
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Illness Didn't Completely Ruin our Christmas, TToT week 80

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I hope you had a lovely holiday regardless of how you chose to spend it.

My family was fighting illness almost the entire time.  I even suggested to a sick Bryan that we not go to Ohio.  He quickly replied that it wasn't an option.  He suffered through with a stomach ache the entire time.  Cuckoo woke up Christmas morning with a fever and a sore throat.  He basically cuddled up on my lap the entire day.  When it was time to head to my dad's house for dinner, I only allowed the three kids who hadn't shown any sign of illness to go with me.  My 90-year old Grandma and 1-month old niece were both going to be there, and I wasn't about to be the family who got them sick.  To be even safer, the three kids and I changed clothes so as to leave those germs behind, too.  Especially since I had been holding a feverish 5 year old all day and was planning on holding that itty bitty baby all evening.

Which will be my thankful numero uno.

1.  I spent 4 hours Christmas Day doing this:

2.  So far I have managed to avoid illness.  Can you tell from this annual photo on the steps who was sick the day Santa came to our house?  (He comes early, since we spend Christmas in Ohio.)

3.  Buttercup and I spent most of that day binge watching Downton Abbey.  We don't have Netflix, so had never seen it.  She got the first season on DVD in her stocking.  She was sick and didn't feel like moving, so we didn't.  For 6 hours.  We watched the entire season in one day.

4.  The kids were happy with the gifts they received.  The one Bryan picked out for Cuckoo made us all smile.

5.  On our way out of town, we stopped at the library to let the kids pick out books for the trip, only to find the library closed.  Bryan suggested we go to a half-price bookstore by the freeway. (He also made the comment, "It will probably be cheaper than the library", alluding to the ridiculous amount of fines we've paid over the years.)  Turns out, it wasn't the chain store he thought it was, but a wonderful mom-and-pop place.  Books were stacked as far as the eye could see.  We would have liked to have more time to explore, but we had to get on the road.

6.  It has been warm for December.  Sure, it's been raining almost the entire month, but there was a few moments of sun yesterday.  Before we loaded back into the van to head home, the boys were able to play outside and use up some of their pent-up energy.

7.  We made it to and from Ohio without incident.  No one vomited in the car.  Traffic was moving.  The kids were quiet.  Bryan drove, so I got to do a whole mess of reading.

8.  I found a new series that I am really enjoying.  Added bonus, the books are only $2 on Kindle.  I started the series on Wednesday, and I'm already on the third book.  (It's called The Scavenger's Daughters by Kay Bratt if you are interested.)

9.  Still thankful for our new(ish) washer and dryer.  I was able to get all of the clothes from our trip washed and dried in two loads in no time at all.

10.  The kids were well-behaved and polite and just plain easy the whole time we were gone.  At one point, as the adults were all chatting over dessert (There are no kids besides ours at Christmas gatherings.), I glanced downstairs to find the kids all watching a Christmas movie.  Cuckoo was cuddled up with Star and Turken was lying in the crook of Phoenix's arm.  It made my heart melt to see them.

Alrighty, it's your turn.  Did your heart melt this Christmas?  What made you smile this week?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. It looks like you had a great Xmas, Christine! Glad that all went well!!!

  2. Your kids were exceptionally good weren't they. Write this down (oh you already did) and the next time they aren't remember this post. Excellent holidays except for the sick part. Also glad you got to hold that precious grand-baby a lot.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

    1. It's why I only mostly only write the good things. It's not that I want to paint a perfect picture of the kids, but I don't want to remember the fighting and such as much as I want to remember the good things. That baby time was awesome.

  3. My heart melted reading this! I am blessed with two really great kids too,and they melt my heart on a regular basis. I hope everyone is feeling back to normal soon and I'm wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year!

    1. It's wonderful when the kids are sweet to each other, isn't it?
      It seems the illness is moving out, thank heavens. Thank you!

  4. What an amazing Christmas even with the illness. It doesn't look like you let it keep you down. When you were down it was enjoyable time. Love that!

    Love the mom and pop book store and yes we have the same exact issue with the library.

    1. Well, I wasn't sick, so it I certainly wasn't held down too much. :)

      It was a great store. We've tried all sorts of different ways to keep from getting fines. I've just finally decided the fees are an investment in their education.

  5. Merry and Happy, Christine. I, too, watched part of the first season of Downton Abbey yesterday as I was unable to handle anything else coherently. And you should have heard me try to tell my husband what was going on. That was a laugh. There is something so wonderful about little babies and Christmas. They are the real gifts. Glad everyone is feeling better. Love the stair shot.

    1. Ha! Funny that we watched the same thing to pass the time while sick. By the end of the binge, I was fully expecting people to help me get dressed for the dinner I didn't have to make.

      My dad started the tradition of a stair shot on both Christmas and Easter mornings. We've done it every single year since having kids.

  6. I'm glad things went relatively well despite some illness. It's crazy how much of it's been going around this year! My Christmas was wonderful in the mountains, and since I didn't travel, I'm enjoying some low key time to read in a house that's actually clean for once.

    1. There certainly has been a lot of sickness going around. I'm glad ours hasn't lasted too long for each person and it wasn't completely debilitating.

      The way you are spending the time sounds wonderful.

  7. Merry Christmas, Christine. Hope everyone is well soon... despite that sounds like Christmas was a success! Lovely baby, sweet kids of your own... cant beat it.

    1. Today, everyone is feeling good. Crossing our fingers that tomorrow is the same.

  8. Itty bitty baby is adorable:) But then, so is Cuckoo - love the headgear!
    I hope that everyone is feeling better by the time you read this Christine. And may the the "bug" skip you. A shame that half your family was sick on Christmas but it sounds (#10) as if they did just fine.
    Very glad that your trip to and from was without trafiic jams or vomit. A TToT item if ever there was one:)

    1. She is a cute little thing. Cuckoo is cute in a whole different way. :)

      Everyone is doing much better, thanks. I am crossing all my fingers and toes that the bug is finished with our house.

      We get vomit approximately every 5th long trip in the van. Odds aren't wonderful, so it is a big thankful indeed. :)

  9. Like #6 as we are experiencing the same relatively mild weather this December very nice (especially compared to last year!)

    sounds like a good Christmas, illness notwithstanding

    1. Oh, it is almost summer-like compared to last winter. No talk of polar vortex to completely dampen the mood.

      It was. Hope yours was a nice one, too.

  10. It was lovely. I'll hold that image in my head for a long time.

    All is well today as far as illness goes, thank heavens.

  11. Illness is no fun, but it sounds like your family survived relatively unscathed. Kudos to you for keeping it away from the extended family. What a sweet little niece you have!

    1. They made it through without too much of a problem. Thank goodness!

      She is a cute little thing.

  12. Merry Christmas - sorry to hear about some of you were sick on Christmas - that's no fun at all - hope you are all well! I love holding babies too especially new borns - i am convinced that new borns still know all the secrets of the universe, their eyes are so big - hey I love babies too! Awesome traditional yearly picture, they are all growing up! Downton Abbey - is the best sharing it with a daughter so cool! Quiet cuddle watching a movie time - priceless! :)

    1. Bryan was pretty miserable for Christmas, but the kids were OK. At least I got to cuddle with Cuckoo, which I only normally get to do first thing in the morning.

      The stairs photo tradition was actually started with my dad. I had to sit on the steps both Easter and Christmas mornings all the way through college even. :)

      Buttercup isn't up late enough to watch the one show I watch regularly, so we have never really had anything like this before. I'm glad I got her the DVD so we could get excited about it together and make references as our own little jokes.

  13. Other than half your family being sick....sounds like you had a lovely Christmas. I love, LOVE the pic of the kids on the stairs. :D Happy to hear you made the car trip without incident although the thought of reading in a car.....would cause ME to have an incident. ;)

    1. We did.
      It was a great tradition my dad started. A photo tells so very much, especially when taken every year.
      Fortunately, the kids and I can read. We have had plenty of bouts of car sickness, but it is rarely associated with reading on its own.

  14. Aww, the little one is so cute! Making me nostalgic for when my son was tiny. I envy you for not getting sick yet! Lucky duck! Glad the kids are doing well!

    1. My niece is absolutely adorable. It sure made me miss having my own.
      I am knocking on wood everywhere I go. That will keep me from falling to the illness, right?

      Me, too!

  15. I hope everyone is on the mend again! It makes my heart melt each time I see the kids be sweet with each other! There's really no words to describe this feeling! Glad you got to enjoy holding a baby! I took a way too long nap with ours today :-)

    1. Everyone is back to normal, thank heavens. As they get older, there is much less fighting and many more moments to make my heart melt. Finally.
      Is there such as a too long nap with a baby?

  16. 1. I never would have put down that baby. Not once.
    2. My money is definitely on Buttercup. Maybe Phoenix, unless he's just doing that 16 year old, sullen boy thing.
    4. The helmet really makes the whole thing.
    5. My husband, more than once, has asked if they are building a wing on the library that I am financing.
    6. I don't think I've had on sunglasses for a month.
    7. Best part of Christmas!
    10. Mine haven't killed each other yet. Is that heart melting enough?

    1. 1. I only did when it was time to feed her. I even played Euchre while holding her.
      2. Ding! Ding! We have a winner!
      4. It's a statement, for sure.
      5. Glad to know I'm not the only one.
      6. I wore them today. For about 10 minutes. It was nice.
      7. Actually, it was pretty good.
      10. Sometimes, low standards have to be good enough.

  17. That is so cute, how they were watching the movie! I love that! Once in a great while my 2 girls will cuddle, it's the cutest thing any parent can ever see. I'm sorry so many were sick, I hope they're on the mend. It's amazing you had a successful car trip with everything considered! We go to my sister's in Michigan, and that's only a 3-hour trip but it's still a crap shoot! Especially with potty training, fighting, well, you know.
    Thank heavens for the library (when it's open) and for second-hand book stores! HUGE fan! And I totally get paying late fees, boy do I! My husband teases me there should be a whole "Joy" wing at our library, between late books and audiobook CDs I've lost, scratched and plain old LOST. And had to buy new and replace. I feel like I'm still ahead of the game, though :)
    What an adorable baby, and beautiful family! Glad you had such a wonderful Christmas! Hope you have an amazing New Year's and 2015!

    1. Well, it's a lot easier to cuddle when a 5 year old and a 6 year old are involved. I'd worry if the two middle schoolers were cuddled up on the couch.
      Everyone is all better, just in time to have some fun this second week of break.
      Ha! It seems the Joy wing could be across from the Dyanne wing! Just another way to invest in our children's education, I say.
      Thank you! She is mighty cute!

  18. Your kids are awesome. I think that's one of the things about having only one that makes me a little sad - no opportunity for moments like that.
    Glad the sick didn't totally kill the joy of the holiday - sick happens and when it gets in the way of other things, it's awful. I had pneumonia for my wedding. Sucked.
    Glad your Christmas was wonderful and Happy New Year to you all!

    1. Ah, but there are plenty of other things she does that makes your heart melt. Yes, siblings are awesome, but not necessary for a good life.
      Pneumonia for your wedding?!?! That sounds miserable. At least half of the birthdays around here involve a sick birthday kid. Very odd, because our kids don't get sick all that often.
      Thank you!

  19. I've missed your blog in my absence!
    I hope all the sickies passed without hitting you.
    Sounds like a Merry Christmas!


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