
Friday, January 18, 2013

The Peril of Enjoying Your Mother's Company

The kids did not wear my mom out.

She did not fall asleep at 8:00.

In fact, she kept me up until almost 2:00am with all her yappin'. 

OK, I did a bit of the yappin' too.

So, no awesome post today.

I am linking up with Kate's Finish the Sentence Friday hop, though, since I already have a post written. 

The sentence to finish this week:

The last time I went on vacation, I...

Remember, I took Buttercup to Atlanta and we stumbled upon the set of the new Hunger Games movie?

Don't remember?  Go here.

Finish the Sentence Friday

Have a lovely day!

I'm going to go have a lie down.


  1. I imagine there was a bit of laughin' accompanying that yappin'.

  2. 2am? Man, that old mum of yours is full of beans. Try giving her a sedative next time.

    1. There wasn't a clock in the room with us, and i didn't have a watch. I asked what time it was and said, "If it is one o'clock, i'm going to be mad at you." She said, "Nope, it's not one!"

  3. Ahhh good relationship is never perilous - it's the day after a good chat that holds the problems.

    1. You are so wise. We had no troubles at all until the alarm went off at 6:00.

  4. Aw, that's great! Funny that we both posted today about how much we enjoy spending time with our moms. Lucky you!

    1. Quite the coincidence, isn't it? I am lucky. We are very alike and get along so well.

    2. And 25 years ago, never would I have said that I was lucky to be like my mom. :)

  5. Hey its meghan. I just created a fashion blog and emailed you an invite at your Will you please follow me? Thank you!


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