
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ask a Stupid Question...

Happy National Ask a Stupid Question Day!

I know.  The teacher in me automatically responds, "But there are no stupid questions!" And yet...the mother in me is shouting my teacher side down with, "Oh yes there is!"  For example, when a child wants to talk snakes to death and you say, "Honey, I don't know all the names of all the different kinds of snakes," and he asks, "Which ones don't you know?"  THAT is a stupid question.

Actually, I didn't know it was Ask a Stupid Question Day until Lisa from The Golden Spoons said so.  She hosts a weekly link up called Tuesday's Ten, and this week we're celebrating the holiday by answering 10 questions from this list of 100 questions.

I had Turken give me 10 numbers between 1 and 100 then answered those questions.

5. Without looking, guess what time it is.

4:00.  I know this because I have 15 minutes to write before we leave for church.

10. Do you remember your dreams?

Sometimes.  I'm sure I have good dreams, but I never remember them.  I can only seem to recall the horrifying dreams that make me uneasy (or even angry) and suspicious all day.

20. If you could change one thing about the world, what would you do?

I would want to end the suffering of people with horrible diseases that take children and parents and loved ones before we're ready.  I would take the hate and meanness away from everyone's hearts so that everyone could live happily and without fear of others.  I would blight peas, so they would never show up on anyone's plate or in anyone's pot pies ever again.  My one would be one of those three.

35. Do you have a garden?

I do have a garden.  A great big one that is mostly done for the year.  There are just a few tomatoes and bell peppers left growing.  The rest is either canned, eaten, or sitting in a bucket waiting to be canned.

37.  What is the first thing that you think of when you wake up in the morning?

Why in the name of all that is good is that stupid song in my head?

44.  If you don't have a tattoo, why?

Let me count the ways...1.  It's pain I don't need to go through.  2.  I don't really see the point.  3.  When I see a tattoo, all I can do is think about what it will look like in 40 years.  And then I usually laugh at that image.

55.  Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school?

Every year from first grade through my senior year in high school.  Uniforms are the best!

60.  Where were you on Valentine's Day?

Either at home or one of the boys' basketball games.  We don't really see the point of celebrating our love on a particular day.

71.  Do you sing in the shower?

No, but I do sing at home, in the car, in the grocery store, and any other place that has music playing, much to the delight or chagrin of my children, depending on which one you're asking.

And because I didn't like the last question he picked, I picked a different one...

39.  Who sent the last text message you received?

Last night I decided at the last minute to go to Phoenix's county tournament game with the 4 youngest boys.  I asked Giant to "text Dad and let him know we're coming to the game".  He grabbed my phone and did as requested.

This text conversation was the result.

So, how are you going to celebrate National Ask a Stupid Question Day?  I'm sure Lisa would love to have you link up with us!

Have a lovely day!


  1. I can relate to #37! And I have learned the importance of sending messages to the correct person, after sending an email to John's boss, who also was named John.

    1. Why is it the songs I like the least are always in my head in the morning?
      I remember when that happened! He had to get a good laugh out of it. It seems to happen to people quite a bit, and I laugh every time they text me by mistake.

  2. I'm was texting the wrong dad. Bwahahahahahahaha. I just spewed coffee all over my monitor. Thankyouverymuch.,

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  3. Oh how funny! I would so love to grab some of those questions, but I'm on my way to the doctor to see if she can help me solve the mystery of why I can't get over whatever this horribleness is. Sigh. I'm convinced I have something terrible and rare. My Hub just sighs and says "no, you do not have _____." (Insert whatever crazy disease I presented in that particular ten minutes)

    1. Oh I hope you get some answers, and they are more in line with your husband's diagnosis. And then come back and write the post. :)

  4. LOL - Is that what today is; well that explains it - way too many questions being asked today - last one as of before lunch/ is this right I have to process 95 checks - (not me, someone to me) - (sigh) - the best are the kids and it is true you want to say there are no stupid question but then the urge to say the opposite is right there - I have to walk away- love all your answers but the peas really surprised me - really get rid of peas - how about okra? - lima beans?- anything nasty looking?.... :)

    1. Ha! How did you respond?
      Honestly, they really do ask some stupid questions. I try my best to answer their questions, but sometimes I just have to make them take a break.

      Yes, get rid of peas. They make me gag. I've never had a lima bean, and those don't get thrown into things very often. I've only eaten okra fried, and it was pretty good.

  5. Yeah, I sing everywhere too. I remember being absolutely mortified when my mother did. My kids aren't big enough to care yet.

    1. I don't remember my mom singing, but she's done plenty of other things to embarrass me. :)

      My kids (two in particular) are embarrassed by me on a regular basis.

  6. I sing in the van on a long drive when I have cd playing, also at one of the places where I work when they have the radio on - the accoustics in the men's toilets are fantastic for singing! :)

    Sending text messages to the wrong person - my phone did it once without me being aware, forwarding to a friend a text my son sent me. The result was absolutely hilarious but too rude for me to put on here :) :)

    1. For a second there I forgot what you do for a living and was wondering how you would know about the men's room acoustics. :)

      Hahahaha!! Well, now you must tell me! I have only sent a text to the wrong person a couple of times, but I get them from others pretty often. It cracks me up every time.

  7. #55 I WISHED I had to wear a uniform. Since I seemed to spend two hours on my hair before school, the last thing I needed to worry about what to wear.

    Christopher just asked, "What's so funny?" I'm laughing more at myself now because it took me a second read to get "the wrong dad". LOL! Love that your dad responded LOL. My daddy just asked me what it mean like last year. I finally started using it. His text responses are either "Ok" or "Lol".

    1. Ha! I was on the swim team and we had morning practices. My hair looked horrible all through the winter, so I didn't bother caring all that much the rest of the school year. :)

      Ha! My dad is a big texter. He has even figured out how to group text his kids.

  8. I sing all the time when I'm alone, especially in the car. I am a total rock star when I don't have an audience.
    Your poor, confused dad.
    My daughter wants to wear a uniform to school, but she wants the skirt/blazer/knee socks look from Gossip Girl.

    1. Ah, you're a rock star no matter where you are. :)
      Fortunately, he got a good laugh at it.

      Ha! Those uniforms are practically gone in the US. Are you up to moving to another country?

  9. "I'm texting the wrong dad" LOL Besides stupid questions day, it's also International Translator's Day... And yes, we get stupid questions, too, at time :-) Have a wonderful week!

    1. I have no doubt you get plenty of stupid questions as a translator, some on purpose and some not so much.

      Thank you!

  10. Totally agree about tattoos and Valentine's day! Loved your answer about changing the world, too! Glad you link dup with us!

    1. Thanks! It was a fun topic this week! Thanks for hosting it.

  11. Always make sure you are texting the right dad!

  12. I sing pretty much everywhere but the shower as well. So do two of my kids. And if we're not singing, we're humming. Makes for an interesting dinner table!!

    1. Ha! We have some singers in our house, too. It is only a problem when they are singing different songs. :) I especially like it when they sing the wrong lyrics.

  13. haha! 'texting the wrong dad' :) All schools in Australia have uniforms and although my own uniform was pretty ugly, they are a fantastic equaliser between rich and poor and save kids a lot of time chosing what to wear in the morning! The school I went to didn't allow make-up either and only minimal jewellery (Catholic school)

    1. Uniforms take out all sorts of problems in school. My schools and the kids' schools don't allow dyed hair or tattoos and all sorts of other things. I'm ok with that.

  14. Thank you for not telling me which song. :)

  15. There's no music in our bathroom, and I don't just break out into song unless there's music.

    Oh, how can it suck? It's so easy!

    Ooohh, hope it wasn't too embarrassing.

    I cannot stand them.

  16. ('s a 'free one')

    So, is it still National Stupid Question Day?

  17. :O Whaaaaa...I can't believe I missed National Ask a Stupid Question Day!!! Who knew?!?!?

    And peas??? Seriously??? Hahahaha!

    1. For real, this is your kind of holiday. Mark your calendar for next year.

      Seriously. They make me gag.

  18. What names of snakes do you not know? HAHA that is totally a stupid question. Also, I had to read Giant's text to your dad three times before I "got it" so um, who is stupid now? Ok maybe not just now...
    On your peas thing, could you include beets because they are the most disgusting thing ever grown out of the earth.

  19. Here's one of my classic stupid questions from teaching:
    Ms. W, I tried typing my outline, but I can't find the Roman numerals on my keyboard--where are they?

  20. I love that text! That same exact thing has happened to me more times than I can count. You'd think after the first couple of times it would sink in. I'm especially fond of your answer to the question about Valentines Day. I feel the same. That's a great link up. I'm kind of sorry I missed it.

  21. If you ever get a chance, please leave peas alone....."give peas a chance.?"


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!