
Saturday, July 5, 2014

M-O-R-A-T-O-R-I-U-M! What's That Spell? (TToT #55)

Mommy gets a break!

My favorite word for 2014 is moratorium.

It has been the oddest summer of all time.  The kids have been out of school for an entire month, and we still haven't been to the pool.  Between the knee injury/therapy, Turken playing baseball, Buttercup's unexpected trip to Kansas with her soccer team, and our trip to Europe, nothing is normal.  To make it even more "fun", we now have 2 kids in high school, trying out for the 2 soccer teams (one male, one female), each with a new coach.  Practices have been going on since the beginning of June, and they have to go to all of them in order to not repeat the disaster of last year's tryouts.  It means many trips to the high school each week, usually during dinner time.

In high school, there is a wonderful thing called "moratorium".  No high school teams are allowed to have practice of any kind during moratorium week.  This year, it just happens to fall the week after baseball is over and the one week I don't have therapy.  And because I managed to fit all 7 dentist appointments in before I left for Europe, we have an entire week without a single thing on the calendar.



Not one darn thing.

Basically, it's what the entire summer used to be.

That right there could be my entire list of 10 things, but what fun is that?

To the list!

2.  We've had time to start attacking the jungle our yard has become.  No joke, there were weeds next to the house taller than Cuckoo.  Between the 6 and a half inches of rain this June, my absence from home, and Buttercup's mowing ability (She doesn't do edges, so around all trees, buildings, and fences are 2-foot wide areas of weeds the size of trees.) our yard looks like an abandoned property.  We began the process of rectifying that.  Once an area was cleared, we put some mulch down.  No planting occurred, but the mulch is there acting as a place holder for future planting.

3.  My surgery was rescheduled for next week, so I get to go to my dad's big 4th of July party in Ohio after all.  (FYI to any would-be burglars:  Bryan isn't going.  He's staying home to work.)  I don't think I could have survived another photo like this one my dad took last year when not one person came to his house for the 4th.

When he posted this on facebook with the message "Happy 4th of July" our entire family (about 50 people) got on the phone and decided the 10th of August was a great day to celebrate the 4th of July.

4.  The kids were able to have friends over.  With practices and appointments and just everything, my kids rarely get to have friends to spend the night.  On Tuesday, we had three extra kids here.  I loved it.

5.  With no practices, I've been able to make dinners.  We've eaten well every night this week.

6.  My friend who is temporarily (for three years) living in Japan is back for a visit, and I've been able to meet up with her three times already, twice of them just this week.  With a 13 hour time difference, we don't get to chat on the phone very often.  It's been so nice to catch up with her again.

7.  The weather has been perfectly lovely.  The beginning of the week was the usual hot and muggy, but the end of the week has been pleasantly cool.  Like high of 70 cool.  Very unusual for this time of year, but I'll take it!

8.  Mulberry season is upon us.  We have at least 15 mulberry trees on our property, and the fruit is starting to ripen.  We've been picking them daily.  Some we've given to the chickens right away, but most have been put into a frozen "pie" for a later this year.

9.  I used to be so good about printing photos and putting them in the kids' albums.  The last two years, not so much.  (Basically, when I really got into this blogging thing, I stopped.  So many photos are on the blog, I put it at the bottom of the priority list.)  However, my friend Jen had been on facebook warning everyone to back up their computers.  She has lost months worth of photos because she's had computers crash twice.  Between that and our internet service not working well for several days, I took the time to go through a bunch of them.  I deleted many and made a list of ones I want to print.  I even downloaded some onto the stores' site in preparation for printing.

10.  Did I mention it's moratorium week?  I love moratorium week.

Your turn!  What has put a smile on your face this week?

To my American readers, Happy 4th of July!  To everyone else, Happy normal weekend!  

Either way, have a lovely day.

Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. No way! no Comments this is a trick, however, Mr Y Chrome is fairly screaming, "hit Publlish Hit...

  2. (did I mention that Mr Y Chrome while full of a lot good impulses and the occasional idea, is not so good on careful planning?)

  3. that that's out of the way….) sounds like an excellent plan (for summer) there is something so expansive about the summers that I (barely) remember having as a kid… mostly seem to key in on 'pace'. Clearly, the rotation of the Earth has been speeding up since I was a kid and would put a jelly sandwich in a knapsack and ride my bike for a place that was, like, an impossible distant 5 miles from home. Plenty of time. (Don't tell anyone, but at this time of year, sometimes when I'm in an especially rural part of the State, I stop my car, turn off the engine and walk away from the car…just to see if I can get that sense of …'far away, a long walk from home' feeling.)

    1. 'cause you are up so early in the morning!
      Time was endless when I was a kid. Summers were nothing but fun and forts and bike riding and exploring and swimming and never, ever doing anything that resembled work.
      I won't tell anyone, but it will be hard. That is an awesome thing that you do.

  4. Enjoy that Moratorium Week with lots of trips to the pool and lazy happy summer days.


    1. We lived it as best we could. The pool was a no-go, though. Storms in the beginning of the week, and cold temps at the end. We'll get plenty of swimming in on vacation, though.

  5. I love the sound of Moratorium Week! I hope you are having a great time at your Dad's house, and that your surgery goes well.

  6. Christine, glad you can enjoy your 4th, and all the best with the surgery next week. In my prayers!

  7. You're in my prayers too for your upcoming surgery.

    The best thing about this holiday is we're spending it with family. It's been wonderful.

    Have a fabulous weekend. :)

    1. Thank you!
      I'm so glad you were able to get together. Wasn't there some question about whether it was going to happen?

  8. Again, best with the surgery.
    Moratorium week is grand - our high school has a two-week down time period where nothing is allowed to happen. I think it's a very smart idea.
    I still think my favorite item for the week is the stunningly beautiful weather - windows wide open to the glorious breeze, low humidity, no cowering in the A/C. I love it!
    And thank you for telling me I wasn't linked up - and here I thought I was so cool for having written and published my post on Friday night.

    1. Thank you!
      TWO WEEKS!?!?! Now I'm jealous.
      It has been fantastic to not worry about the a/c or doors being left open.
      You're still cool. And prepared. You weren't the only one who forgot that last step. :)

  9. Sounds like a lovely week, my friend! Hope you're enjoying the time with your family...happy days for your dad especially! :)

    1. It was a great week. We had lots of fun, and my dad was thrilled to bits to have us all there.

  10. Happy Moratorium to you, Christine! There's so much satisfaction in catching up after being too busy or out of town for awhile. So glad you are getting a break from outside duties to get some home stuff done.

    1. Thank you! The break couldn't have been timed better. Catching up and preparing for surgery all in one week. :)

  11. Yay happy normal weekend to this Canadian who can't remember July 1st because she was busy drinking. I never said that I was a good role model.
    moratorium? well that spells heaven. My kid is still too little for crazy car dashes from one place to the next so I think I'm safe for another few years.
    I totally write that too if I say that I'm going on a vacation. People are creepers. No seriously...I had one person email me and told me that he knew where I lived. I had to check his IP address and while he lived across 'Murica, you can never be to safe. I had to get the cops involved. Crazy shit.
    Go forth child and tackle the garden.

    1. One year we were in Canada for Canada Day, then back in the US for the 4th of July. Our heads were spinning with all of the celebrating. (We were allowed to celebrate in Canada 'cause I'm half Canadian.)
      Savor these days outside of the automobile, when your car seat doesn't permanently resemble the shape of your butt.
      THAT IS THE CREEPIEST THING I'VE EVER READ ABOUT A BLOG!!! What happened? Did the police do anything? Did you ever hear from him again? Yikes!
      Thank you!

  12. Your moratorium week sounds perfect.

    I live in Niigata, which is far away from Kobe.

    1. It really is.

      Aha. Now I know the names of two cities in Japan. :)

  13. I remember the photo of your dad last july 4... so sad!!!!! Nice job this year!!! THe guy knows how to get folks to show up! I also remember the panda shorts Lizzi speaks of... sorry.... Moratorium... wahoo!!!! Good Luck with the surgery... Im sure you will do great as you seem to have done everything right leading up to it and seem really strong going into it... just think no more pain soon!

    1. Yes, last year we learned that he is the king of the guilt trip.
      Ack! Not you, too, with the panda shorts!
      Thank you! I really hope the after surgery goes as well as the after injury went.

  14. 1. We call it Dead Week here. Coaches can have no contact with athletes and one week isn't long enough for me.
    2. Ours is a jungle too, because my gardener is lousy. I'd fire him, but I wouldn't be able to tell the difference....
    3. I remember that picture from last year and it still makes me smile!
    7. We are having delightful weather, too. Not quite as cool as you, but low humidity. Makes for great hair days!
    9. Yeah, need to do that. Soon. Thanks for the nudge.

    1. 1.One week isn't even close to long enough, especially now that I've seen that Lisa's high school gets two weeks.
      2. And because he's your husband...
      3. It doesn't make me smile yet. I'm sure it will someday. Maybe.
      7. My hair, despite the hair cut, is looking better than it has in a long time. Gotta love low humidity.
      9. You're welcome.

  15. A dead week sounds wonderful -- though my youngest is not much of a player. Hope your surgery goes smoothly. Glad it didn't end up interrupting your plans. And got to read about your visit with Lizzi.

    1. It really is. It makes me sad that it can't be like that all week, though.
      Thank you! It is a perfect week to have a surgery, if I have to have a surgery.

      Lizzi was a great hostess. We had so much fun.

  16. moratorium: noun a suspension of activity

    I actually am surprised that you've never heard of that word.

    Thank you! It's been a good week of visiting, both family and friends.

    Ack! What, are you part elephant??

  17. Given my sense of timeliness, your recovery and recuperation is not doubt well in the past, but nevertheless, best wishes to speedy* recovery.

    * which we all know, with scotts, at any a bit of the 'coal to Newcastle'**
    ** in keeping with your recent travels and such

  18. I want a moratorium from everything please! We just got back from the beach last night and OMG I'm so behind. Also, I haven't done a good job of doing photo albums since beginning to blog, either. I think that it's one or the other? Hope you're feeling well and that your knee heals quickly!! Also, happy belated 4th of July! And happy normal day!

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