
Saturday, June 29, 2013

10 Things of Thankful, Week 4

Let's get this link-up party started...

1.  I am thankful for the Backyard Chicken Lady, I swear, if my chickens knew how her chickens lived, they'd be out on the road with a wing in the air, hoping for someone to take pity on them and give them a ride down to her air-conditioned coop faster than you can say Cock-a-doodle. She does all sorts of research and testing, then tells me (and her other readers) about it.  Recently, she gave me a marvelous idea of what to do with the ridiculous number of mulberries I have ripening around our property, as well as the leftover bits of fruit and veggies I would normally throw into the compost.  Following her directions, I have made iced fruit snacks for the chicks, which I will save in the freezer until they get a bit older.  Basically, put all the fruit and veggies in a cake/cupcake/loaf/whatever pan, cover with water, then freeze.  Pop them out of the pans, and keep them in a sealed freezer bag until ready to give to the chickens.  I've made 5 cake pans already, and have plenty more mulberries and such to make some more. 

This was my first attempt.  The next batch was almost all blue, containing mulberries, black raspberries, and some blueberries. 

2.  I am thankful for public pools.  On hot, humid days, I am so grateful to be able to jump in the car and be at a huge, fun pool in the matter of a few minutes.  We haven't had too many days that were pool worthy, but Friday we did.  We took full advantage.

3.  I am thankful for a good sense of humor.  A certain young woman at the pool should be, too.  (Gotta say, I'd be a lot more thankful for the public pool if there were a lot less of the "public".)  My sense of humor allowed me to laugh instead of punch her when she looked at Cuckoo, jumping in to me over and over again, then looked at me and asked, "Are you the mom or the grandma?"   Aaaand she was serious.  Ha.  Ha.  Son of a Ha.

4. I am thankful for free anniversary date nights with C.O.W. (previously known as BBQ (previously known as Hubby))  For the big 19th, we were able to go out to one of our favorite local Italian restaurants for all of $12.  Thanks to our children getting older, we no longer have to pay for a sitter.  Thanks to generous friends, we had a gift card to the restaurant.  Win-win all over the place.

 5.  I am thankful for adults who like to camp.  Phoenix and Star are coming home from a week of Boy Scout camp today.  They LOVE camping, but would never get the real experience if it were left to me.  I'm not a fan of sleeping/living in a tent, so I am beyond grateful for adults who do and are willing to take my boys with them.

6.  I am thankful for nearly free t-shirts.    The brilliant Clark from the Wakefield Doctrine, who... has a theory?... talks about behavior?...I can't even explain it.  You just have to go and figure it out.  As the T-shirt he sent me says, I'm a scott.  We're doers, not figure-outers. :) 

A little note before you see the photo:  This bit of the "nearly free" has completely shown me that I will never, ever participate in the "What I Wore Sunday" hop I've seen on various blogs.  Taking this photo was torture.  C.O.W. is not a photographer.  And I clearly don't know how to pose myself.  Sorry, Clark.  I'll try again in the daylight when one of my kids can take it.  Outside.  While I'm doing something productive and not awkward, like just standing there to get a photo of my shirt.

See, the sleeve says "scott".  Because I am one.

7.  I am thankful for hair products.   My curly hair turns into a frizzy disaster in all of this humidity.  Fortunately, Frizz-ease is sold at a store near me, for a very reasonable price, so I can actually go out in public without people asking me things like, "Are you the mom or the grandma?"  (Wow, guess I'm a wee bit bitter.  Must be thankful.  Must be thankful.)

8.  I am thankful for my camera.  Many moons ago, I had a small photography business.  The business required my ownership of a fancy camera.  The business may be gone, but the camera remains.  I am able to get all sorts of good photos with it, but today I am especially grateful for the big zoom lens on it.  On Thursday, a few of us were in the kitchen when Buttercup yelled, "What is that in our yard?"  It was halfway down our driveway, so we couldn't tell.  It was a bird, and almost looked like a vulture.  I got my camera out as quickly as I could and got one photo of it before it disappeared into the treeline.  I walked down and tried to find it, but to no avail.  Here's the photo.  I'd be extra grateful if you could tell us what it is.  It very much is NOT a vulture.  Turkey?  Peahen?

Those arrows are pointing to two spots we assume are baby birds.  They were hopping around behind the mama bird.
9.  I am thankful for re-runs.  I have discovered that staying up a bit later than I used to helps me sleep better.  Go to bed at 10:00, I wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble going back to sleep, usually more than once.  Go to bed between 11 and 11:30, I sleep soundly all night long.  So, I go to bed later, which means I get to watch all my old favorite shows again, without C.O.W. trying to turn it to some random sport.  "Malcolm in the Middle" anyone?

10.  I am thankful for this blog.  I have fun writing it, but it is so much more than that.  I have met so many good, fun people.  It makes my mom and dad happy.  It compels people whom I haven't heard from in a long time (and miss terribly), to contact me and make me cry.  And now, every Saturday (and Sunday if you're too busy Saturday) I get to read a whole bunch of things that make people happy.  What's not to love about a blog?   (Don't ask my family that question.)

Git to gittin' and tell me what your thankin' (for).  (Sorry.  That was bad.  But I'm keeping it, 'cause I'm 3 minutes late in posting this.)

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. You are so sweet! Although I haven't written a "What I am Thankful for" post yet, I am truly thankful for the internet for allowing me to meet such wonderful people like you!

    Ignore the nut bug from the pool. She doesn't have a personal filter -obviously. You don't look like your kids grandmother at all!

    Sometimes people try to act like they think my grandkids are my own children (so they don't offend me I guess, I don't know) Waitresses do it the most (must be fishing for a bigger tip). Get real people! My grandkids are 4 and 6 and I am 50!!!

    Oh, I've been busy doing more experiments...can't wait to share them soon. I would have shared at least one of my recent experiments tonight but instead I got totally sidetracked reading several of my favorite blogs and time just got away from me. Here it is 11pm already. I am off to bed. Enjoy your Malcolm in the Middle, nite :-)

    1. Oh, forgot to say...your frozen chicken treats look good enough to eat! Your chickens will love them!

    2. Ack! What happened? Did so many people click over to your blog from mine that it shut the whole thing down? It now says your blog has been removed!

    3. OK, it's back. Crisis averted.

  2. The mum or the grandma? Ouch! You're right, she's very lucky to escape without a good smacking!

  3. I think I want to be one of the Backyard Chicken Lady's chickens! Yum!
    My MILS has a pool and I am SO thankful for it.
    You should've pushed that smart mouthed chick IN the pool, or if she was already in, dunked her! WHO says that even if they do think it??

    1. No doubt! She loves her chickens.

      You ain't kidding. She was standing right next to me in the pool.

  4. I'm thinking that not-so-nice lady at the pool is the one who has a lot to be thankful for! I mught just have been tempted to show her what "granny" can do!! ;-) I never cease to be amazed by the things people will say. But you have so many good things to count here that it makes her and her remark insignificant in the big picture of life. Loved the almost free Anniversary Dinner... date nights that don't pinch the pocketbook are the best and most enjoyed kind! Loving the frozen fruit treat for the chickens! Dogs and cats love frozen treats with some of their favorite food bites included too! Helps them with the heat. My hair is naturally wavy, not curly, but put me where it's humid and it goes nuts, flying in all directions... funny but not my most glamorous look! :-) Wishing you a wonderful week coming up, enjoy those pool days, if you need more warm sunshine I'll be happy to pack up and send some of ours!!!

    1. I would like to see what you would unleash on her. :)

      Never thought about the treats for the dogs. What do you put in them?

      The frizz is crazy. I don't have to ever worry about going bald. Just a little bit of hair, in the humidity, would look like a full, unkempt 'do.
      Send it! It's been raining all day here in Indiana.

  5. Your chickens are truly lucky to be getting raspberries, as well as the other fruit.

    The bird in your photo looks like a peahen to me. Peacocks (and peahens, too, I think) have a terrible cry--like a woman screaming--so if it sounds like someone is in trouble, it's probably a peahen.

    I know it's hard, but try to let the grandma comment go. I'm convinced that people in general just don't judge age very well. I've been mistaken for my children's sister (or girlfriend), but then a day or two later have been asked if I wanted the senior discount! I'm not that young, nor am I that old. Just a regular middle-aged mom.

    1. I'm thinking they are going to love it. We have always given our chickens leftover fruit. (watermelon rinds are their favorite.) With over 30, though, we won't have enough for them all. These little treats are exactly what we needed.

      I'm getting over it. Of course, it would be a whole lot easier if my dear husband quit laughing about it. :)

  6. Hi, happy anniversary. Loved reading your list this week. I love chickens. I have parakeets, quails, and finches in my birdhouse. I also have two rabbits. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you! I was wondering what all you had, after reading your post. Can't wait to see the photos!

      Have a good one!

  7. My friend who was at the pool with us, when told of the comment said, "Well, think of where we are. Many, many women in this town are grandmas before they're 37." True dat.
    And yes, anything that contributes to the blog is a positive. (The things I do for you all...:)ldjadjkj)

    They are good! I love them. Too bad those pesky stems don't make baking with them very easy.

    Me, too! So glad you started it. :)

  8. WOW...that icy, fruity, thingy looks really, REALLY tasty!!! Those are going to be one bunch of happy chicks!

    As for that bird...peacock??? Pheasant???'re talking to a concrete, city girl. :D

    1. I know. I can't believe how good it looks.

      Sooo, you don't get to vote. :)

  9. ha ha I loved the 3rd one the best :)

    1. Seems most do. :) Glad to see back in the blogging world!

  10. (what do you mean...'where is my invitation?' ... look on your damn list, it's right there... no' not under clark...look under 'T'...for 'the' as in 'the Wakefield Doctrine'!! what...I am aware that the doors opened at early am today...just got a little... never mind, where is my badge!)

    lol loved the photos... and yes, thanks to 'the Considerer-Christine effect' I can refer to the coversation-ette we had in one of the Comment threads earlier. This is actually the first time I have (the new design) docTee's worn by human being. Very cool. and the photos are excellent. Thank you.

    "...See, the sleeve says "scott". Because I am one."
    ...thats one of the things I like about you scotts, simple and direct and straighforward.

    which makes the the young woman at the pool a luckier-than-she-realizes person... I for one would not take such chances with my health lol

    I will check in later... time to leave the office...go do the call-in and then home to eat.

    1. (calm yourself. It's an open party.)

      I'm the first!?!?!? Sweet!

      Glad you like it. Gotta say, not everyone does. Some people find me to be a bit intimidating.

  11. The pool lady should be thankful she didn't "accidently drown". Seriously, who says that????

  12. 1. The pigs would like these as well, wouldn't they? Of course, their palate isn't very sophisticated, since they will eat their OWN POOP. 3. You should have asked her when her baby is due. 7. I just wish I could find the perfect hair product for my curly hair. Everything I have tried is okay or meh, nothing fantastic. But I keep trying. 8. I vote turkey. 10. Me, too!

    1. They would, but they get other treats. Mainly, lettuce from the garden and apples that fall out of the apple tree.

      3. That is a PERFECT comeback! I guffawed when I read it, and so did the husband when I read it out loud.

      7. Even when I do find something, it doesn't seem to work forever.

      8. I just wish I knew where it came from. If it came from the woods, that was a LONG, dangerous walk. We have coyotes all over the place. If it is a neighbor's pet, I want to know who! We don't have that many neighbors, so you'd think I would know.

      10. Yay!

  13. Your chickens must be very spoiled! That looks like a very tasty meal! Nice list this week, I'm there with you with number &, I don't know what I would do without hair products!

    1. Not spoiled, that's for sure. Their digs are less than ideal. We try to feed them well, though, since what they eat directly affects what we eat.

      Hair products rock.

  14. NO way someone thought YOU, beautiful you, was a grandma!!! I am offended more than you! And you CLEARLY were not carrying your fabulous purple purse, because no grandma would carry a purse like that. And how OLD was the lady asking you? She must have been like a teenager...they often had NOT sense of age. Like they think I'm almost 40...can you believe that? ;)

    1. You're the only one who has been offended because I don't look old. Everybody else is offended that she spoke it out loud. Thanks BFF. :)

  15. I too am thankful for the pool that my in-laws have on hot, humid days such as today and love frizz-ease, too, because I have thick wavy hair (it really works quite nicely!!). Thanks again for co-hosting and hope you are having a great weekend. And Happy Anniversary, too!! :)

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you have jumped on board and enjoy linking up. I'm having a ball with it.

  16. Oh I love your list! I, too, am thankful for my blog. You're so right that it truly is a gateway to meeting such amazing people. Those without them can never understand the true friendships we find among fellow bloggers. A big thankful for sure. Now I'm dying to know what that bird is. Could it be a goose? I can't tell...but it does look turkey-like. UGH to somebody asking if you were the mom or the grandma! I had that happen to me as well. Somebody said "Oh, you must be the grandma!" I was like "" and then she had to follow it up with "well you sure waited a long time!" Gah. I got my DocTee this week too! I need to go somewhere cool and have my husband take a photo of me wearing it.

    1. Well, thank you. Not a goose. We have tons of geese around, and this isn't one. The tail is way too long to be a goose.
      Oh for Pete's sake, it's bad enough to make the first bad comment. By making another, she's just sealing her fate of being seen as a goober.

      Yay DocTees! Can't wait to see yours!

  17. The big kids were off swimming somewhere else.


    THAT IS AN AWESOME IDEA!!!!! Too bad we don't know how to homebrew. I need to find someone who does. (and actually lives closer than a day-long flight.)

  18. I'm thankful for summer fruits here in FL, like mangoes!! Love them! Also thankful for air conditioning here in FL, where it's 90+ degrees. I'm thankful we have a lawn mower, b/c w/ all the rain lately, we'd be living in a jungle without it. I'm thankful I'm not Paula Deen. :-( I feel so bad for her, I wrote a post about her.

    1. My kids would be in heaven, if only to have mangoes ripe for the picking.

  19. Hmmm when I saw that picture I was thinking it was a new fancy dessert. It looks really good lol That is an interesting method, and a great way to save/use what you would otherwise trash/compost.

    I'm not touching #2/3 BUT today IS Monday meaning it's Grandma Day ;-) She says hi!


    Glad you had a great anniversary :) Hopefully your kids never argue about babysitting one another. I think that is sometimes common once more are of age to do so. Yay!

    ACK! It's a Wakefield Invasion! All your pictures displaying your pink shirts. I'll have t0 be careful...

    It's amazing how many people you can meet when blogging, and it's great it's allowed for you to reconnect with others from your past (even if they make you cry... at least there are some laughs and I'm assuming it's all positive)! That hasn't happened with me. Not sure I want it to lol depends on who it is.

    I totally thought that was a picture of a turkey leaving monster dumps in your yard lol

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. It is a fancy dessert, just not for you. :)
      You are cruising for a bruising.

      I am very careful about the older kids babysitting. I had to watch my sisters all the time when I was a teen, even missing a homecoming to do so. They really don't mind the babysitting, since it is the only time they get to watch TV. :)

      Yeah, I don't know who reads this thing, but I'm going to assume only people I know and like do. :)

      Ha! Could have been!

  20. #3 - oh girl, do I feel your pain, only in my case, it was a woman older than me doing the asking. Urgh!
    #6 - when I got my t-shirt, my 2yo co-opted it and wore it around all day. I tried so hard to get a pic, because it was the cutest damn thing. Maybe after I wash the fingerpaint off of it, we can try again!

    1. Ah! Good grief. I have to just believe they have situations in their lives that make them think these questions are not offensive.

      Oh, how cute! Hope we get to see it someday!


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!