
Friday, June 21, 2013

10 Things of Thankful, Week 3

By Friday night, one of those low-grade headaches had started to form.  The onslaught of this week has done me in.  Taken me out.  Laid me flat.  Shut me down.  Basically, I'm just downright tuckered, ya'll.   I'm so glad I have this required list of thankful to get together every week.  Otherwise, I'd wallow in my vat of self-pity until my husband got home from work, and then the wallowing would turn into one of those rare, full-on "I can't do everything by myself I need you to step up and do something around here before I lose it completely" tantrums that we all know and hate. 

Now, I'll simply give him a peck when he arrives and ask him how his day went.  And then sit on my rear while he washes the dishes.

1.  I am thankful to have Hubby and Phoenix back from their trip.   And not just because I am excited to have people with whom I can share the big chores.

2.  I am thankful for our church/school community.  Our closest relative lives two hours away from us, so over the last 14 years we have formed a local "family" for whom I am very grateful.   Tonight was the end-of-camp cook-out, and while there it made me smile to look around and recognize so many people I consider part of that group.  So many arms to hold babies when a mama just wants to eat in peace.  So many eyes watching out for kids playing on the playground while they catch up with each other.   So many kids I adore waving or smiling or running up to say hi and give me a hug.  Yep, family.

3.  I am thankful for the kindergarten kids I got to lead around camp this week.  They were a sweet bunch and gave me no trouble at all.  I get all teary eyed when I think on the fact that these are the boys who will be Turken's classmates for the next 9 years.   They will play a part in the kind of young man Turken will become.  Their parents will be my new friends.  (Seeing as how I'm now the old lady, and all my current friends are at the end of the elementary school years, while I'm just getting started all over again.  I'll need new friends who will someday become old friends.) These kids will join the ranks of the many, many kids who know me as "(fill in the kid)'s mom".  They'll become part of our school/church family. 

4.  I am thankful for time with my friend who moved to Japan.   She is back in town for an entire month!  This week I got to have a nice, 3-hour long dinner with her at the restaurant which has become our tradition.  I look forward to many get-togethers with her over the next few weeks.

5.  I am thankful for Buttercup.  Between Hubby and Phoenix being gone, VBC, and the other boys' soccer camp, there is too much for one person to do.  Buttercup has stepped up and been a huge help this week, even getting the little boys up and ready to go on the one morning it was my turn to drive the big boys to camp. 

6.  I am thankful for carpools.  I only had to drive all the way to Butler for the soccer camp (an hour away) twice.  Four out of the five mornings, I only had to drive 4 minutes to a local gas station to make a drop-off.  Without the carpool, either soccer or VBC would have had to go.

7.  I am thankful for Hubby's job.  He is able to work flexible hours, I am able to stay home with the kids, and we are able to do so many things with them.  For sure and for certain, there never would have been a trip to Puerto Rico if Hubby had a different job.

8.  I am thankful for the big van.  The five extra seats we have is the reason we can participate in carpools.  I can help friends when they need to leave their kids for a few days.  I can have my nieces and nephews up for long visits over the summer.  My kids can simply invite their friends over if we run into them out and about town.  It's a monster that won't fit in most parking garages, but it serves us well in plenty of other ways.

9.  I am thankful for fans.  Despite the fact we got a new furnace last year, our old house just isn't conducive to proper heating and cooling.  The kids in the front of the house would roast at night (and I'd be rather uncomfortable) without fans. 

10.  I am thankful for our newish kitchen.  It's been five months since our kitchen/mudroom remodel was completed, and I'm still in love with it.  The mudroom has completely changed my life.  I simply look at everything in that huge room and think, "I used to have to trip over that junk all over the house."  And the island in the kitchen?  Makes me happy.  You know how in family sitcoms, the kids always plop themselves in the stools to talk to mom while they have a snack?  It's real.  Islands are magical. 

This things of thankful exercise is so good for getting out of a funk.  I feel so much better.

Won't you join us?

Even if you don't have a blog or simply don't want to write an entire post, let us know some of your own things of thankful.

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. Personally, today I'm thankful for the cafe manager who considers me a regular, knows how I like my breakfast, and knows when to bring me my second diet coke. Bless your cow, Tom the cafe manager!

    1. Bless Tom! (But the bless your cow?? Can't say I've ever heard that phrase before. I may have to steal that one.)

  2. Your lists are always so elaborate, I love that!

    It is so important to find a good community when the family is so far away! I am glad that you found what you can call your new family!

    Having dinners with frieds we do not get to see very often? Priceless!

    I envy you for your kitchen island. Would so much love to have one, too!

    1. Is elaborate a nice way of saying, "Man, you like to talk!" :) (Thank you.)

      We really have found a family. Our lives are so much better for it.

    2. Yes, it is - in a totally positive sense!

  3. I love Thankful posts, so I just had to join in. In fact, I was already composing this post, just had to add a couple to make it Ten. =)
    I used to have a minivan and I LOVED it! I piled so many kids in that thing. lol
    I want an island in my kitchen. One kids still hang out in there with me though, I can never cook a meal without them underfoot. At their age, that is a GOOD thing, I'm not complaining!

    1. So glad you did!
      Ah, the days when a mini-van was considered big. When I drive one now, I feel like I'm driving a sports car. :)
      Ha! My kids have always cooked with me too. With the island, I just have a better place for them. I hope they always want to help me in the kitchen.

  4. take a cue from 'icansay' I really like your lists 'cause they are more snapshots of a real life than they are a numbered lists of items that are designated as gratitudinous parts of life.

    Totally like that.

    (Hey! I can use your writing this particular Post as one of my items* on my Post today, right?)

    *my list being *so* not a comfortable glimpse into a life as it follows the normal path shared by most

    1. Why thank you.
      I always enjoy reading what you write, as you always include "words" that make me stop to think, "Did he make that up?" Today, it is "gratitudinous".

      When are your blog hop (regardless of which hop) posts ever normal? :)

  5. Oh, I was totally dealing with headaches off and on this week and know exactly what you mean, but do love this linkup and am truly thankful that this is the way I get to end my week now!! Thanks as always for co-hosting!! :)

    1. I'm so glad you enjoy the link-up. I enjoy reading everyone's lists. (After reading your list, it sounds like our weeks were equally headache inducing.) They work just as well as Tylenol to ease the headache.

  6. I'm sorry you're feeling a little bit under the weather, but glad you have so many helpers to pitch in with the chores. Hope you're feeling better soon!

    1. Tomorrow will be the beginning of a nice, relaxing week. I'm very much looking forward to it.

  7. I love your list...especially the part about all your chicks being back in the nest...Hubby included. And also about your van...though I would much prefer seeing you pull up to the soccer fields in a stretch limo with flames like your friend has for her kiddos. Maybe the NEXT car can be a pink perhaps? ;)

    1. I have trouble parking the van. I can't imagine what I'd have to do to park a limo! It would be fun, though, to drive around in. (It would never be pink. so sorry.)

  8. Great list... I'm glad you had the chance to catch up with your friend. I can't wait till my good friend comes and visit from Colombia in November, I see her once a year for about 3 hours every time I go there, but this time she is coming here and she is staying with me for a whole weekend. Enjoy the rest of the time your friend is visiting. Hope your headache is gone.

    1. How exciting!!! I foresee late, late nights, just the two of you talking and catching up.
      The headache is all gone. Thanks for the well wishes.

  9. Ooh, I need to do a list like this too. Enjoyed yours very much as usual :) - I've missed your posts during my time away from the blog world!

    1. Azara! I've missed you! You are welcome to join anytime. We'll be here every weekend.

  10. It is working all right!

    This community has come through for me more times than I can count. We'd be sunk without them.

    I will always stick with it. It's a great idea, and I don't want to lose my place as co-host!

  11. I love your #10, because I think islands are magical, too. My husband thought I was crazy for wanting barstools there since our kids are only 1 and 2, but the 2yo has learned how to climb right up there and hang out in the kitchen while I clean. Awesome!

    1. It is awesome! They love sitting in the stools to help or watch or do whatever. They're with me, but out of my way. perfect setup!

  12. Crap crap crap... I'm going to try to type this up fast... Second storm is upon me, I've been waiting all bloody day and I've yet to sleep and uncertain about volunteering today now... Laundry in dryer has to hurry so I can hit Rainbow for some snacks! ACK!

    I'm glad you sound a bit perkier :) I suppose it is hard to be in a huff when thinking of all the various things you're grateful for (Random thought: You should get pics of the flaming limo!). The biggest thing in your list that stuck out to me were "fans" because I love them and need them as well. I have an issue with heat and being hot, and a lot of times (though it wavers now) I like the sound of the fan, especially when going to sleep.

    GAH... thunder and light rain beginning... Come on laundry! Lightning! I want my fucken cookies >.<

    Fans and that you've spent a ton of time with kids, both your own, and others. It's so awesome you get along so well with children. I feel it says a lot about you, and trumps your cranky control freak self ;-) But maybe that is why you like kids... you are bigger and can boss them around... Hmmmm. dun Dun DUN! lol

    You know, most sitcoms do have that kitchen island. That's interesting, I've always like them and if ever getting a house or town house I'd like to have one. Maybe in my next apt if ever "upgrading" from the one I have now (or if I'm fired ha!)

    You may judge me if I miss out on my volunteering, but i this storm is like Friday's we are in trouble! Noooooo the rain is coming down!

    I'm uncertain how interactive I would be with the parents of other children who may become friends with my (yet nonexistent) children. I think I'd be way too shy.


    Great list as usual *hug* Hopefully this week won't be so brutal for you.

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

  13. 1. That's why it's called your church "family". I'm sad for people who don't have a second family like that for extra support. 2. Did Buttercup do all of that without throwing her hip to one side and wagging her finger at you? She's a PEACH. 3. I'm jealous of your island. For structural reasons (called the old stovepipe chimney), my kitchen is in an "L" and will always be in an "L." Unless you can build an island with a chimney running through the middle of it....

    1. She did it without a single complaint. She really has been a peach this week. An island with a chimney in the middle could totally be called a "statement piece". Every room should have one. :)

  14. I am jealous of your kitchen island! We remodeled ours about 4 years ago now and I continually wish that I'd have done an island rather than a peninsula. Oh well - next house, next kitchen! How wonderful that you have found such a loving and supporting community and that your friend who moved to Japan is in town for an entire month!!

    1. A peninsula does about the same thing. Good attitude you have, though. Next house!

      It's going to be a good month.

  15. Ummm did my post disappear? :-(

    1. Ummmmm, if you mean your comment, it never appeared in the first place. Bummer. I'm sure it was a good one.

    2. HAHA "post" maybe due to it's length :( but yes I meant comment. That really sucks. As mentioned I wouldn't be able to capture the same flow, but I will attempt an abridged version.

      YaY! Glad to see some of the happiness shining through the green-eyed monster :-)

      OMN another storm is moving through I best type fast. Want to go buy cookies.

      Crap clothes in dryer...

      It's awesome you love kids so much, and that you volunteer and do many activities with your kids (and others).

      Maybe you love kids so much because you are bigger than them and can tell them what to do! (The joke about your control-freak comments I was worried possibly offended you)

      PS. Pictures of the flaming limo please.

      Kind of jealous of your ability to make friends with other kids' parents. I don't think (if I were to ever have any of my own eventually) I'd be able to do that easily.

      I want cookies!

      I'm also thankful for fans. I almost always have one going, especially when sleeping. Sometimes I wonder if it's the white noise, or just the cool factor (I don't do well with heat).

      *random joke about not wearing pants* Not really, but I should have... Next time.

      Then I pondered about old family TV shows (and new) and agree that there always seem to be magical kitchen islands. It intrigues me. Glad you finished yours up even if it was kind of a hassle. Can't imagine it was easy work!


      Obligatory link-back:

      Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

      And then I ran off... maybe I didn't hit send? I'll try not to get overly excited next time.

    3. I just love a stream of conscious comment from you. :)
      Ha! Never thought of the control/kids connection. Not true, though, as kids are harder to control than a herd of pigs sometimes.
      Hope you were able to get to the store and get yourself come cookies.

    4. Holy crap did you see that original comment was back?! I thought when you mentioned it you meant it was deleted/didn't go through. It was just hiding? lol I was pretty close :-)

      And damn right I had my cookies! RAR!

  16. I agree that it's great to have job flexibility. I love being able to spend so much time with my kids. They are so fun.

    1. Sooo nice. I don't know what I'll do when they are in school all day. I'm thinking after all these years, I'll never be able to hold a job with regular hours again!

  17. Sometimes the best family is the one we choose. It's great that even with your family not so close you have been able to cultivate a family of friends. Great list :)

    1. Thanks! I don't know what I would do without this family we have here.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!