
Friday, September 12, 2014

At Least It's not Snowing! Ten Things of Thankful, Week 65

1.  As much as I'd like to complain about the jacket weather we are having, which just isn't right because I haven't sweat nearly enough this summer for it to be over already, I'm not going to.  I'm just going to be thankful I don't live in South Dakota.

2.  The cold weather was pushed in by a cold front that hit us Wednesday night.  In anticipation of the storms racing towards Indianapolis, all outdoor soccer was cancelled.  The entire family was home by 6:30 to have an actual dinner prepared by me at the same time at the same table.  That hasn't happened much at all this school year thanks to high school soccer.  It was noisy and boisterous and wonderful.

3.  Each month parents at our school prepare food for the teachers to celebrate the birthdays of that month.  8th grade parents were in charge of September.  It was the perfect time for me to get some pork out of the freezer in preparation for the next butcher day.  Pulled pork for everyone!

4.  While getting the teacher's lounge set up with the food, I managed to splash BBQ sauce all over the front of the dress I was wearing that day.  (It is the most comfortable dress I have ever owned.  I wear it all the time.  It's from Land's End and is very reasonably priced.)  Of course I wasn't going home for hours and hours and hours.  Thankfully, the dress is busy enough and loose enough that a person would to be having to look closely to notice the giant red stains down the front.  Even more thankfully, it all came out in the wash that night.

5.  Funny how wearing a dress makes people think something special is going on.  While I was in the office, before I spilled the BBQ sauce, the principal was in there and we were chatting.  She asked if I was headed to work (since I was wearing a dress).  When I told her I was laid off, since the preschool didn't have enough kids to fill two rooms this year, she perked up and actually offered me a job on the spot.  It would have been the perfect job for year.  This year, Cuckoo is only in school for 3 hours three days a week, so I am not available for all of the time she would need me.  (Two full days) It's nice to know I could get hired, though.  It may lead to something else in the future.

6.  I made it through my first week without Cuckoo and without physical therapy to keep me occupied.  It is absolutely shocking how many errands a person can get done when she doesn't have a little person or two with her.  In one three hour period,  I did more things than I normally would have done in three days.  While the little boys are really good when I do errands, I never do more than one or two in a row with them.  Maybe that's why they are so good.  They know it won't last long before they can go home (or somewhere else) to play.

7.  You may (or may not) recall that back in May I backed into a car when my van's sensors weren't working.  The impact took out one of my taillights.  Between the surgery and all of the traveling and physical therapy, repairs were put way down on the list of things to do.  With Cuckoo in school, I was finally able to get that fixed.  I'm most grateful that we made it through almost four months without a taillight without getting a ticket.

8.  While we need a new washer, I am glad that we have one and the dryer that goes with it.  This summer has been ridiculously rainy and not hot, so we haven't been able to hang our clothes out on the line very much.  Glad we have the dryer as our back-up plan.  Especially since one particular 5 year old has had a serious case of bed-wetting lately.

9.  I've managed to catch up with several friends over the last week and a half.  After the summer, when everyone scatters and we see little of each other, it's nice to get back and chat and see what they've been up to.

10.  We have lots of soccer games this weekend and one cross country meet.  I'm glad my kids are athletic, because I do love to watch them (and their teammates) play.

That's all for me tonight.  Now tell me, what has made you smile this week?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. It is amazing just how much one can get done while running errands solo! So glad you were able to find the bright side of the "all my kids are in school now" situation.

    1. It is a bright side, but I'd rather get nothing done and still have my kids. :/

  2. Celebrating birthdays at school sounds interesting. That has never happened in high schools where I worked in Japan. :-)

    1. I don't know if it happens at the high school. I'm guessing there is some celebrating. We're big on birthdays around here. The birthday lunch I was helping with was for the K-8 school where three of my kids go.

  3. Christine - the dress. I love the dress. Spilling down the front of it is so me. I'm glad the BBQ sauce came out. I've ruined so many shirts that way. And an unexpected family dinner - there is nothing better. Sounds like a great week, I'm glad you got the light fixed and yes, running errands alone allows you to be more productive.

    1. It is an awesome dress. Sorry you have the same spilling affliction as me.
      It was a great week.

  4. " " I'm just going to be thankful I don't live in South Dakota. Indiana (or Iowa or …one of those State with cornfields and all the intersections are four 90 degree turns.)" "

  5. (rats! my attempt to be Commentistically clever has failed!) Readers? Please pretend that there is a 'strikethrough' on the South Dakota in my previous Comment. It will approach 'making a little, if not kinda silly, sense if you do.
    Thank you.

    1. Hahahaha!! Nice try, there, Clark. I'm thinking it's an even better comment this way. :)

      And we have intersections that aren't 90 degrees. At least 5 of them! :)

  6. I'm glad you got the stain out of that awesome dress. Way cute and all those colors too. And it's on sale right now. Okay, I looked.

    I'm sorry you've not had the summer you wanted. We've been HOT and dry all summer long. I'm ready for it to cool down some. Yes indeed. And that rain. We'll take it as we are in a severe drought.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Me, too! I love that dress! I got it on sale, too. Makes me like it even more.
      We had a drought a couple of years ago. It made everyone here very, very nervous. We normally have so much rain, it made us think about what we'd do without it. I'd rather have too much (to an extent) than not enough!

      Get out on that boat and cool off!

  7. That dress is adorable - I love Lands End I have a few items from them - glad to hear it washed well and the stain came out. Last week I wen to Target and because Amelia is crutch bound she is basically at home with everyone else there with her. I did not feel until I walked in the story that I was alone no one with me but I did get what I need quickly. James is in soccer - looking forward to games too - catching up is awesome have a great week.

    1. It's the only thing I own from Lands End, but it certainly makes me want to look for more!
      How much longer will Amelia be on those crutches? I now know that it is no fun having to use them!
      Good luck to James! Have fun!

    2. thanks for asking Amelia will be in the soft cast and the pins in for 5 weeks; when the pins come out she will be in a hard cast for another 7 weeks I think - its a long one -

      Anyway correction on my comment above -

      I did not feel alone until I walked into the store by myself for the first time in years -


  8. Don't worry I sweated enough for both of us this summer. Florida would be glad to get some cooler weather.

    Yay for stains coming out. I find that i rarely have trouble with getting stains out of lands end things. We get my daughters uniform shirts through them.

    1. How about we switch places for a while? :)

      This is the only article of clothing I have from Lands End, but it sure makes me want to look for more.

  9. I looked at the dress, too, because anything dubbed "most comfortable" must be explored. Lands End has great things and their sales are ridiculously good. OH, and the stuff lasts forever...nothing like good old fashioned well-made clothing.
    I agree on the errands thing - amazing how much can be accomplished in so little time. And I only have one Kidzilla so I am completely in awe of moms who manage with more than one kid. In fact, more often than not, I say things like "how in the world do mothers with more than one child get anything done???"
    Glad you're keeping busy while Cuckoo's in school - I know you've been missing him.

    1. What did you think of it? It really is so, so comfortable.

      The answer would be either we don't, or we don't do it quickly. :)

      I am missing him, but perhaps now I'll get all these chores done around the house...

  10. I feel the same way about the cool weather. Today Im choosing to be thankful for the sunshine - even if it is only 50 degrees. Im over here in NE just an hour from SD so... sunshine makes a huge difference.

    1. It was really cold here on Saturday when all my kids had their soccer games and cross country meets. There was no sun, and we were all shivering. And then, glory be, the sun came out at about noon. We all were able to strip off the layers and be warm again. It's amazing how much difference that sun can make! Hope you get plenty of it up there in the great north.

  11. Sounds like your week had a lot of pleasant surprises! And yay for the on-the-spot job offer!

  12. Hope the physical therapy is working out well for ya, Christine! And here's great times ahead for the kiddos at school!

    1. It worked out very well. They showed Bryan how to do one stretch on my knee and some exercises to do on my own, so I don't have to go back. Thanks goodness. Now I just look like a dork doing my exercises on the sidelines of soccer games. :)

      Here's to it!

  13. Resolved: Wear more jackets...maybe you will sweat more! I totally feel ya, I feel kind of cheated out of summer. It took so long to get started, then it never got as warm as usual (And I live in AZ!). I wish I lived near you...I love pulled pork. Its actually the only way I will eat pork. I know that sounds strange to someone who raises pigs for food, and my husbands Jewish family probably thinks I do it because of them, heehee, Not!

    So glad you are feeling more positive about being childless for a few hours a day for the first time in umpteen years. Yes, you can really accomplish lots without a little one in tow...when you are not crying your eyes out, watching the clock tick away the minutes until you pick him up from preschool. :-)

    Have a Wonderful Weekend! The weather is beautiful here today, I hope it is there as well.

    1. Hardy har har.
      I can't imagine there are many people whose favorite (and only) pork to eat is pulled pork. Well, I'm just glad people at school liked it. There was just enough left for my family to have some for dinner that night.

      Ha! yes, the crying does cut down on productivity. :)

      We are having a fantastically gorgeous day. Sunshine all over the place. Glad it's cooperating for you, too.

  14. Congrats on the job offer. I will pray for you that the seed grows for next year when you can actually take advantage of it. Glad you were able to get the van fixed. We have a thunder storm here. The weather is wet today. But I am enjoying my time at home reading blogs. I am glad we had milder summer. I count it as a blessing. I wonder if it will snow in SC this year?

    1. Thank you! Sometimes I really appreciate rainy weather, just for the fact that I don't feel guilty being inside doing inside things.

      For your sake, I hope you get snow. I just hope it jumps over us to get to you. :)

  15. Glad your week without the kids and stuff to keep you occupied was not as bad as you'd thought. I also appreciate how much we can get accomplished when both girls were in kindergarten. And how exciting was the job offer! You may be able to accept the job next year!!

    1. It was a tad bit easier this week. I'm guessing I'll be enjoying it and savoring it soon enough.

      It would be nice if this same position is open again next year. It really would be perfect.

  16. How true is that when you wear a dress everyone thinks you mean business or getting all sexed up for a wedding. I was going to suggest using Oxyclean gel...that stuff is a miracle. I don't work for them.
    We were launched right into fall weather. The leaves are changing and I hate it. My girlfriend had snow in her area so I'm grateful that mother nature is keeping that white crap over there.
    Hopefully soccer goes down this week. It sucks how outdoor sports depend on the weather. My son just started playing hockey again and my heart exploded. It's awesome watching them isn't it?

    1. It's very true. Ha! My 6 year old said something about using Oxyclean. I gave him a funny look, and he said that in the commercials, it gets everything out. Glad to know actual customers think so, too. ;)

      Yup, fall weather is fully here. Bums me out.

      Our sports rarely get cancelled. Lightening is the only excuse. Normally I'm good with that. I'm highly perturbed by it when it sleeting and we're freezing our butts off. (It's happened. More than once.)

      And yes, it is awesome watching them. Have fun with hockey!

  17. If I had to pick a favorite on this list it would be #2. I totally understand what it's like to miss those family dinners with everyone together eating, talking, and laughing together-especially this time of year. I'm happy you got to have that. I love to watch my kids play too and their sports all start up this week. I am really looking forward to it. I cannot even begin to fathom cooler weather. We are still in the 90s during the day and if we've gone below 80 at night, I haven't heard about it. I am just a tiny bit envious of your cooler weather.

    1. High school schedules really mess up the dinner schedule. We end up eating as two separate families most days. i hate it.

      Which is funny, as I love to watch my kids play, but hate that it messes up dinner. Why can't I have it all!?!?! :)

      Switch places??

  18. Me, too! I really do wear that dress all the time, and I'd be sad if it was ruined.

    Well, literally, it's cool... :) Warmth would be great. Today has been a gorgeous day, start to finish, so I'm happy today.

    I just checked. I'm thrilled to see so many people helping your cause.

  19. Watcha mean at least it's not snowing? I love snow!

  20. Yes - at least it's not snowing! ;) It was decidedly colder here this week too.

    Sounds like a full but busy week. Congrats on spontaneous job offers! Agreed they could always lead to something in the future. As for sports all weekend - sounds like fun. And I admire your energy. We started dance and gymnastics this weekend - with a birthday party and a farewell party thrown in too - it was a lot! But everyone had fun! Sounds like you did too - Louise

  21. Family dinners and stains that wash out. Your entire week was a win on those two events. Everything else goes into the overflow box of good stuff. Here's to another week of good things.

  22. I had a whole day to myself today and got SO MUCH done! It is fun sometimes to just check things off the the list.

  23. I'm with you Christine - not ready for summer to be "over". But our weather like yours is insisting otherwise!
    Sorry about your dress but wow - the dress got you a job offer. That's great even if you didn't take it.
    Glad to hear you have a new tail light:)

  24. I can hardly believe that your weather has turned chilly already - you should have been over here. I've just spent ten days camping in Norfolk and the weather has been fabulous - blue skies, wall-to-wall sunshine and very warm, in fact today when I was packing up to come home it was HOT. I've spent every day wearing nothing but cycling shorts, strappy top and beach sandals, and not a jacket in sight! :)


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