
Saturday, April 6, 2013


can be defined as...

*  Easter basket grass.  Period. 

*  Not realizing until after the washing machine has filled with sudsy water that you have mistakenly put the newly washed and dried clothes you just took out of the dryer into the washing machine instead of the dirty clothes piled at your feet.

*  After getting in the shower, realizing you forgot to put a new bar of soap in the shower, again, so there isn't even a sliver with which to clean yourself.

*  Thinking of a great idea for a post while in the shower, then completely forgetting what it was when you go to write it down.

*  While unpacking $50 worth of groceries, realizing you forgot to buy the one thing you went to the store to purchase in the first place.

*  Spending 30 minutes cutting and organizing coupons to coordinate with a detailed shopping list, then forgetting the whole kit and caboodle on the kitchen counter.

*  Making the conscious decision for the first time in 2013 to skip the shower and stay in PJs all day, then having that be the one day your sister (who lives 2 hours away) shows up at your door unannounced with her co-worker in tow.

*  Having something hilarious happen to you, but then can't get a hold of anyone in order to tell the story.

*  (After your husband gets home)Realizing that the hilarious happening was completely situational and not nearly as funny in the retelling.

*  Playing "Sorry" and not getting a one or two or Sorry card after going through the entire deck twice.

*  Playing "Sorry" with a three year old who doesn't draw a one or two in 5 turns.

*  Patiently waiting for five minutes while a child decides which piece of sports equipment he wants out of the back of the van so I can lock the doors and keep my purse safe while we play at the park, then 35 minutes later returning to the van to find we had left the side van door open the entire time.

*  Run-on sentences.

Have a lovely day!


  1. My frustrating grocery shopping thing is getting home to find that the twenty dollar cosmetic item I bought is no longer in my grocery bag, and I never noticed because it's the size of a lipstick tube.

    1. Blasted teeny tiny cosmetic items! They are like socks in the dryer, disappearing with no explanation whatsoever.

  2. How in the hell, can you manage to go to the grocery store and get out of there for 50 bucks??? Now I'm frustrated!!!!!!

    1. Calm down. I spent that $50 in a quick 15 minutes in the store. It was not a normal restocking of the fridge shopping trip.

  3. Oh my...somehow one or two of these frustrating things happening in a day would be enough. My frustrating thing for the week was having the clothes dryer start smelling like smoke (from overheating, perhaps?) which make all the clothes in it smell like smoke. Washing the same clothes over again twice and then hanging them outside to dry finally took that smell away.

    1. I must admit I might have just let my kids go around in smoky-smelling clothes. I would have been so annoyed with the whole thing. So is a new dryer in your future?

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. LOVE this post, partially because many of these things have happened to me and I feel your pain. I suspect I could write an entire anthem of frustrating moments. Well done. You summed these up well.

  5. Shower & soap..yep, Store for sure. Cute post.


    1. Thank you! I think the shower and soap thing annoys me more than all of them.

  6. I crack myself up constantly, and my husband gives me the "you must have had to have been there" look during the re-telling. And getting great ideas in the shower? Always, although most of them apparently wash themselves right on down the drain.

    1. It seems as alike as we are, our husbands are even more. :)

    2. Yes, they are, but yours actually knows something about livestock. When I took mine to the county fair when we were first married, he wanted to know why the Grand Champion Steer was sent for processing after it was sold, because "wouldn't you want to breed it? It's a grand champion!" I truly thought he was kidding, until I looked him in the eye and realized he had no idea what made a steer a steer....

    3. Dear, you are assuming my husband knows what a steer is. We only know about the animals which we decide to raise. We decided on pigs, so we read books on pigs. We have not raised beef cattle, so we know very little about them. :)

  7. Yes, this post about sums up normal life for mothers and women everywhere. It's the f-word (FRUSTRATION, not that other f-word) to a T... or should I say to an F?? :-) I had to smile is sympathy and familiarity with nearly every one! Thankfully there are some wonderful, satisfying moments that help to fill in the cracks... like when all of those beautiful children are asleep on their pillows... and look remarkably like angels for that brief, quiet period of time! :-)

    1. Fortunately for everyone, there are plenty of good moments to balance it all out. I do love an angelic sleeping child!

  8. OUCH to the thinking of an amazing blog post in the shower and forgetting it. I do that ALL THE TIME. Seriously. Walking the dog, showering, working, and each time I think "oh this is SO good I'll remember it." I never do. Stupid soap.


    1. I always get my best ideas when doing something that prevents me from writing it down. I hate that!

  9. Argh! The grocery one. I do that all the time.

    1. I do, too, even with a list. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Great post! It's good to know I'm not the only one things like this happen to. Just did the laundry thing last night.
    Donna at Donna's New Day

    1. Thank you! I'm sorry you can relate. :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Coached Cheerleading for years {please still be my friend} and would actually make up cheers in the shower, practice so I would not forget and then teach them to the girls at the next practice. The shower is my serious thinking place. Keith used to ask who I was talking to in there when I was trying to get a cheer just right.

    1. Hahaha! I am not surprised, and yes, I'll still be your friend. :) Perhaps I just need to put my blog ideas (and everything else I think of while in the shower) to cheers to help me remember. That could be very interesting...

    2. You could use a white board marker and write the idea on the wall, when you are done just wipe it off. OR you could do the blog idea to cheers. Yes PLEASE do the blog idea to cheers!!! What gave the cheerleader for 3 years cheer coach for 6 years away to you??? was it the massive amounts of "!" I use?????
      glad we can still be friends

  12. Hahaha your list is awesome :) I always think of fantastical things in the shower, but rarely do I ever remember and capitalize them once out. I should write while in the shower, to be honest.

    Sounds like Sorry just isn't your cup of tea. Maybe Yahtzee? :)

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!