
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Big Announcement that Has Nothing to Do with Laundry

Back during the A to Z Challenge, I stumbled upon Josie's blog.  Each day, I enjoyed reading her list of all the things beginning with the day's letter for which she was grateful.  The variety of items was sometimes touching, sometimes funny, but always interesting.

Recently, my long-time blog friend, Considerer, has been doing "10 Things of Thankful" each day.  She is wanting to "find the joy in each day and combat the easy way negativity can just happen without our really thinking about it."  Even on her worst days, she has managed to come up with 10 things for which she is grateful.

When Considerer threw out the idea of starting a blog hop about being thankful, I offered to be a co-host. 

And she let me.  I don't know what either one of us was thinking.

I have absolutely no idea how to be a co-host.  I have no idea how to set up a linky dohicky.  I have no idea how this is actually going to work.  I just know I'm a co-host, and it starts this Saturday at midnight.


SAT to the UR to the DAY!!!

My dear friend has done everything for it.  I have simply told her when it will be midnight compared to GMT (That's in Great Britain, ya know.)  and that I will have a list ready.  She has done everything else, including making our button.

Ten Things of Thankful
How pretty is that?

Now, I know you are desperately wanting to get in on this bit of positive energy.  Here's what you bloggers can do:

1.  Write a post on "Ten Things of Thankful".
2.  Come back here between midnight Saturday (Friday going into Saturday) and Sunday night, with fingers crossed, to see if I did everything that Considerer told me to do, and link up your post.
3.  Smile when it works.
4.  I bet others would be grateful if you visited them. 

If you're not a blogger, have no fear.  You can participate, too.  Just leave your list in the comments.  Positive energy doesn't have to come in the form of a post. :)

I look forward to seeing you this weekend!


  1. Great idea!!! We all having something to be thankful for even in the worst of times.

    1. Thanks! We do. It's just sometimes hard to recognize it.

  2. Wonderful idea!! Definitely doing this. :)

  3. This sounds like my kind of blog hop!

  4. YAY! Gratitude is contagious! I love doing gratitude posts, as you know. When I'm focusing on things to write I find myself smiling (even if I wasn't smiling earlier that day), and by the time I'm done I realize that my life is so much better than I sometimes realize. My lists for A-Z really were all over the place and that made it fun... big things, little things, sometimes even things that I was thankful didn't happen! You can bet I'll be joining you here. We'll be away this weekend celebrating Papa Bear's 60th Birthday, but I'm going to start working on my list and hopefully can get it linked up sometime Sunday if not before. THANK YOU for the mention, I was inspired to do my lists by Lena on her blog, and I know this will inspire others to do the same! GREAT PLAN, count me in! :-)

    1. Your lists were wonderful.

      If you can't manage this weekend, we'll be here next week, too!

  5. Oh my nuts... Is this a daily thing? I am just catching up, but I am hoping to participate. You're killing me! I may be too pessimistic for 10 a day, but that likely means it's important for me to do.

    I really like the button/badge :-)

    I will check back to see how this list thing works. Congrats with Co-Hosting! Make sure to reference this post each day of the challenge? Depends on the set up. RAR! Exciting!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. Once a week, friend. Only once a week. I would never do that to you. :)

  6. I might have to try this...Josie recommended it!
    McGuffy's Reader

    1. That Josie, such a nice lady.

      I hope to see you Saturday.

      Thanks for stopping by to check it out.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!