
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Just Another Moment in Which I Make My Kid Suffer for Your Enjoyment

At the grocery store on Wednesday, Star was in a silly mood. (which is most certainly a step up from the woe is me attitude he normally sports when having to endure the grocery store)  He took the bag which holds all of my reusable grocery bags and put it on his head like a hat, and wore it from the time we checked out until we got to the van.

Like this:

Cuckoo (and many other people) found it to be hilarious, so he put an extra, full-sized bag on his head in order to be like his big brother.

All was fun and giggles until we got to the van.

Cuckoo couldn't get his "hat" off.

He was screaming and hollering and getting a bit panicky, but as the big boys tried to help release him, I whisper yelled to them, "Take your time!   I have to get my phone out!"

And because the boys love their mama, (and they thought the whole situation was funny, too) they took their sweet time getting it off of him,

just so I could get some photos.

Have a lovely day!


  1. Hahaha that is totally something my kids would do!

  2. Okay is that borderline cruelty or just someone who sees a photo op for a blog post? Hee hee. I've been there, baby! :)

    Cute kids!

    1. I have been taking photos like this way before I had a blog. The only difference now, though, is I share them. :)

      Thank you!

  3. Aren't blogs wonderful for documenting even the silly fun memories? Your boys will remember this!

    1. They are fantastic! They will. And our daughter will remember it because she missed the whole thing. She was in the van already, and didn't know anything about it until she saw the photos here.

  4. Blog photos vs. years of psychological therapy. Ya gotta have priorities. That's why I love ya girl!

    1. Exactly! Ya gotta have your priorities in order. So glad you do. :)

  5. Glad you didn't have to insist on a do-over for the sanctity of the blog.

    1. You know it wouldn't be the first time a do-over was insisted upon. :)

    2. I totally know that, because I have forced a re-enactment or two myself. The cats are the least cooperative.

  6. And that's how you know you're raising them right, when they're willing to torture their younger sibling so you can get a few snaps ;P

    1. I have to admit, I know how to raise me some good kids. :)

  7. I have to disagree. There will be no therapist, but he will have a blog of his own where he documents all of the embarrassing things I do in my senility. Although, if he's anything like his father, he will still get out of doing the shopping. :)

    :) Me, too.

  8. Love the laughter and smiles on their faces! who knew that grocery bags could be so hilarious!!!

  9. I love your parenting style!!! :D

  10. Look what we missed before cell phone cameras! Such fun :-)

    Side note...I have not been getting email notice of your posts lately, so now I follow with Bloglovin.

  11. Hahahaha poor little guy! I appreciate the shenanigans your kids get into, and your capitalizing on the situations.

    I can't help but notice the trend of photos depicting their embarrassing moments, but not your own ;-)

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!