
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I'm Going Back to M&Ms

Our printer has been broken for several weeks.

It starts to print, but then gets jammed and paper gets stuck, it keeps printing on crinkled up paper for a second, then horrible sounds emerge, and the "Something's wrong!" beeper yells at us to Fix It!

COW and I did all we could to fix it.  (This includes lift the lid, look around, shrug shoulders, close the lid.)

Today, Buttercup needed something printed, so we crossed our fingers, hoped it spontaneously fixed itself, and we'd be good to go.

No such luck

As I was trying the "lift the lid" approach (to no avail) Cuckoo came by and asked what I was doing.

"Trying to see if anything is stuck in there."

He immediately said, "There is!"

"How do you know?"

"I'm little, and I can see right in there."

I bent down to look into the area where the paper comes out, and yes, there was something silver jammed in the little slot paper comes through.

I couldn't get my fingers in there, so used a paper clip to push it out as best I could.

My fingers just couldn't grab it, and in desperation yelled, "I need someone with little fingers!"

Cuckoo, standing by, screamed, "I have little fingers!"

He managed to get his little phalanges in there and pull out some of the blockage.

With the paper clip, I was able to get the rest.

Bet you can't guess what it was...

A Hershey Kiss wrapper.

Remember when I said I traded my lunchtime M&Ms for Kisses, as I ate less at a time?  Yeah, I usually eat them while I sit and read/type at the computer, making a nice pile of the wrappers.  Apparently, one wayward wrapper got stuck in the printer.

So, for the sake of our computer, I'm going to have to switch back to M&Ms. 

The sacrifices we women make...

Don't know about you, but so many times, life reminds me of a Seinfeld episode.

Have a lovely day!


  1. Hahaha! That's hilarious! And spot on. :)

  2. Ouch! Don't you hate it when something like that ends up being your own fault, and there's no one to yell at? Hey, this story really did have a silver lining!

    1. Yes, the children enjoyed this a bit too much, knowing none of them were going to get in trouble.


  3. Yeah I don't really have any words for this. Glad it was fix-able and didn't cost a dime. You are once again making a sacrifice on behalf of the family...such a giver. :)

    1. I am a giver. Glad someone noticed. :)

      I was so close to getting someone to look at it, seeing as how I couldn't get the thing apart. I couldn't be more happy that Cuckoo figured it out.

  4. Those kisses wrappers can cause so much trouble! When my youngest son was 2 and we were visiting relatives at Christmastime, he managed to get into our medicines that we had packed. Apparently the meds weren't the only thing he ingested, though, because as his stomach was being pumped, brightly colored metallic wrappers were also coming up. Yup, Hershey's kisses--in holiday colors! Fortunately, he ate far more wrappers than medicine, and all was well.

    1. Hahaha! I'm guessing the wrappers helped take away a lot of the anxiety in the room.

  5. Bwahahahahahahahaha. A kisses wrapper? That's rich. Pun intended.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  6. I prefer M&Ms over Hershey's Kisses any day, with or without wrapper ;-) We had the same problem a few weeks ago, and found that a little plastic srew cover from the office chair had gotten stuck in there. Maybe we really should put the printer on a little stool??

    1. Ours is on a TV tray. And yet...

      Can't say I'm sad about going back to M&Ms.

  7. I'm addicted to M&M's they are in my office drawer, my kitchen drawer and somewhere safe that no one can find in case of an emergency. Should the Cape suffer a direct hit from hurricane my husband has all the supplies. Me? I have my M&Ms.

    1. But will you share them when you are all hunkered down in your hurricane shelter? :)

  8. I'm going to do a low blow and flee. M&Ms are are chocolates....

    Glad your printer is working. I think Cuckoo desrves all your M&Ms.

    1. Oh, those are fightin' words.

      He has plenty of M&Ms, seeing as his older siblings each gave him some for his birthday.

  9. I'm with you on the Seinfeld thing - we've even got a cat we should have called Kramer instead of Kushka! Lol

    1. Ha! I love a Seinfeld episode. I've been watching a rerun each night before going to bed. So, so funny.

  10. Hahaha!! That is awesome! M&Ms trump Hershey's Kisses anyway. Your clogged printer was definitely a sign. Seinfeld...there was never a truer sitcom on tv. :-)

    1. M&Ms over kisses any day of the week. (Doesn't mean I won't eat half a ton of kisses if given the chance...)

      One of the best shows ever made.

  11. Blasted Kisses wrappers, always ruining everybody's fun. Hee hee. Now I want some!!

    1. Why do they need to be wrapped, anyway? Just to keep the point pointy? If only you lived closer. I'm good at sharing.

  12. Too funny. Good thing you had a little person around to help solve your problem. Looks like it's M&M's again!

    1. I'm not joking, we would not have figured it out without him. Yay M&Ms!!

  13. Too funny! Either way you are getting the all important chocolate intake so you'll be ok!

    1. Yes, I will. I must have my chocolate intake.


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