
Saturday, January 25, 2014

An Introless Ten Things of Thankful, Week 32

1.  I am thankful to be a stay-at-home mom.  It is the only job I've actually stuck with for more than 2 years.  I love it for a whole slew of reasons, but another was pointed out to me today.  Buttercup was telling me about next week's Catholic Schools' Week activities.  On Tuesday, they are supposed to dress up as one of their parents or grandparents.  One friend said she was going to wear a bullet-proof vest and be her dad.  Another friend said she was going to wear a suit like her mom.  Buttercup said, "I'm going to wear sweats and my robe and go as my mom."  That's right, Sister!

2.  I am thankful for Cuckoo's crazy hair.  The sight of his bedhead brightens my every morning.

Sorry, this was the best view I could get.  He wasn't real keen on getting a photo taken this morning.
3.  I am thankful for COW's ability to catch mice.  There was one living in my van.  It was living in the lap of luxury, with a warm(ish) place to escape the vortex, plenty of paper all over the floor with which to build a nest, and a gigantic bag of dog food on which to dine.  I am very grateful that COW trapped it before it could invite its friends for a party.

4.  I probably mentioned this before, but I'm so glad to have kids old enough and responsible enough to babysit.  Both Star and Giant had basketball games on the same night at the same time at two different schools.  Knowing we wouldn't get home until way after the little boys' bedtimes, we left Buttercup home to put them to bed.  I am so grateful that she is not only good at taking care of them, but doesn't mind doing it.

5.  I am thankful to have found a new doctor and have an appointment scheduled for next week.  The blood tests will be taken and another thing will be checked off my to-do list.

6.  I am thankful for my boots.  I have worn them just about every single day since 2014 started.  Bass should start selling them as anti-vortex boots.  The best part is that I bought them 2 or 3 years ago for $20.

7.  I am thankful for Star's ability to do a science fair project on his own.  Have I mentioned I strongly dislike science fairs?  As in I'd rather have 25 vials of blood taken out of my earlobe than help with another science fair. This year, Star has to do one, and I've barely noticed.  He's found times to test his subjects without any help.  The only thing he's asked from me is the purchase of a tri-fold board.  My pleasure, Favorite Child.

8.  I am thankful for handwritten notes by children just learning how to read and write.  Turken, knowing he's not allowed to interrupt me when I'm on the phone, has begun writing notes and handing them to me.  This is the most recent one...

He's trying to ask if he can put his shoes on to start getting ready to leave.

Cuckoo doesn't have the benefit of age and the ability to read, but he is quite good at spelling words phonetically for a 4 year old.  Today, he was drawing pictures of people and putting their names over the heads.  He spelled "Matthew" exactly the way he says it.  "MAFWU"  Learning to write phonetically is quite difficult when you have yet to master speech.

9.  I am thankful for our mud room.   If you will recall, one year ago we did a gigantic kitchen remodel and added on a mud room.  This addition has changed my life.  I look at my mudroom, with the muddy boots and the thawing chicken waterer and the mud and chicken poo and chicken feathers drug in with it and think, "Good heavens, all of this used to come directly into my kitchen!  How did I live like that?!?!?!"

10.  I am thankful for helpful folks who will drop anything to rescue a damsel in distress.  (Oh hush, I can to be a damsel!)  When I originally wrote this post, I had written, "I'm thankful our cars have started every morning despite the cold."  Yeah, I had to change that, seeing as how it is no longer true.  Cuckoo and I climbed in the van to pick Turken up from kindergarten, only to find that the battery was frozen.  A neighbor came over immediately to jump my car and a friend grabbed Turken from school for me.  A problem that could have been a huge pain in my rear was solved in 15 minutes.

11.  I am thankful for my book club.  We were finally able to get together Friday night after months of not getting together, We even got to see the one book club member who moved to Japan thanks to the magic of modern technology and facetime.  We had read a wonderful book (The Orphan Train) but didn't discuss it for a single minute.  We just spent 4 hours catching up and laughing and enjoying each other's company.

12.  I am thankful for all of you wonderful people who voted and showed support for me.  My ego is going to have to be taken down a notch after all the nice things you said about the blog and all the nice things you did to make sure I got lots of votes. Melody (the one who nominated me) said some of my posts have made her laugh so hard, the orange juice she was drinking came out of her nose.  While I'm glad I can make people laugh, I am very sorry if I have caused anyone pain.  Orange juice out the nose does not sound pleasant.  (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go here.)  Yes, Mom and Dad, you are allowed to vote, too.

Your turn.  What happy things happened for you this week?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. Orange juice, root beer, anything carbonated very painful nose fodder...
    I love the idea of Buttercup's costume... way to rock it!
    WHat a great head of hair on that little cuckoo... such a wonderful sight in the morning! I just wanna rub his head!
    great neighbors are the best aren't they? GOD, I thank you everyday for mine...thanks again!
    Ok whats with the damsel act and the Clarky shoes?

    1. Anything out the nose has to be uncomfortable, but high-acid or carbonated must be awful.

      She will be the envy of all who are stuffed into their parents' dress clothes.

      You and I can say he has a marvelous head of hair, but I predict his hair and double cowlicks will be a big fat pain for him.

      We do have some awesome neighbors. Glad you do, too.

      I'm thinking Lizzi doesn't think my shoes are "scott" enough. I have no idea what she means by " I *know* you can rock seven bells out of that role...".

  2. I loved Buttercup's wish and want to be you! I seriously for the most part do loving being a stay at home mom here as well. The dressing down definitely does have it perks many days. But does sound like a wonderful week and much to be thankful for, especially that COW caught that mouse. I seriously am not afraid of much, but mice do go on my list of things that I don't like and hope not to have to lay eyes on. Now wishing you a great weekend :)

    1. I can drag many a dead animal around, but I absolutely hate dealing with mice. That is the one thing I insist my husband tackle without me. Thank you!

  3. Buttercup,dressed as! And you've a cool family, Christine!

  4. I LOVE this so much... so much fun to read it all, Christine!! My kids would absolutely dress up with sweats and a sloppy sweater and hair on top of their head in a scrunchie.... good Lord, I haven't showered in three days. It's quite brutal right now... I most definitely will take the time for hygiene today. ;)

    That rat in your car? OHMYGOSH.

    Now what competition are you IN??? You must share so I can go vote for you!!!

    1. Hope you got your shower in. Three days is pushing it, four has just gone too far. :)

      Not a gigantic rat. Just a mouse. If I ever set eyes on a big rat, I will not recover.

      I'm up for Funniest Blog in the Sheenazing Award.

  5. As for that bedhead...he worked on it all night and did a fine job too. That's what I always say.

    I'm thankful that my physical therapy is working. I don't think I'm going to need surgery and that's always good news.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

    1. He most certainly did work on it all night. That hair requires work!

      Yay for no surgery!!! It's amazing what the proper physical therapy can do.

  6. Isn't it funny that so often we need an excuse to get together with friends? "Book clubs" are great for that!

    1. It really is ridiculous. Everyone in the book club has TWO kids in common grades in the same school, and we're all go to the same church, yet I never see them. We have to get it on the calendar in order to catch up.

  7. I've had iced tea come out the nose, thanks to a friend's silliness at the lunch table in high school. Burns more than you'd think. And I did actually spit out my coffee (such a waste) when I read about Buttercup's costume idea. That's fantastic.

    Here's hoping a good doctor appointment - I totally understand that idea. :)

    Love the phone notes - that is some pretty darn good phonetic spelling! And how funny!

    Boots - I need those. I rarely wear them because, well, we rarely get this kind of snow in a winter. I managed to score a great winter parka a couple of weeks ago - same reason. But boots have escaped me. I must find something like what you posted there. It's now a mission.

    OMG I just noticed my blog name is over there => on your What I Read at Naptime List...aaaahhhh! And that reminds me that my blogroll page is still in sad need of an update...better get on that!

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. I've had a beverage or two come out my nose myself. It is not a good feeling.

      The idea will be complete truth, being my at home attire.

      Find some boots. Even if there isn't snow, they are wonderful for keeping the tootsies warm.

      Of course you're over there!

  8. Christine, I was an epic failure in Science as old math was and still is my wheelhouse. Oh my gosh I remember coming across your blog about a year ago because I specifically remember your son's name, Phoenix. That is the name of my Golden Retriever who I coined as the spirit born up out of the ashes. I'm thankful for my awesome friend, Beth T, inviting me to be a member of Bloppy Bloggers this week. Good post! :)

    1. I remember your dog, seeing it has the same name as my blog son. Alas, he did not choose it because of the special meaning. He just thinks it's a cool chicken.
      It's good to see you around the blogger group. Beth is a lovely lady. Well, maybe lady isn't the right word... :)

      Thank for stopping by!

  9. This was indeed a happy ten that left me smiling! I can so relate to Science project woes (we once had cups of moldy food growing in assorted places all over our house). Love, love those boots, want more info so I can hunt some down! Cuckoo is too adorable for words, and I hesitate to think what my kids might have opted to wear to be "mom for a day" at school. Mom on Saturdays looks pretty much like she hasn't gotten out of her pajamas yet, maybe soon, maybe not! :-) You have awesome friends who jump to your rescue, that's the best kind to have!

    1. Star tried growing mold once. It failed miserably, because our old kitchen was so cold, mold didn't grow on the bread.
      I got the boots at the outlet mall, the Bass store specifically. It was two or three years ago, but I'm sure they have something similar now.
      I do have great friends. I will always be grateful for them.

  10. Oh, I do love the phonetic spelling of Matthew! I had a little girl in pre-k one year who, when I asked if anyone knew words that started with "Q" said "Cwayon!" I said, yes, it does the way YOU say it.
    The boots look awesomely warm and furry and cute. I have some boots I bought at Kmart about 12 years ago that I still put on when it's snowy. Think it's time for a new pair?
    Your family puts the "mud" in "mudroom."
    We had ants in our van once upon a time ago because a little blonde girl left a sucker stick on the floor in the summer. Having a mouse in there would be even less fun.
    Science Fair is the worst school project ever. Way worse than National History Day.

    1. I'm in charge of the letter of the week each and every week. I so love when their little phonetic selves clash with their speech problems selves. Cwayon is a prime example!
      It's only time for a new pair if yours don't work or look really, really bad.
      That and a whole lot more.
      Oh, ants would be hard to get rid of, though. It's not like you can call in an exterminator.
      Worse than Parade of Countries, too. And we have to make food for that one.
      I liked it better when you numbered your comments. It was easier to respond. :)

  11. Love the bed hair :-) Violet comes up with some epic versions of it herself, and I plan on making a little album with it as some point. Of course, since I've thought about it, her hair has been pretty normal every morning. Yay for kids who are independent, congrats to Star on the science project! Have a great rest of the weekend, Christine!

    1. Me, too. I'm so glad I posted this. Today, my boy got one major haircut. The hair could not be tamed when it was long. The cowlicks were getting ridiculous, so we cut it all off. It hate it.

  12. I love #2 =) Being a SAHM is priceless, I wouldn't trade my SAHM years for anything.
    I need a mud room. Like, for real. =(
    Love the hand written note! So sweet.

    1. I am going to be so, so sad when I don't have a child home with me anymore. I love this job.

      Everyone should have a mudroom.

      Handwritten notes always make me smile.

  13. Phonetic spelling is one of the more charming things about little kids.
    And funky cowlick/bed head.
    Ah, I wish our mud room were BIGGER. Everyone's feet keep growing and the shoes take up so much space!

    1. So many things to enjoy about little kids.

      The bigger the better when it comes to mudrooms. As they get older, not only does everything they wear get bigger, but they have more stuff to fill those cubbies.

  14. You do make me laugh out loud on a regular basis and I know from past experience not to drink and read some blogs. Yours being one!
    It is nice when kids get old enough to stay home with younger ones. It gets trying loading everyone up in the car just to run to the corner for milk. I'm happy not to have to do that all the time anymore.
    I don't know that I could have lived with chicken poo in my kitchen either so hooray for the mudroom!
    I had to find a new doctor this year too and have my first appointment Monday with the blood work and all that happy stuff. I know it's not just necessary but a really good idea but I don't like having to get used to a new doctor. I will be glad to get that checked off my list as well!
    Great post, as always, Christine! Have a great week!

    1. Sandy, you are so sweet. Thanks.
      I love not having to load everyone up, and the kids are thrilled to not be drug everywhere. It's a win-win all around.
      It was awful. Horrible. How in the world people lived in this house for so long the way it was is beyond me. All houses, but especially farms, should have a mudroom.
      Good for you, getting the new doctor lined up.
      Thank you!

  15. granted, not exactly Christian Louboutin… but is the a bullet casing for a tie for the laces?

  16. "...Another friend said she was going to wear a suit like her mom. Buttercup said, "I'm going to wear sweats and my robe and go as my mom.""
    it's material like that, if the judges at the contest have eyes to see and funny bones to…tickle, will win you that (deserved award) know, Lizzi and zoe have raised a valid point, about the shoes and all… I'm think a 'show your shoes' for the next Friday Night vid chat might be in order...

    1. I must admit, I'm a bit intimidated by the vid chat thing (not to mention Friday nights and Sundays don't work well for me to chat), but I could see where a "match the shoes to the cohost" quiz could be entertaining. I'm not sure how shoes fit in the whole clark-scott-roger theory, though.

    2. I am so glad you asked that question! (about the shoes and clarks and scotts and rogers) it is totally fascinating… I will have to do a Post (possibly a re-print on a colab Post I did last year that discussed this very topic!)

      oh! hi Christine! I didn't see you come in!! shoes and Doctrine…very fun topic… gotta run, it's 9:15 pm Sat and I am only on my 4th Post…. be a late one tonight

    3. Thank you, Clark, for the kind words.
      That could be funny, a match the shoes to the co-hosts. And the way Lizzi's mind works, I'm guessing she already has a plan. :) Expect a co-host assignment in your inbox really soon.

  17. Those boots sound like a great deal! I don't know why I have such a hard time finding boots that fit well, are warm and look half-way decent.

    1. My boots aren't anything to look at. Quite boring, in fact. But when it doesn't get above 5 degrees, who the heck cares?

  18. Lizzi- Star is my favorite this week, but Cuckoo is always a close second to whomever is in first. :)

    There is no need for me to tell you things before they happen, seeing as how you reminding me all the time would simply annoy me.

    Well, many of those votes came because of you and your kind declaration for people to vote for me on FB. I thank you very much for that.

    I will pass the message on to Buttercup.

    Clark - Did you have to google "famous shoemakers" or did you already know 1.) Who Christian Louboutin was? and 2.) How to spell Christian Louboutin? I didn't even know he had a first name, and I certainly wouldn't know how to spell it. As for the bullet...hardy har har. :P

  19. no, I did, in fact, have to google his name, although, in my defense I will state that I already had the information (on his name) as I had to do the research for a Post on the Doctrine and shoes…I believe my query was, 'who makes those shoes that those wicked hot scottian women wear?' Serially! I mean red soles? lol (yes, a favorite color of the scottian crowd.)

  20. Bass makes the BEST shoes!! When we lived in Mammoth, my mudroom was filled with them. My favorite pair of Bass clogs fell apart last year. I am jonsing for a new pair which means a road trip.

    Love the costume idea. Kids who help out each other make a huge difference. That mouse had it made! but to drive around know it was lurking... I nominate COW as the hero of the week.

    1. They really do. We have a Bass outlet store nearby, and I've purchased several through the years. New clogs are a good of reason for a road trip as any!

      I had heard the mouse scratching around under the console one day while waiting to pick a kid up from practice. I was hoping it never made its way into the interior of the van, but alas, it did. Luckily, a mouse in the van is pretty easy to catch.

  21. What can I say that hasn't been said...great list, in spite of a lack of intro. I have, on occasion, not written an intro, so who am I to judge?

    LOVE Cuckoo's hair.

    Glad you found a is important. Now people can also check it off their list and can quit harassing you. :)

    1. Yes, you may get off my back now. :)

      Cuckoo will not have bed head anymore. He got a hair cut yesterday, and the hair is mostly gone. I was quite disappointed when he came down this morning with normal, short, boring hair.

  22. I so know what you mean about having kids old enough to babysit... my friends who have younger children just marvel at the fact that I can just...go...I can just walk right out the door...and my kids are all taken care of. "Tell me, Kari...what *is* that like?" And trying not to rub it in too much, I say, "it's pretty awesome!" :)

    Cuckoo's hair is pretty much time does it take to tame that? ;)

    I think I would love those shoes too.... they look very comfy and warm!

    1. We put our many, long years in of hauling kids around. It is so nice to get a break from it. My younger friends are a bit jealous, too.

      Who says we tame it? :) Normally, we just let it go, unless it is really bad and won't fall on its own before we leave the house. Even when we do get it wet and try to comb it down, it doesn't stay. He has the two worst cowlicks ever seen on the back of a boy's head.
      They are so, so comfy and warm. Bass boots are the way to go.

  23. Oh, Lordy, that mudroom makes me jealous. We do (I say thankfully) have a flagstone entry area which I have designated the "snowboot removing area." But I am sad to admit that I am making little headway in curbing my family's tendency to wander the house leaving small puddles of melting snow.
    Also so thankful to be a SAHM. Even the moments and days I am not at all thankful. Because it still beats trying to balance work outside the home and mothering.

    1. I do feel bad about showing it to people, knowing how jealous it could make them. Does it help to know how absolutely horrible we had it before the mudroom? For seven whole years??

      I left teaching because I knew I would never be able to be the the best teacher and the best mom I could be at the same time. Thankfully, I have a husband who supports that idea.

  24. I wish we had a mud room! Childrens' handwriting is adorable. I'm sure you've saved some notes right? I'm right with you on school projects & science fairs. Not looking forward to that. At all.

    1. Mudrooms are extremely handy, but on a farm, it is necessary. There is just too much gross to be drug right on into the house.
      Each of my kids has a tote in the basement where I save notes and other things from their childhood.
      Star will be presenting the last science fair of his life on Thursday. We're all so happy about it.

  25. Wow, six kids! You are lucky :) They're gorgeous. My brother and I were fortunate enough to also have a stay-at-home mom. I can't imagine not having her there to help with homework, take us to extra murals, chat, cry on her shoulder after a bad day at school, etc. It's the best gift any mom can give their kids. Or one of them. I know not everyone can these days though. Handwritten notes are the best, aren't they?! Have a super week too!

    1. I am very blessed to have so many children. And to be able to stay home with them.

      I love handwritten notes. From anyone of any age. I miss getting mail in my mailbox.


  26. You have awesome lists! #1 made me giggle. I love handwritten notes and babysitting aged children too! There's no way I would survive this phase of parenting without kids who are old enough and responsible enough to run the house for a few hours at a time! Have a great week and may the vortex end sooner than later!

    1. Thank you!
      Everyone is happier with the older kids being able to stay home. They don't have to be drug around everywhere, and I don't have to do the dragging.

      Soon. Please end soon!

  27. OMG that bedhead is beyond adorable and I love the handwritten notes. EEP. Here's to sweats (in mine now) and that your daughter realizes how awesome it is to wear them. I think my favorite of your thankfuls this week is the spelling of Matthew. Because MAFWU is perfect! Smart kid! Love your boots and I'm going to pop over and vote because now I can't remember if I have or not. I'm not very cool that way. Seriously - that I can't remember? And glad I'm not drinking OJ right now!

    1. Little kids can be so cute, can't they? Especially when they aren't even trying.
      I love phonetic spelling. It really makes you stop and take a look at how we say things and at what a crazy language English really is.
      Thank you for voting!

  28. You book club sounds like the kind I'd like to join. Four hours of yakking. However, I do love talking about books too. And your child's crazy hair. That would definitely put a morning smile on face face. The neighbors helping out. I loved how you initially wrote that the car started, but since that had changed, well, the who thankful did also. We live in an area where we can count of friends and neighbors. The mudroom! Isn't it nice to know that when something is finished it is exactly how you envisioned it, i.e. keeping the yuck out of the kitchen??? Have a spectacular week.

    1. The only reason we stopped the yakking at 4 hours is because it was late and we all had to be up early in the morning. Sometimes we actually do talk about the books. Really, it doesn't matter. The fact we read them is good, and getting together is good for our well-being.
      I am shocked by the fact that after one year, I have not found a single thing I would have done differently with our renovation. Everything works perfectly exactly where it is. I love it.
      Thank you!

  29. Your "pecking order" of little chicks is quite gorgeous! Boo mice in the van....this is one of my actual nightmares. Yeah, for notes handwritten by beginners. My kids are all grown and gems like you have there are still some of my greatest treasures.

    1. Thank you.
      A mouse in your vehicle is a nightmare? Can't say I've ever heard that one before. :) I can't stand mice. I can deal with just about anything except a mouse.
      It is nice when the parent/child relationship changes as the kids grow, until finally, when everyone has gotten to adulthood, everyone can just be friends.

  30. Such sweet notes from your boy. Those are keepers. And that sweet bed head. I loved being home with my kids too. They are grown now, but oh, those precious years when they were favorite years. It IS so wonderful once kids do those science projects on their own. I hated them too. Why are they so difficult?!?! A baby-sitter, a mouse catcher. You have it all, girl. :-)

  31. Somehow I missed your post at the weekend. Not sure how. Your boys pass notes when you are on the phone! So polite and sweet. I've also been a stay at home mum for longer than any other job I had. Hadn't thought of that before. I didn't really have a lot of choice when the girls were little - they were too sickly to leave with anyone else. Now I like the chance to write.
    Very impressed with COW's mice catching skills!


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!