
Friday, June 14, 2013

10 Things of Thankful, Week 2

1.  I am thankful for kind blog friends.  Besides the fact you make me laugh, support me in the good and the bad, and simply just brighten my day, not one of you called me out on my incorrect spelling of "inaugural" (I spelled it something like inogarulle, but it seems spellcheck doesn't work in the title) in last week's thankful post.  (Don't bother going back to look.  I already changed it.) Are you all just that nice, or do you not know how to spell it, either?

2.  I am thankful for my perfectionist husband, who read the blog and alerted me to the misspelling.  If only he could have read it before Tuesday.

3.  I am thankful for my Betty Crocker cookbook.  That woman never lets me down.  I bought a big box of blueberries, which only two people in my house will eat.  However, in a Blueberry Streusel Muffin, all of the kids will devour them.

4. I am thankful for my umbrella.  Sunshine triggers Lupus flares.  An umbrella allows me to do a lot of the things I want to do, and some of the things I have to do.

parking duty during our home soccer tournament last weekend - This would be in the "have to do" category.
5.  I am thankful for bouquets, put together by a certain "free and a half" year old in order to surprise his daddy.

He got the vase out of the cupboard, filled it with water, and placed it on the table all by himself.

5.  I am thankful for healthy pigs.  Every time I go out to the pen, I get pigified.  (That would be a word I came up with to describe the state I am in when I come back from feeding/watering the pigs.  Basically, I am covered in mud.  Smears of it all over my legs from their snouts pushing me around in order to get their food.  Spots of it all over me from when they get their heads into the water stream while I fill their bowls, then shake their heads and send mud drops flying.  (Little tip: NEVER take your shower before feeding the pigs in the morning.))  When they were sick, I came back from feeding/watering sparkling clean.   

Plus, the tail don't lie.

Tightly coiled tail = healthy pig.

6.  I am thankful for our garden.  Besides the wonderfully yummy food it provides, it gives me hours of pleasure in time weeding.  I was out there for four hours on Thursday, and it was delightful.  (I'm not kidding.  I really do enjoy it.)

7.  I am thankful for the break from soccer and appointments.  Thursday is the first day so far that has felt like summer.  The van never left its spot in the driveway.  No place to go.  Nothing to do except enjoy some down time.

8.  I am thankful for spring temperatures.  After that long winter, we are experiencing a real spring with perfectly mild temperatures.  We have had the windows open for weeks now, and I love it.

9.  I am thankful for the library.  My kids love to read, so after a trip to the library, peace and quiet reigns for hours. 

10.  I am thankful for Star.   It's his birthday today!!!  He's the big 1-2.  Star has always been the wild card.  He's a boy of extremes, emotions written all over him, unless he is someplace other than home.  The entire world believes he is quiet and calm.  The entire world is WRONG!  Thankfully, he is also hilarious, in a very physical, Kramer from Seinfeld sort of way.  Lately, the boy has really started to mature.  The other day, I was emptying the dishwasher while all the kids were in the kitchen with me, finishing up their lunch.  With zero prompting from me, Star got up and began helping me.  That has never happened before.  Could it be he has actually been listening to me all these years when I have said, "When you see an adult working, your bum should be up and working, too"???

A little peek into their campout.  Post to come next week.
Well, Readers, it's your turn!  Link up your thankful lists so I can start reading about the good things in your lives.

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. I will admint that I didn't notice it either.*

    Sorry guys, still working on the code thing (back at the Doctrine)... as I mentioned over at Finding Ninee, I am seeing elements of a certain role reversal happening to me that is, shall we say, less than totally amusing. ( i.e. the one guy (at the moment) co-hosting and I am sitting in a pile of html, saying 'would one of you help me figure out how this thing works!" ha...ha)

    Good Binaugural Post, yo

    *so how does the spell check miss 'admit' and yet, when I am trying to write, it is so damn smart that it will provide me with the word that I really, truly meant to use...not!

    1. Thanks! You'll get the HTML some day. :)

      Spell check is a fickle beast.

  2. Thanks be to God! We are all so blessed!

  3. What a wonderful, feel-good post from start to end! The muffins have me drooling, the flower arrangement was delightful, healthy pigs are a true blessing, and a son who helps out unasked is amazing!! You also brought back fond memories of childhood summers spent with almost daily trips to the local library to participate in the Summer Reading Club, it was my second home! :-)

    1. I'm glad you got so much from the post. Feel-good posts are all the rage these days. :)

  4. It wouldn't be very kind to say that I was kind about the misspelling, would it? If so, I didn't notice a thing....

  5. Hi, really sweet post. You have a great son it sounds like. My daughter is sweet and helpful most days. :) I am thankful for posts that make me chuckle like your did today. I love the pictures of the piglet. :)

    1. Sweet and helpful most days is wonderful. Even I can't be sweet every day. :)

      Thank you!

  6. I love the idea of taking time to reflect on what we're thankful for, it puts things in a whole different perspective. This post is great in so many ways I'm not quite sure what to comment on. I love bouquets made by little ones, they're better than store bought bouquets any day. And those muffins look delicious. Thanks for the inspiration to think a little more thankfully today.

    1. I'm glad you liked it, but more so that you were inspired to write your own. I love reading happy posts.

  7. I can't wait to read about the campout! What a good idea! And those muffins...I'm drooling.

    1. They were some good muffins.

      I'm working on the campout post. It's a busy, busy week around here.

  8. I put up my 2nd part tonight...I loved hearing about your 10TF:) Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I love your piggies:)I too, love the library:) I got at least once a week..sometimes more.

    1. The library is the best idea government ever had.

  9. How I missed last week that this blog hop is an ongoing thing is beyond me. Delighted to participate again, and may be changing up my blog schedule a bit to better accommodate the hop.

    (I am going to have to be not quite so proud of my editing abilities. I don't remember seeing a mistake last week!)

    1. I'm so glad you enjoy linking up. I probably didn't explain it very well, that's how.


  10. Not sure how good of a blogger friend I am... I may have missed the misspelling (likely to being unsure of its actual spelling myself), but I do sometimes like to point out the numberings of your listicles when they double up :)~ Though, I think I avoided the last one... so maybe I am getting better!

    I think pigs will forever be a no go for me. A garden, on the other hand, may be something I'd fancy if I were to ever get my own place... and I had a MRS that loved to work in it where i could just watch... ;-) Terrible, I know!

    Finally hitting Spring here and so far so good. I've actually had the AC going for a bit. May be killer on the electric bill. I held out as long as I could, but I really dislike heat.

    It's great your kids like the library and reading! Always try to promote that :) When I'd go to the library I would just use their computer and chat with the ladyfolk. Don't judge!

    Glad you got in some down time! Have a great week!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    PS. The muffins look yums

    1. PPS: Happy Bday to Star!

    2. You are a fine blogger friend. Not only do you read, you leave super (long) comments. :)

      Ha! Don't get married until you find someone you love so much, you want to be with her all the time, including when she's working in the garden.

      Our AC has been on this week. It is back to blazin'!

      I never judge...and never let my kids use the computer.

      They were yummy.

      I'll tell him.

    3. Awww why thank you much :)

      Marriage is a topic I've fluxed on over the years... I'm not completely against it like I used to be back in the day, but am still pretty indifferent. If a fine ladyfolk would be happy just being together without that "contract" of sorts, that would be fine by me.

      Someday your runts will be all over the interwebs falling in loves with all the 45+ older men in their tighty whities behind their screennames... dun Dun DUN! Juuuuust kiddin...

      Never let them have access to the interwebs >.>

  11. Happy Birthday to Star and hope he had a wonderful day!! Also, those muffins looked delicious and so agree with loving my Betty Crocker cookbook, too. Thanks for hosting again and so happy to linkup once again, too!! :)

    1. Thanks! It was a good day, but we're holding off until later this week to really celebrate. My husband has been out of town.
      Betty Crocker is awesome. Thanks for joining in!

  12. Haha to number 1. I'm betting that the rest of us didn't know how to spell it either. Still, seeing it here "inogarulle" cracks me up! I love the bouquet your free-and-a-half put together! Great photo. Well all are really great photos actually. I never had any idea that a curly tail on a pig meant a healthy pig!
    Happy birthday to Star! Twelve. The years go by in a blink, don't they?

    1. It's a tough word, I tell ya.


      I didn't know either until we had sick pigs!

      The years are flying by, and I don't think they're going to slow down. :(

  13. wow, those muffins are totally awesome! Can I have one? They look really good - and maybe perhaps a tad healthier than my piece of chocolate cake I was planning to have for breakfast!

    Wow, a farm! I would love to have chickens. Fresh eggs would make me very happy too!

    Awwwww, the bouquet is so sweet!

    taking a break from soccer is a good one. I don't like sitting out on the soccer field and watching soccer. I don't know why. I just despise it - so I hear you on the break. Less running around makes me happy as well.

    Thanks so much for the excellent hop.

    1. They were good, but not much healthier than the cake. Blueberries are the only healthy bit.

      Fresh eggs are wonderful.

      He keeps adding to the bouquet, so it just gets sweeter.

      I do enjoy watching soccer. It's the driving around to get to soccer that wears me down.

      Thank you for joining in!

  14. I"m also thankful for the library! FREE fun;)
    And thankful to learn new stuff every day--like about sunshine and lupus and pig health. Who knew?

    1. Well, free if you actually get all the books in on time. We always have at least two stragglers causing fines to accrue.

      Certainly not me until the last few years!

  15. Ha! It's a tough word. :)
    He did love it.
    Double yay for the maturity!


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!