
Friday, May 31, 2013

Saddness Rules the Day Today

We interrupt our regularly scheduled pig post to tell you I ain't feeling it.

I have tried so hard to stay positive this week, but bad news has been hitting me from every side.  Today, the worst blow of the week came.  I'm not going to list it all here, seeing as how I don't want you to be brought down into my sadness.  (And because the news is not public information)  I called my one super good friend, who I haven't talked to in 2 weeks, to tell her we couldn't come to her son's graduation party after all, and the floodgates opened.  Within 2 minutes of her answering the phone, we were both sobbing messes of snot and tears.

She thanked me profusely.

I told her she really needed to talk to me more often if she didn't want to hear everything in one sitting.

And then my SIL texted to see how the pigs were doing.  I called her to say I don't give a damn anymore about the stupid pigs, seeing as how all these other worse things are happening, and she said, "I have my shoes on and my hair is already done.  I'll be there in 2 hours."

I told her, "No, you don't have to do that.  You have your own farm and kids and life stuff to do."

Know what she said?

"I know we aren't sisters by blood, but I love you dearly, as if you were.  This is not a pity visit.  This is a sister emergency visit.  You have an incredible amount on your shoulders right now, and I'm going to help.  I may not be able to do more than stand by you while we watch all the pigs die, but I'll be there."

And so, even in my pit of utter sadness, Positive is fighting for a place in my day.  

*So as not to scare you all, nothing has happened to me, my husband, or my children.  They are all healthy and fine.  A bit sad, (I have only told them bits of the bad news from the week.) but fine. 


  1. Praying for you, Sweet friend...and just to (hopefully) make you laugh for a second, I shall post what I told you yesterday that I would not: No need to wait for your hubby to get home...I am the kind of friend who would drop everything and sit on a pig for you anytime you needed it. (I would also do anything else you needed. You know my number!)

  2. Bless your SIL!! I hope things get better ASAP. Farm life sometimes is like wiping with an old corncob - it's just rough. I discovered today we have a mite infestation in our chicken run. What a mess! We farmers must stick together! Thinking of you, my friend. I hope brighter days are before you!!

    1. That is an awesome analogy! Stick together we shall! Thank you. The days will be better for sure.

  3. It's good to have someone to share your sadness with (besides a spouse I mean!) Hope things get better, whatever the problem may be. Take care.

    1. It really is necessary to have someone besides my dear husband sometimes. Thank you.

  4. Hang in there. Sometimes survival mode is the order of the day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  5. I'm sorry thinks are sucky for you right now. Consider me giving you a virtual hug :(

  6. I hope things get better in your neck of the woods. You are blessed with good friends/family.

  7. Gosh I am so sorry. You have positive all around you, being overshadowed by the negative. Don't let the negative take over. You will get through this tough time.



    1. So sorry, new to the blog that you are, that you had to read one of the only sad posts I've ever written. There is lots of positive, and I've been trying really hard to focus on it. We got through a tough hurdle today, so things will be a bit better.
      Thank you. I'm hugging back. :)

  8. :( Sad Panda. I'm so sorry you're getting hit from all sides. Sending huge virtual hugs your way.

    Take care, D

  9. Still praying for you. Keep me posted. Life is crap sometimes, {I mean literal crap you live on a pig farm, you know that} But God is still God, He is still Good and He still loves you, cares for you and will work it out for your best.

  10. GAH I feel terrible I've come across all this so late :( I hope by now things are going better. I had originally thought this was about the animals.

    You definitely are keeping what's up under wraps, I understand especially if things are necessarily public.


    Your SIL sounds awesome, and I'm glad you have people right there present in your life who are able to be there for you. Even though I'm "late" I'm sending positive vibes/thoughts your way!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

  11. things are probably better by now...I'm late reading this. I'm hoping you are feeling uplifted at this point. Life is just hard sometimes.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!