
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snowapalooza 2014

I sent all the protesting children outside to "make snowmen for those children who are less fortunate.  Not everyone gets snow, you know!". Stephanie told me it was so.

Well, Stephanie, I'm sorry, but as soon as they got out there, they completely forgot about their irritation at having to be out there, as well as the snowmen.  They decided they were going to have a snowball fight, and immediately began building their protective "forts".

Because, Ya'll (May I call you Ya'll?), we have got some seriously good packing snow!  It snowed for almost 12 hours straight.  For those of you who haven't been hit with it all, I have lots and lots of photos for you.  I mean LOTS and LOTS.

Before anyone went outside.  This is the view from my bedroom window.  Do not clean your screen.  Those aren't dirt spots, but snowflakes.  Gigantic, heavy, perfect snowflakes. 
Star building his fort.
While the kids played, COW was using his new snow blower to take care of the driveway while there was still some light.  That's him waaaaaaay down at the end of the driveway.
Phoenix's fort

Buttercup and Cuckoo built one together.

Turken kind of just floated around.
At one point, I saw Turken purposely flop to the ground...

and start waving his arms and legs.
Me:  Are you trying to make a snow angel?
Him:  Yes.
Me:  You are supposed to do it on your back.
Him:  Oh.

It was snowing so heavily, with such big flakes, he was giggling too hard to actually make the snow angel.  The snow was getting in his eyes and mouth and tickling his face.
Seeing Turken, Cuckoo and Giant decided to make some, too.

Phoenix had to take his snow angel up a notch.

Selfie in the reflection of the front door.  No, I don't really have a stocking hanging on my shoulder.  Yes, that's COW still working hard while we had fun.  Yes, that is a Target bag over my face.  I wrapped it around my camera to keep it dry.
Snowball fight!!

Not surprisingly, Buttercup had the best fort.

How about that form?

At one point, Cuckoo decided his best place to hide was behind Star.  

Apparently, Star forgot Cuckoo was there, because he stood up and walked away, causing Cuckoo to fall back and get stuck in the snow.

As Star laughed and helped Cuckoo get up, he looked at me and said, "This reminds me of Randy from 'A Christmas Story'!"
Intermission...Pretty picture of the tree.
Photo #1 in series:  Turken catching snowflakes on his tongue.

Photo #2:  Notice the snow is taller than the boot.  This is the precise moment the snow started to steal his boots.

Photo #3:  Abandoned boots.

Photo #4:  Phoenix "helped" him to the house to have a better chance of getting the boots back on. 

 Finally, we were all exhausted and headed inside.  Well, almost all of us...

How about that bird photo bomb??  Yes, it's a bird that flew right across my shot.  The one bird we saw outside all day.  I can't believe I caught it when it's wings were in the down position.

If you are in the path of this storm, stay safe and warm!  If you aren't, enjoy your lovely weather.  No need to tell me about it just yet.

Have a lovely day!


  1. Beautiful! Cold, but beautiful!

    That photo with the bird is amazing!

  2. It is really pretty out there. From in here. We won't be playing in it anymore, as the wind has picked up, bringing the subzero temps with it.

    Craziness, isn't it?

    1. I know you're probably sick of it, but thanks for sharing the pictures of the snow. I miss it. The holidays are never the same without it IMO. Those pics of your kids playing in the snow are super precious though. I'm sure they'll remember that crazy winter when it snowed a lot.

  3. wow great pics at least you ventured out with your family, I hibernated it was really cold...we had snow here too; the kids helped hubby clear the driveway and the cars at the same time also having fun . At one point all the the neighborhood kids were playing which was nice because well kids don't come out to play anymore...I really should try taking pictures yours are awesome... have a great day- Marisa

    1. Thanks! It was a warm snow yesterday. Not one bit of wind, and the temps stayed just below 30. Today the bitter cold moved in, so hibernating has begun.
      Cleaning cars of lots of snow is fun for kids!
      That makes me sad to hear kids don't come out to play anymore. We don't know such things, as we don't have neighbors.
      Get that camera out!

    2. I see that sounded weird what I meant to say is that kids today don't play outside anymore unless it's an appointment or play-dates... which too me is rather strange I'm an older and new parent so making play-dates is just strange weekend my son had quite a few play-dates lined up and sarcastically I said to him wow you had some weekend hanging with your friends and so many play-dates you're lucky when I was your age I didn't have play-dates and with such concern he said what did you do mom..and I said without missing a beat I went outside to when I see the kids on the block playing together without a parent checking a calendar it gives me joy! PS my husband was in the same boat, last fall our kids and the same kids on the block started to play in the piles of leaves camera! what's wrong with us! ( I wasn't home...all his fault! LOL!) :)

  4. I am one of those people who doesn't get any snow and severely misses it. I'm green with envy!!!! Thank you so much for the amazing pics. My kids would give a kidney to have a day like that!!!!!

  5. Brilliant pics of the kids having fun in the snow, and catching the bird like that must be a complete one-off.

    The last really deep snow we had here was three years years ago and I got some lovely photos while walking the dogs on a sunny afternoon. It always amazes me though that snow on bare tree branches make the pics look black and white and very sharp.

    1. Thanks. I saw the bird through my lens, and immediately checked to see if I captured it. I couldn't have done it if I'd tried.

      Snow pictures with a blue sky background are the prettiest pictures. We didn't have any of that yesterday, and today, while the sun was out, it was way too cold to take any photos. It was pretty, though!
      I took so many photos of the snow on the trees. I just love how it looks. You all are lucky I didn't include a whole bunch more. :)

  6. I was going to blog about the snow yesterday as well but since I didn't get many photos (and mine are subpar compared to yours with the fancy camera) I'll just use yours, ok?

    So glad you got that snowblower, btw...aren't you?!?

    1. Ack, no need to compare. Your boys actually made the snowmen.

      Yes, yes I am. We got the drive cleared off today, so COW can go to work tomorrow. We would have been stuck for days otherwise.

  7. You see I enjoyed snow the only way I want to...though photographs. I'm not a snow person. I did enjoy your fun though.

    Have a fabulous day and stay warm. ☺

    1. Glad I could provide you with some snow fun. :)

      I am layered in 2 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of socks, 2 shirts, and a robe, all under a blanket. I'm pretty warm, thanks. :)

  8. And here I thought our driveway was long.....that is one stinking loooong driveway and one heck of a lot of snow!! I think COW needed to buy a snowplough not just a snowblower. Tee hee.

    Such awesome photos!! And you catching that single bird with its wings THAT takes skill!!! ;)

    1. In order to buy a snowplow, we would have had to also buy a vehicle to put that plow on. We don't have that kind of cash laying around. Yes, it is a lot of snow. We got the drive redone today (blasted wind blew the snow right back over most of what he had done yesterday) Without that snowblower, we'd be stuck here for days.

      Thanks! That takes luck. I never could have caught the shot of the bird if I'd tried!

    2. Darn autocorrect....I thought 'snowplough' didn't look quite right. Oish.

  9. Great post! Nothing like a snowball fight!

    1. Thanks! Nothing at all. And such good exercise!

  10. Thank you so much, Christine!! This is so sweet of you!! Those pictures sound heavenly, thanks for sharing!! We have tempeatures in the mid-40s to 50. And all Lily talks about is "in winter, when there's snow..." I'd take half of it off your hands :-)

    1. You are welcome! I wish I could send it to you.

  11. Love, love, love all of it!! There's so much joy in watching your kids enjoy nature, isn't there? Your pictures are fantastic. I especially chuckled at the snow angel on the tummy.....too cute!!

    1. I'm glad!
      I so love watching my kids playing outside. There's just so much positive going on when they are having fun in the middle of God's gifts.
      I cracked up when he was face-down in the snow, waving those arms and legs. However, I laughed even harder listening to his gorgeous giggle when he was on his back and the snow hit his face.

  12. Love, love, love all of it!! There's so much joy in watching your kids enjoy nature, isn't there? Your pictures are fantastic. I especially chuckled at the snow angel on the tummy.....too cute!!

  13. What a truly awesome day!! I love it! Your photos are amazing (and Target bag determination commendable). That bird photo is awesome! It almost looks fake. I was so excited to take Tucker sledding on Friday but he woke up with a fever. Sigh, because then it rained and our snow is just icky slush and ice now. Your snow looks so much better! How did Phoenix get up on the roof anyway?

    1. It was a lot of fun. Thank you!
      I had seen the bird in the frame when I was taking pictures, yet even I had to look closely to make sure it really was a bird.
      Oh, poor guy. Hope he's feeling better. The way this winter is going, you may get another chance at the sledding. Maybe?

      The kids frequently get up on that barn. The other side of it has a few boards missing, so it is kind of like a ladder. When kids come over, they are amazed that they not only can get on a roof, but are allowed to get on a roof. Plus, the kid is 6 ft. tall. There isn't much he can't climb.

  14. I love this! What a beautiful snow you got! Isn't it interesting that we got the same snowstorm, but ours was dry snow, blowing and drifting, and yours was wet and packable?

    1. I'm glad! That is very interesting! I would have guessed you were sitting under the same stuff as us.

  15. I'm with everyone else… the bird totally makes that shot (yes, I know there are 17 other photos with human children in them…but it's a bird!!). lol
    Being in snow, on purpose, as it seems mostly an enjoyment of the young, brings back, oddly enough, a memory of being that age and at a friend's how and *they* had a clothes dryer (this was kinda long time ago)… anyway… after a long day of snow place.. dryer warm clothes! damn that memory is strong. (I'd still rather be somewhere where the temperature is 90 degrees plus) lol

    1. I get it. The kid photos are a dime a dozen. A bird photo bomb photo is rare indeed. :)
      Warm clothes straight out of the dryer are the best. Funny that these pictures brought back those memories for you.
      Yeah, I'd go for some 90 degrees right about now.

  16. Thank you! It's easy to stay safe when you never leave the house! Everything in the greater Indianapolis area was closed thanks to an order from the mayor.

  17. Ha! I figured you put a hex on it, since all of a sudden, people just happen to have trouble right after you try to get me to switch. It's totally something you'd do. :) Actually, I think the more probable option is that you told all sorts of people to tell me they were having trouble so I'd switch.

  18. Such beautiful pictures! I grew up in IN and remember those deep snowfalls. GREAT for playing in and throwing snowballs. Seeing your kids in the snow takes me back to my childhood. Good blog goal to keep is fun. So much a parenting is hard and exhausting - writing should be fun!

  19. That looks.....cold. Pretty and all, but nothing I want to actually touch or experience.

  20. What a delicious day of snow play!

  21. Now, that is what I always imagine snow to be like. Having never seen it, this is the memory I will hold onto. You got fantastic pictures and it looks like the kids had a blast! Crazy storm but looks like you all made the best of it and glad you stayed safe!

  22. These are moments to capture and keep, that's for sure. I remember the days of youth where snowy days like this were nothing but fun. Forts, snowball fights, sledding. Ahh, the memories. But now, with so many ways of capturing them, it's just as fun to watch little ones doing it.

    Great post and it looks like it was a blast. I hope there was hot cocoa after? I think that was always my favorite part.


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