
Monday, January 14, 2013

It's Listicle Day! - Movie Quotes

This week's Monday Listicles topic is a fun one.  (But aren't they all?)  Today, we are to discuss 10 Movie Quotes.   Or Movie Scenes.  Or Movie Something.  I'm a bit hesitant to link this week, not because I don't have anything to say, but because I'm worried you will now think less of me.  I know how much you appreciate my mature, intelligent posts.  This one is going to show you what an immature nerd I really am.

Oh well.

Here goes.

10 Movie Lines I Quote on a Regular Basis

10.  "This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy."  Clark Griswald, National Lampoon's Vacation.  Every time I find myself having to do something ridiculous.  Like hiking a river bed with five boys.

9.  "ESPN The Ocho"  the announcer in Dodgeball.  Whenever Hubby or the boys are watching some ESPN spin-off channel, I start with the Ocho.  If you are a fan of Jason Bateman, you need to watch this movie.  Hilarious.

8.  "Surely you can't be serious."  Ted Striker, then "I am serious, and don't call me Shirley." Rumack, from Airplane.  My mom and I say this, each with our own part, just about every time we talk on the phone.

7.  (singing.  Always while singing) "What do you do with a problem like Maria?"  Reverend Mother from Sound of Music.  (Finally a mature movie)  I sing this every time a child is having a bad day.  Or hour. 

6.  "Dear Lord baby Jesus..."  Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights.  This movie made me laugh so hard.  And the scene around the dinner table, praying to baby Jesus made me pee my pants.  Whenever I say a prayer to myself to help me through a difficult moment, I always start with this.

5.  "Look kids, Big Ben."  Clark Griswald in National Lampoon's European Vacation.  It seems we Americans are jumping on the European bandwagon and putting in roundabouts instead of four-way stops.  Every. Single. Time. we go around a roundabout, I say it.  My poor children, who haven't seen the movie, have no idea why I say it. 

4.  "Talk to me, Goose."  Meverick in Top Gun.  When I want someone to talk to me.  Duh.

3.  "Merely a flesh wound."  Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.   Every single time somone in my house gets a scrape or cut that bleeds.  Every single time.

I could have done the entire list from one movie.  I, as well as most of my extended family, knows every line of The Jerk starring Steve Martin.  I can't narrow down to two quotes, so here is a quick list of quotes I use all the time.  Or at least think in my head in proper situations.

"I was born a poor, black child."
"Stay away from the cans!"
"That's all I need.  This chair and this thermos...That's all I need...and this ashtray"
"I have a special purpose!"
"The first day seemed like two...  The third day was just a day."
"The new phone book's here!  The new phone book's here!  I'm somebody now!"
(singing) "I'm picking out a Thermos for you, not and ordinary Thermos will do, but the very best Thermos I can find..."
"Take a chance and win some crap!"
"I don't wanna puke!"

OK, enough.  Just watch the movie.  Not with me, though.  I'll annoy the tar out of you, laughing and quoting before every line.

You can tell alot about a person from the type of movies she quotes.  I hope you can still be my friend.

Have a lovely day!

Update:  Oh my word, I am reading other people's lists and I am rolling over the quotes I forgot to add. 
"You're killing me, Smalls"
"One time, at band camp..."
"Build it and they will come."
Run, Forrest, run!"
So many more.

Get on over to Stasha's and get to reading.  You will be amazed at how much of your daily conversations come from movies.

Now git!


  1. Yours is the second one I've read quoting The Jerk. I'm sure that one would be on Netflix. The only one I KNEW without having to read the follow up was #4.

    1. You have much better taste than I do. Don't watch the Jerk unless you can tap into your immature side. And don't watch it with your son. A few inappropriate bits in it. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to see it, though.

  2. Glad to see you did not limit yourself on The Jerk quotes...there is such an abundance of good material. You did leave out one of my favorites: "Well I'm gonna to go then! And I don't need any of this. I don't need this stuff, and I don't need *you*. I don't need anything. Except this." Good stuff. :) I'm so glad I know you in real life too!

    1. I didn't leave it out! I just put the end of it with I only need the chair and the ashtray.
      Awesome movie.

  3. I'm a big fan of Clark Griswald. So much wisdom can be learned from that man.

    1. Tell me, who goes on a vacation without thinking of Clark Griswald? No one, that's who!

  4. If you're in the geek boat, then I am your second oarsman. Seriously quote these too. Like. ALL. THE. TIME. Excellent list. Erin

  5. I was NOT a Will Ferrell fan until I saw Talladega Nights -- so hilarious!!! And so many great quotes!

    I've been meaning to see Dodgeball, but I had no idea Jason Bateman is in it. Now I've definitely got to find it!

    1. Will Farrell has been known to make me laugh (Need more cowbell!) but never as hard as in Talladega Nights.

  6. OMG! I am so going to start doing the Big Ben one in the roundabout in town! Great list! Mine were all car movies... except for one. Go figure. LOL

    1. I can't believe you hadn't been Big Benning already!
      Of course you had car movies. I'll be disappointed if I don't see a Talladega Nights reference on your list.

  7. "Merely a flesh wound" is one we say a lot and Ricky Bobby does have some classics. We definitely have the same taste in humor.

    1. Ricky Bobby cracks me up. I just haven't watched the movie enough times to know enough lines by heart. Cheers for immature humor!

  8. "You're killin' me, Smalls!!" is a regular around here as well as the song "Keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." from Finding Nemo. I sing that to my kids in my worst opera voice when they're doing their chores and heaving big heavy sighs. It drives them crazy, and I love it! :) Great list!!

    1. Another one I forgot to mention! I also encourage my brood to just keep swimming. It can be so fun to drive the children crazy, can't it?

  9. 'Dear 6lb 8oz, tiny infant Jesus, with your balled up fists, in your golden fleece diapers, so cute and ...'
    I also start my prayers this way sometimes, usually after I come home with a pizza or fast food and yell to the kids 'come get dinner, I've been slavin' over this for hours!'

    I'm watching Top Gun right now too, haha!

    1. Hahahaha! No one could ever tell we were siblings, huh?

  10. I've seen quite a bit of You're killing me smalls and I included it on my list too!

    Am visiting from the Listicle Link Up. Glad to have found you!


    1. What's not to love about the Sandlot? So many good scenes in that one.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. The Ocho - haha!! That movie is also a gold mine of quotes. Sigh. This week was SO hard to narrow down. So many quotes, so little time.

    1. I was beginning to think I was the only one who saw and liked Dodgeball. Should have known I can count on you to get it! It was hard this week to keep it to ten. Clearly, as I couldn't do it. :)

  12. Dear Lord Baby Jesus....oh so funny. What did we do before Will Ferrell?

    1. He certainly did cowbell his way into our hearts. Funny man.

  13. I think the only movie I quoted today was The Goonies ... which just goes to show my impeccable taste and good breeding ;D

    1. The Goonies is one of my all-time favorites! The kids are finally getting old enough to see it, so I'm sure once it's pulled out of storage we'll be quoting it all the time, too.

  14. Great list! I say some of these too! I sing the Thermos song and I say both of the NL Vacation lines. Fun list! Wish I would have participated this week - was taking a much-needed break (for a day).

    1. A whole day?!?!?!? :)
      I'm so glad someone knows the Thermos song. I sing it way too often.

  15. OMG The Ocho!!! I had forgotten that one! Have you ever seen the Jason Bateman movie Extract? Its pretty funny and very unknown

    1. I'll have to track that down. Love Jason Bateman.

  16. I had to skip the Listicles this week, but I'm glad I read yours! I *live* to quote movies. The Holy Grail and National Lampoon's are right up there for me, too! I crack myself up... actually you crack me up, too!

    1. Too busy getting your new digs up and running? The site looks great, by the way.
      You crack me up all the time!

  17. "What in the wide world of sports is going on here?" is one I say to my kids ALL the time. They have no clue why because I would never actually let them watch Blazing Saddles ;)

    1. Ooh, that's a good one. It's been such a long time since I've seen that movie. So funny!

  18. "I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt. 'Cause it says like, I wanna be formal but I’m here to party too. I like to party, so I like my Jesus to party."

    "I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew!"

    "If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball."

    (My husband is so embarrassed that Talladega Nights and Dodgeball are in my top ten favorite movies.)

    1. Chicken farmer and lover of silly but hilarious movies!?!?! Fantastic!

      Great quotes!

  19. Oh man, you totally reminded me of some great ones!! AWESOME list. :)

  20. Q. How far you going? A. To the end of that fence. Response: OK!

    1. Ha! So hard to choose just one good quote from that movie!

  21. Love the immature nerd side of you. I knew all your quotes and have been known to use many of them myself. Welcome to the geek squad LOL

    1. Thank you! It seems to be a wonderful group of people. :)

  22. Oh yeah! I remember seeing th european vacation and laughing to tears. Round and round the Arc ;) I love you for jumping in with the funnies...

    1. Glad you are amused and don't ban me from the listicles. :)


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