you did.)

    Just yesterday, when I was trying to help another woman figure out who someone was: "Oh, is she an older woman?" I forgot that the woman I was talking to probably did think someone my age could be referred to as "older." Glad your Bible Study group puts the whole older/younger thing in its correct perspective!

    Glad you grandma's house sold quickly. Good luck with the cleaning, etc.

    The Valentine's cards are adorable!

    I think if your scrapbooks are in the 21st century already, you are caught up.

    The hop you're doing sounds like fun, but I don't think I can get something written in time.

    1. WOW! Those are some expensive eggs. I wonder how many people will start raising their own chickens now.

      That's the thing! There is only the one day for trials (today). They have had practice almost every day, last minute planning, that goes until 9:00. AND in sports, when you leave, you are done. They had so much work to do to prepare for the trial outside of their practice time. Buttercup is stressed out!

      If I can't get together with people my age, at least I have two opposites to balance out. :)

      Thank you!

      Ha! Tell that to my kids in 15 years and they have no photos from 20012 on. :)

      It was a lot of work, but completely worth it. She is leaving the link open until Tuesday if you want to give it a try.

  10. The Valentines are adorable. OH, the eggs. I wish I were close enough to be one of your customers! Good luck with the big clean out. Closing down a home after a lifetime is no small task.~May@AchievingClarity

    1. Thanks!
      The eggs are good. I wish I could ship them to you.

      One of my aunts is there now trying to get things packed up, and my brother will be heading up tomorrow to collect some of the furniture. It's a huge undertaking, but at least my grandma was OCD and kept very few things. Makes the job much easier.

  11. I love the picture idea for the valentines.


    and I think I gave up on printing pictures when the kid was four....I have like six scrapbooks before that so I guess it evens out.

    1. I did, too! And it was so easy!

      They are so much better than store bought.

      Completely evens out as long as you back them up!

  12. Those Valentines are great! And somehow I was not already following you on Instagram, but I am now. I'm glad to hear Grandma is settling in nicely to her new digs. I bet she is super relieved and you all will be too once the house business is done and over with. I will definitely be checking out your post about marriage later today. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your adorable family.

    1. I saw, and realized I wasn't following you either! All fixed now.
      She is thrilled that the house sold. She was really worried about it.

      Thank you!

  13. Oh the eggs and that means they know spring is just around the corner. Nothing better than fresh eggs.

    We are on a cruise to a yacht club this weekend so we're enjoying ourselves quite nicely.

    I'm most thankful for waking up each morning and at my age being on the right side of the dirt. I'm just saying.

    Have a fabulous day and Happy Valentines Day. :)

    1. I hate to complain, since we did have a pretty mild winter, especially compared to last year and the beating others are taking this year. We've barely had a snowflake. BUT, I am really looking forward to spring.

      What fun! I do envy your boating life.

      Honestly, we should all say the same.

      Thank you!

  14. "If it were July of 2012, I'd be all caught up!" LOL If only it was 3 years for me. I've got pictures in a big bag from my first trip to Europe...from 1984!
    The egg thing sounds terrific! What would you do if you couldn't sell all the extras?
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for Phoenix. The waiting/not knowing must be tough.
    I'm glad for your Grandma that her last worry is no more and she appears to be adjusting.
    Yes, I did see Cuckoo's and Turken's Valentine cards. Adorable!

    1. Hahaha!!! My sister had a drawer full of film she never developed. I made fun of her terribly, so she finally took it in. There were some photos from her son's 3rd birthday. He was a junior in high school at the time.

      There seems to be an endless supply of buyers these days. Someone even mimed to me at church (from the front of the church, as she was doing music) that she wanted some eggs. :)

      Grandma is so relieved to have the house sold. She can now relax completely and enjoy herself.


  15. I stagnated on my kids' scrapbooks in about 2004. There's not a lot of hope of getting caught up.
    How great that your Grandma's house sold so fast AND in the dead of winter. Not usually a good time to sell a house.
    Wait a minute, YOU were in charge of the preschool party, not the teacher? I feel cheated.
    I think it's awesome that your school has boys volleyball. Fingers crossed for Phoenix.
    We don't have mock trials at our school or I would have warned you.

    1. Yes, that would be a big job. I don't actually scrapbook. I just stick the photos in albums and write a few things in the margin.

      I thought it would go fast, but not that fast. It's a great house on an even better piece of property. And priced to sell.

      At our preschool, parents take charge of the Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Easter parties. Nice, huh?

      It isn't an IHSAA sport, so not all schools have it. It's actually biggest in Catholic schools because CYO has started it. Public school middle schoolers don't really have a team to play for. Hopefully it will grow to be more like Wisconsin and other surrounding states.

      Thanks. They just got home and are already planning for next year. BLAST! They have already forgotten how stressed they were all week.

  16. Thanks!

    I know. Lent snuck right up on us. IT STARTS ON WEDNESDAY!

  17. Good news that Grandma is doing well! And a pat on the back for being a great party hostess!

    1. Ha! Fortunately, the party is only 45 minutes long. Anybody can keep 20 preschoolers busy for 45 minutes. :)

  18. love those Valentines day cards - good news that your grandma is doing well - it all works out and you're wiser about the mock trials . :)

    1. Yes, except the kids had a great time at the mock trial and are already planning next year! Arg! How can their memories be so short to have forgotten their stress and worry from 24 hours prior?!?!

  19. I am always amazed when I read your blog at how busy you are...all the time! I feel very inadequate in comparison. Of course I have one kid who is an adult. I am long done with school activities. It is good that your grandmother is adjusting so well to her new place and that her house sold so quickly.

    1. No need to feel inadequate. I don't have a choice at the moment about how busy I am. Rest assured, when the kids are out of the house, I will be far, FAR less busy. Some might even say lazy.

      It is all good news about Grandma these days.

  20. I have boxes and boxes of photos and scrapbook items that never made it to their appropriate homes. One of these days, I will get them where they belong...
    I saw the boys' Valentines - very cute.
    Good news about your Grandma and her house, too! That's really terrific.
    I am so far behind in my reading this week and I can't figure out why. Either I'll get caught up or I'll hit "mark all as read" and move on.

  21. Where did my comment go? I am so distracted today - really behind on just...everything.
    I'm glad your grandma is settling in well and hooray for a quick home sale!
    I saw those Valentine cards earlier this week and they are just darling. Very clever!
    I think I am also ready for Lent. I am going to check out some of your links up there before Wednesday. I feel like I could use a really good heavy Lent experience this year.

    1. Um, your comment was right here all along.

      I still love those Valentines. Wish I could take credit for the cleverness. :)

      At least you have the photos printed. They will be fun to look through whether they are organized or not.

      I'm really looking forward to the Dynamic Catholic one. And, he says we shouldn't give up chocolate for Lent. :)

  22. The cards are so pretty! I plan on getting all the pictures I have stored printed in photo books one day, organized after year, but that's a project for another day :-) You know, I have about the different issue in Lily's school. We're about the youngest parents in her class, with most other parents having about 5 - 10 years on us. But since most of our friends are actually about 10 years older than we are, we don't really care :-) Luckily, Lily now has a teacher who does not believe that you have to be at least 30 to be able to properly raise a child!

    Have a wonderful week, Christine!

    1. It would be so expensive for me to get books printed. Plus, I don't know if I could whittle down the photos I'd want to add. Regardless of how it ends up, it is a big project, isn't it?

      So, so many of the kids in Turken's class are the oldest or only in the family. Seeing that Turken is the 5th and was born when I was 36, big gap. It is going to be even worse when Cuckoo gets there! Most of the people my age have their youngest kids in middle school or high school. We're oddballs no matter where we are. :)

  23. I've read a couple of posts now with people having their own chickens, but it seems that when we have space, it may just be something we have to invest in. I would love fresh eggs!

    1. They are the best. Store-bought will never be the same. And if you only have a few, they really are easy to take care of.

  24. Congrats on 20 years of marriage! As I am behind right now on my reading, I'm sure I will read that post in a day or two. I just signed up for the Best Lent Ever. I wasn't sure what to think, but I'm glad to hear that you're familiar with it and like it.

    1. Thank you!

      I've led two groups through Confirmation prep with two different programs. I like Matthew Kelly's much better. I've also read his book Dynamic Catholic. It was a good read, too. He's just very practical and knowledgeable. Let me know how you like it!

  25. Glad things are going well with Grandma. Those cards are AWESOME!!! :)


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