
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Any Bigfoot Hunters Out There?

When we purchased this house, the previous owners took us on a little tour of the property.  They were very sad to be moving, so we indulged them in a little nostalgia and farm lesson. 

Two things really stuck in my mind from that afternoon.

1.)  We are allowed to shoot any animal that threatens our chickens.  As he said, "We can even shoot peregrine falcons if they come after the flock."  This didn't stick in my mind because I planned on using the information.  It stuck because the mere thought cracked me up to no end.   First of all, if I have to choose between an endangered bird and a common chicken, I choose the falcon.  Second of all, the thought of Hubby wielding a gun to shoot a falcon out of the air sends me into a fit of laughter.  Yeah, something would get shot, but it most certainly wouldn't be that falcon. 

2.  The neighbor down the street is one odd duck.  He has video cameras set up at the edge of his property on the railroad side.  (There is a railroad half a mile from our house.)  Not to watch for coyote.  Not to watch for burglars.  No, he has them to watch for Bigfoot.  I thought for sure the guy was joking, but no.  The neighbor is actually afraid that Bigfoot will be comin' on the train and get off at his house.

So, for my little predicament, I could just go ask Odd Duck Neighbor, but we've never met and I'm afraid to make contact.  Plus, he has a locked gate securing his driveway.

Honestly, I don't need a Bigfoot Hunter.  A UFO fanatic would do, too.  Or even someone from Loch Ness looking for the monster.

I really just need someone who can decipher grainy photos.

As I ate my breakfast this morning, I heard the dogs go berserk.  Upon investigation, I saw a creature halfway down the driveway.  It wasn't fazed in the least by the dogs' barking.  (They are behind an electric fence, so could not get at the creature.)  But once I stepped foot on the front porch, it mosied off to the tree line.

I gotta say, the thought of it made me very wary to head out to feed the pigs.  Not because I thought the creature would eat me, but because I was afraid the creature had beaten me to the pig pen.  I didn't have time to clean up a dead pig.

About 20 minutes later, it showed up again.  This time I remembered to get my camera.  I took the photos from inside the house, so as not to scare the thing away before I got it on "film".

Pretty sure I've got myself a coyote.

Here are the photos.

What do you think?


By the way, I had a mild panic attack when I did feed the pigs.  They didn't come out of the barn like they usually do when they hear me coming.  Fortunately, I discovered they were just sleeping in this morning.  All is well.  For now.

If you are a good friend, you won't mention the dandelions or uneven mowing.  Be a good friend.  Or come mow it yourself.  :)

Have a lovely day!


  1. Oh yeah. Nasty critters. We have them around here but they are the city version. About the scrawniest, lamest, non-threatening looking mangy mutts ever. In fact, I found it hard to believe that one actually took off with our neighbors poodle. Then again, it was a poodle. Your coyote is a little more intimidating. Looks like it has been eating well, eh?

    1. Aw, poor poodle.
      I'm thinking the coyote is the reason I haven't had to clean up many dead raccoons this spring. Normally, by now, they would have left several by the front porch. For this, I am grateful.

  2. Yowza! I see those stupid things all the time. They are so arrogant! I have had them just stand in front of my car on the road refusing to move.


    1. The problem certainly is getting worse. I followed one down the neighborhood street a block away from the kids' school just last month.

  3. Yes, I concur with these lovely ladies...coyote for sure. We have them behind our house...the worst part is hearing the babies "crying" in the middle of the night. C.R.E.E.P.Y.

    1. Oh, that is the worst sound in the entire world. They will wake me up some nights. Even I will use the capital C.R.E.E.P.Y. on that one. :)

  4. Are you ever tempted to hire a gorilla suit and go,for a wander near your neighbours house? I think I would be ;)

    1. The thought has crossed my mind, but a guy like that most assuredly has a gun. I'd rather live.

  5. I'm always so eager to chase coyotes out of my backyard that I forget the camera, so kudos to you for remembering. I'm not sure if they would go after a pig--a piglet, perhaps--but you might want to make sure your chickens are secure.

    1. The last two years, our flocks have been decimated by them. This year, we are going to restrict the chicken's movements. No more free-range for them.
      As for the pig, unfortunately, it happens. Two years ago they got one, and it was only a week away from the butcher.

  6. Chupacabra. Fo sho.
    Seriously, looks like a coyote to me. We have them too, which is one reason I don't have chickens. =(

    1. We will beat these suckers! I've already called in coyote hunters once, but with no luck. I'll be calling them back in.

  7. Whoa--a bigfoot hunter? Send him to our woods! My boys swear a yeti lives in them.
    That is one handsome coyote.

    1. Ha! Have they set any traps to catch it? What proof do they have the yeti exists?

      If there is such a thing as a handsome coyote, I guess he is.

  8. Will you do the trimming around the house and barns, too? That would be awesome. :)

    The idea of his face is funny, but the reality would be him with a shotgun, finally getting to take out the elusive creature that made him the laughing-stock of town.

  9. I wouldn't be able to tell as I've never really seen one, but others believe it is so yeah. I'd be afraid of your kids wondering over to that property belonging to the Bigfoot hunter. Kids like to go on adventures and do some exciting random things. I can't imagine him of being sound mind enough to realize they were kids before something bad happened :( (This also goes into the gorilla suit ideas heh)

    Though, I wouldn't mind exploring Big Foot regions myself haha

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. With the coyotes roaming around, the kids are too scared to go farther than 10 feet off of our property. :)


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!