
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Quick Takes - Seven of Them

We're doing some quick takes tonight.  The quickest ever.

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Cuckoo got a whole big book of tattoos for Christmas.  He wanted to put some on, so I told Buttercup to give him a few.  I clearly stated that she was NOT to go overboard as he would wish.  This is her idea of NOT going overboard. 

Nope, tattoos on his forehead, neck, both cheeks, chin, belly, top of each foot, and left leg was considered downright judicious.

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I had a photography business in a pre-six kids life.  The knowledge I have of photography does not apply to taking self-portraits in a bathroom mirror.

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Why did I need to take a photo of myself you ask?

In order to take a poll, of course.

I got my hair cut yesterday.  To which body part is it cut?

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If you said either earlobes or jaw, you'd be correct.

Unfortunately, the person cutting my hair was confused and didn't know that my chin is actually the lowest part of my face, a couple of inches below my earlobe in fact. 

My hair is SHORT.  Curly hair is not exactly attractive when cut short.  In fact, it looks quite unkempt.

Until this grows, I actually have to "do" my 'do every single blasted day. 

I'm having to expend energy on making my hair look kempt.

Not cool.

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Because breaks from school make me want to celebrate, I went crazy and bought up a bunch of clearance Christmas candy.   And because candy doesn't have enough sugar on its own, I bought ice cream and Cool Whip to go with them.  (I would have bought chocolate sauce and cherries, too, but I knew we had some in the fridge already.)

Last night, we had a little no reason ice cream sundae celebration. 

Do those kids look happy or what?

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Don't know if you noticed, but we ate those sundaes out of real, non-paper bowls.  That's right, our paper days are behind us.  We have running water in the kitchen.  A sink and a dishwasher up and running. 

I once again get to holler, "How hard is it to scrape the food INTO the trash can???"

And the ever popular, "Who didn't rinse their plates before putting them in the dishwasher???"

Oh, I missed those days.

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And because we have a functioning kitchen, for the first time in two months, I was able to make a real breakfast.  We had eggs this morning.

OK, that looks really shiny and unappetizing, but I promise I can cook a mean omelet.  The kids were thrilled to have their eggs; omeleted, burritoed, or scrambled.  I cooked to order today.

Now hop on over to Jennifer's to read her quick takes, as well as plenty of others.

Have a lovely day!


  1. I hate it when the hairdresser does that. My hair is curly too so I'm always warning them not to cut the layers too short ... I don't want to look like I did back when I was 13 with one of those god awful late 80's shag cuts! But at least once every half a dozen cuts they ignore me.

    1. I really wish hairdressers had signs that said, "I know how to cut curly hair." Or, more importantly, "I don't know how to cut curly hair." It would make life so much easier.

  2. My son plastered himself with tattoos once also, incuding one on his buttock cheek. Any guesses why? was a BUTTerfly tattoo, of course.

    And as a fellow curly-haired blogger, I feel your pain with the short cut. A high maintenance do takes away precious blogging time!

    Glad you have a functioning kitchen again, but I have never in my life had to ask "Who didn't scrape off their plate before putting it in the dishwasher?" Are there actually children in this world that put a dish IN the dishwasher on their own??? I thought that was just a myth. ;)

    1. I just hope your son didn't go around showing everyone his tattoos like my three year old does. That would be embarrassing. :)

      I much prefer high maintenance blogging to high maintenance hair.

      While my kids do put their dishes in the dishwasher, they make such a mess doing it, I almost wish they didn't.

    2. Fortunately he only showed us his butt...erfly.

      The words kids and mess ALWAYS belong in the same sentence. Always.

    3. Agreed. Mess always, and gross usually.

  3. love it :) the tattoos are so awesome i can't even describe it! and i'm so excited that you finally get to COOK! oh but i, too, have curly hair and know the trauma of too-short hair cuts. i found a stylist way more years ago than i'm willing to admit who knows how to cut curly hair, and no other pair of hands have ever cut my hair since. even if i have to pay $40 or $50 for it, it's worth it every single time! ;) you're still rockin' it, though!

    1. We let him keep the tattoos one more day, and he was showing them off all over church.

      I don't usually have trouble with haircuts. Some are better than others, but my hair adapts well, usually. The only thing that causes problems is the length. I get it cut so infrequently that hairdressers usually move to new places before I can return for another good cut. And thank you.

  4. I told my stylist to give me a blunt cut. And I got layers. I've hated them every day for the last 3 months. Do they hear in a different language?!

    1. I really think some of them do. Or they are just tired and don't listen.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. The picture of your son with the tatoos all over his body is hysterical! Great memory to have (and picture to whip out when he's older ;) And I LOVE your hair, but I know what you mean about having to do your hair everyday. Ugh.

    1. I'm looking forward to the day he's in 8th grade and they ask for photos to put in the compilation video. My only problem will be in narrowing down to just a few embarrassing photos of him.
      Thank you (about the hair). I'd like it if I didn't have to fix it every day.

  6. Hope your little guy is feeling better! love your haircut! Although, mine is in a ponytail every day so if I actually had to do my hair... it wouldn't be a friendly morning! Hooray on the kitchen and running water!


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