
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Great Unveiling - I Have a Badge!

You know how I said we would not live in fear but look for the good in people?  Have I got some good to share with you!!!

I have an email account specifically for this here blog.  I get maybe one or two emails a day that aren't spam.  Two days ago, I got one from Christine, from The Aums, that said,

Just wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog when you do and leaving comments. I really appreciate it.
I think the answer is no but wanted to double check whether you/your blog is on twitter or has a facebook page. Just wondering if there are other place to follow you.
So, I've been making blog buttons/badges/whatever they're called lately, and I made one for you (attached). It's nothing fancy, just something that you can put in your sidebar for others to grab and it's great for pinterest if anyone (like me) wants to pin your blog. I know this is randomly out of the blue so...if you'd like it, I can give you the code you'll need to install it. If you sort of like it but have a suggestion to make it better (I just tried to stick with your blog theme) I'm all ears. Or if you're like what they heck do I need that for, that's okay too. Just let me know.
Can you even believe that???
First of all, the fact that she wanted to pin something made me smile.  Can't imagine what it would be.  I know it isn't for my crafting abilities! 
Secondly, she didn't make fun of me or get on my case about not having a button.  I can totally see myself doing such a thing if I had any clue how to make a badge/button and my friend did not.
Nope, she went the super-kind and generous route and just made one for me! 
I know for a fact that she didn't make it because she was bored and had nothing to do.  No, making this badge means she had to lock herself in the bathroom for a bit. 
Once again, I am just astounded by the kindness of people.  Christine and I have never met in person, but here she is being so helpful as to see a need and do something about it without being asked.  (She didn't even ask for anything in return!  Although if I'm missing out on some blogging courtesy that I am clueless about, please tell me!)
What have we learned from this?
1.  I am not the only one who knows I am clueless about computers.
2.  Buttons are cool.
3.  Christine is about the nicest person I know.
So, have a look-see at my new badge there in the side bar.  Oooh and aaaahh for a few seconds, then click on Christine's badge right below mine. It will take you to Christine's blog.  Read her blog.  You will laugh.  You will think.  You will follow her.
Got it?
Git to gittin'!
Have a lovely day!


  1. Thank you for's always nice to hear about people doing nice things just because, without the expectation of anything in return. And BTW I totally would have made a button for you if I knew how. I know less about computers than you! :)

    1. I know you would have. I'm sure I can find something else for you to do. :)

  2. I see you went the above and beyond thankful route and wrote a blog post. I laughed out loud about the locking myself in the bathroom bit. On Pinterest, I have a board where I pin blogs I follow, sort of like a blog roll in progress. Well, now it's my turn to thank you for all the kind words above...Thank you!

    1. Thank you for all your help. And you're welcome!

  3. Wow, that is so nice! And I love the button. It took me about 4 hours to make mine. Computers are not my friend either.

    1. Wasn't it? 4 hours? Yikes! I'm sure it would have taken me at least that long to figure it out.

  4. Christine did a wonderful job, and what a sweet thing to do!

  5. Replies
    1. I love it, too. And I can say that without sounding like a braggart, 'cause I didn't make it!

  6. As shiny as a chicken coop wall can get!

  7. Love it! Adding it to my page... hopefully before my computer battery dies. LOL


  8. Cool button, still too complicated for me!!! I adore your wood paneling.

    1. It's too complicated for me, too! She even gave me instructions on how to get it into my sidebar.
      And thanks!

  9. Badge? Button? GAHHHHHH!!!!! I don't understand what they are or what you do with them, so your computer skills far surpass mine!

    1. I do believe people are supposed to grab them, which is a good thing. Normally, I assume grabbing is bad and uncomfortable, but not in this case. My computer skills don't surpass those of a gnat. We should take a computer class, you and I.

  10. Well, in keeping with the theme, I have another button for you...I gave you an award this morning and I hope you don't mind! Next time you head over to my blog you will see it! I would post the link here, but that seems tacky! ;)

  11. Buttons and Badges, oh my! She did an awesome job! I love how she tied it right into your whole chicken coop wall thing. And speaking of chickens, sometime we need to talk chickens again. Mine are still on vacation from laying. Well, all but one.

    Very nice little button!

    1. She did do a marvelous job. OOhh, love to talk chicken!

  12. That is incredibly awesome and I LOVE the button! :)

    Kate @

    What a blessing!

  13. Wow! That is fantastic and such a kind thing for her to do! And I LOVE the badge/button. I always think they are for the professional, super smart bloggers...and you're one of them now!

    1. Ha! I'm getting good at posing as things. Fake farmer, fake professional, super smart blogger,...
      So sweet, wasn't she?


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