
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I Know What You're Thinking, and No, He Didn't Play in His Poop

As we were about to leave to pick the big kids up from school, Cuckoo showed me his arm. 

C:  I drew faces on my arm, because I want to be Spiderman, and Spiderman has webs on his arms, but I don't have webs, so I drew smiley faces.  Can I take this with me so I can make a few more?

Me:  Sure. 

While we drove, he apparently forgot that he was simply drawing a few smiley faces on his arm.

Sorry, I didn't realize he had just stuck an animal cracker in his mouth.
I never said a word the entire time I got the camera and took the photos, yet he knew.

As he sat there so nicely getting his picture taken, he asked, "Why am I going to be on the blog?"

Because I never, ever want to forget moments like this, Baby.  Ever.

Have a lovely day!


  1. And that's why we buy them washable markers.

  2. That child looks so adorable I just want to give him a great big cuddle :)

    1. Me, too! Unfortunately, he's not always open to such affection.

  3. I love being a blogger. Everytime I grab the camera, one of the twins says "Is this going on your blog?" He did a great job writing his name! :-)

    1. My kids don't even ask anymore. They just assume. He is a pro at the name, except of course for the upside down J. I thought about blocking it out for the post, being we go by aliases, but it would have taken too much away from the photo. If only he would have written his blog name... :)

  4. I am starting to hear the same thing except from my wife. Are you putting that on your blog?

  5. omg....those little cheeks.....he's so precious! thank goodness for washable markers!

    1. How can you not love those cheeks?

      No joke. No wonder we never had markers as kids.

  6. My daughter once managed to bite the marker end off one and her face looked like she'd eaten a ton of black licorice. And her teeth, and her tongue. Ah the joys of motherhood. Thanks for sharing so I can feel better.

    1. Hahahahahaha!!!!! The thought of that is making me laugh completely out loud. How awful!

  7. Bwahahahahahahaha. He so reminds me of my son when he was that age. Too cute.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. I'm glad it could bring back some memories to make you laugh. :)

  8. How did you know what I was thinking??? Baaahaaahaaa!

    "Why am I going to be on the blog?".....he is so stinking cute! How can you stand it! :D

    1. We have similar brains, you and I.

      I can't half the time. I will be the so, so sad when he grows out of those cheeks.

  9. So cute! He is just precious (even with writing all over his body).

  10. He did, and thank you for blowing his Cuckoo cover! ;)

    What makes me laugh the hardest about that comment is the book I put in the gift-giving guide is about a girl who asks for super-indelible-never-come-off-until-you're-dead-and-maybe-even-later markers, then colors her entire body with them. (Side note, he did not get the idea from the book. I don't know if I've ever read that one to him for this very reason. The other kids I knew could handle it.)

  11. I believe you just got some more awesome mom points.

    1. Oh good! My stash has been stagnant for a while. :)

  12. Ugh. I hope not. I don't care what people do to their bodies as far as tattoos go, but I really don't want my kids going down the tattoo road.

    I know how to erase them. I thought about it. But it would have taken away from the loveliness of the photos. I crossed my fingers that no one would notice. Probably shouldn't have made the photos so big, huh? :)

  13. I only wish you had a video of him from start to finish! Wouldn't you love to know what goest through their sweet (and funny) little minds??

    1. Oh, how I wish I had a camera mounted in my van. The things that go on in those back seats...

  14. My son did that. Spend an entire naptime coloring his hands & arms ... I wrote about it here:

    We still give him a hard time about it. One of those things as a mom that you feel like you ought to be mad, but all you can do is laugh! SO THANKFUL for washable markers!!! ;)

    1. My lands, he was thorough!!! It actually looked like he had black gloves on! Very good thing you went in when you did.

      There is no way to be mad at such behavior, unless, of course, you are on your way to someplace important, like a wedding. And even then, it's just plain funny. (And if it would have been permanent markers, even funnier for a while. Until you get tired of telling the story on day 4.)

  15. This is so cute. The kid and the fact that he knew he was blog material. lol

  16. OMG that is freaking priceless! And the fact that you trusted him in the car with a marker, girl you are my hero!

    1. We are in the car so much, they always take things to color with us. We've never had a problem with it... Yeah.

  17. So hard to be angry, isn't it? My Hub often says "that's going on the blog, isn't it?" Yup. You betcha, Baby.

    1. There's no way I could be angry at this. I don't know if it's because he's my sixth or if I was like this for all of them, but what is there to be mad about?
      Blogger families learn real quick that they most certainly are fodder. :)

  18. Ha! This has happened to me...still does actually! Marker tattooin, hair cutting, spaghetti hair...all fair game for the blog, right? Funny how the family just knows after a while! You are right about the memory though. The messes get cleaned up and forgotten but now it's there forever!

    1. Thank goodness we've only had to deal with the hair cutting one time when our daughter was about 3. Boys can't see their hair to cut it, and if they did, a little buzz cut takes care of it.
      I'm a little bit nervous for the day my kids are old enough to have their own blogs and use me as their fodder.

  19. This is priceless!! So glad you captured the moment. Think of his future girlfriends you can show these to. Your kids are so cute!


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