
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Don't Ever Say I Don't Listen to My Readers

Children of the World,

When someone is in the kitchen making a meal for you, leave her the heck alone!

Heed this warning, or you, too, will have eggshells for dinner.

To everyone on my case during the TTOT...happy now?

Have a lovely day!


  1. It's about time we see the evidence!!! :) Yes, distractions are not good when one is preparing food in the kitchen. Before Christmas, I cut myself with a knife twice in one weekend :(!

    1. Ouch! I knew there was a good reason for not using sharp knives in my kitchen.

  2. Great photo, I hope you managed to pick all the bits out successfully.

    One of my kitchen distractions happened while I was making a mug of coffee - poured the hot water from the kettle, took the milk out of the fridge and added some to the brew, then put the kettle back in the fridge and left the milk carton on the worktop! :)

    1. Only one child complained that there was eggshell in her salad, but I'm still saying it was a piece of carrot. :)

      Ha! Good to know distractions happen to everyone!

  3. Well, it was a rather colorful addition, and would add some extra crunch! :-))

    1. I can always count on you to keep things positive. :)

  4. OK. Found it! Thanks. :-)

    Though I haven't served eggshell salad before, I've certainly made the same kind of mistake.

    1. You're welcome. It seems you and I aren't the only ones.

      For real??? Oh, that makes me laugh. Under what heading?? (I'm not on pinterest, so I have no idea how it works. Is there a heading?)

  5. Yep, kids can be a really stress when you are trying to do something anywhere. It's all about them. Nothing about you at all. I still get this.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. I feel better now! I was wondering where your picture was! I always love your thankful lists!

    2. All. About. Them. All the time. In my head I know it's normal...

      Stacey, I'm glad you like them. Thanks.

  6. Replies
    1. That's my goal every day. Make Yvonne happy. :)

  7. hey! dude!! theys eggshells in your salad!! way to make sure everyone has their daily calcium carbonate requirement!

    (thank you for the photo!…and, as Ms. R notes: 'panda shorts, please'

    1. Look at you, pulling out the big fancy words.

      Ack, you, too with the shorts! Ya'll's memories are way too long.

  8. Replies
    1. I'm glad. I'd hate to be the only moron who does stuff like this. Not that I want you to do stuff like this... :)

  9. I get it. When I'm distracted cooking, I do stuff like throw the potato peels in the bowl and the actual potatoes in the trash. I really need to focus!
    Do you have any tips for keeping snakes out of a chicken coop? We're hoping to get some hens and chicks this month but we're worried they won't last long.

    1. Haha! I wish I could say I've never done that, but alas...

      Yay to new chickens! Snakes, huh? Ugh. I hear mothballs around the outside of the pen work. Or a product called "snake away". There were studies done in Florida to test the effectiveness of it, and it was quite good. Good luck!

  10. Ack! Don't hold your breath on the shorts.

    Thank you. :)


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