
Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Listicles - I'm Greatish

I am having the hardest time with Stasha's Monday Listicles today.  The topic is 10 Ways That I am Great.  I don't like listing the ways that I'm great.  I much prefer making fun of myself.  I have tried to come up with funny ways that I'm great.  Things like "I am great at not beating my children when they annoy the tar out of me."  I started listing things that I am great at doing, but have no real value anymore.  Things like "I am great at cleaning up a baby who has had a diaper explosion at a public place while simultaneously keeping a toddler and a preschooler from playing in the public restroom toilets."  It had value at the time, but now, not so much.

I began thinking about why I am having such a hard time with the topic.  It's not that I don't know I have talents.  Let's just say that I've never had low self-esteem issues.   I'm even very uncomfortable when other people point out my good qualities.   I'm glad they notice, but I start to squirm when they tell me. 

Partly, no one likes a braggart. 

Partly, even though I have talents, others are better, and why toot a horn that's not the loudest? 

Oh, well.

At least this topic is making my think.  Using the brain for things besides remembering when Duck Dynasty is on.

Without further ado (or stalling techniques) I give you 10 Ways that I'm Greatish.

1.  I can rock a read-aloud.  Kids can't help but be enthralled when I read to them.

2.  I can solve problems.  Any kind.  Because I love to.  Doesn't make me very good at just listening to people vent, though.  I always want to help them fix the problem.

3.  I can make decisions quickly.  For example, I chose the color for the new kitchen in 5 minutes.  I chose the floor, counter, and cabinets in a total of 30 minutes.  Either I like it or I don't.  Either it matches or it doesn't.  Choose and move on, I say.  (OK, so it took a while for me to choose the lights, but only because I couldn't find any that matched my criteria.)

4.  I can keep my mouth shut.  I have a vault.  I use it.  People need not fear that I will spread their secrets.

5.  I can find the humor and the good in most situations.  Which is helpful, in that I love nothing more than to laugh.

6.  I can get over irritation quickly.  I don't hold grudges.  Mostly because I am good at putting myself in the other person's position and seeing her side. 

7.  I can lead a group of people.  I didn't know I could do this until I agreed to be PTO president for two years.  It was one of the best things I ever did.

8.  I can play just about any sport reasonably well.  There are a couple that I can play really well.

9.  I can follow a recipe very well.  People think I can cook, but they are mistaken.  Cooking is something very different.  I don't cook.  I follow a recipe.

10.  I am generous.  With all that I have.  I have literally given the coat off my back.  I am certain that I have not been blessed with what I have to keep to myself.  My time, my talents, my possessions are to be used to help others. 

I'm glad that's over. 

I now have a strong desire to list 10 Things that I Suck At.  Just to balance things out a bit. 

Maybe tomorrow.

11.  I am great at procrastinating. 

Have a lovely day!


  1. Thanks for sharing those with us. Actually, it's quite comforting to do this sometimes - it can make all the difference in one's day! I'd leave the negativity for now - there's more than enough of it in this world these days!

    Haven't seen you blogging recently - but then I've not been looking out all that much recently either!

    Hope you're all ready for the Holidays - with your tribe, it must take some arranging!

    all the best. Isobel from

    1. So glad you stopped by!
      Yes, there certainly is plenty of negativity and sour apples.
      The holidays are always full of busy fun around here, for sure. I still have quite a bit to do.
      Are you extra busy this time of year?

  2. I agree with all of that...but especially the part about choosing the lights for the kitchen. ;) That did take a LITTLE while...

    1. It wasn't that long! I had a vision! Can't mess with the vision, now can we?

  3. I am with you on the cooking!!! I follow recipes. When it comes to cooking, I yell down to my sister in the family room and ask her to come doctor what I am making. She is the cook.

    1. Man, I wish I had someone to doctor my meals. The only tweeking I do is if I am out of an ingredient. Then I just leave it out and cross my fingers.

  4. I am totally with you on the recipe thing! I can follow one with the best of them!


    1. It's a good skill to have! With the plethora of recipes on the internet, who needs to know how to cook anymore?

  5. I much prefer to make fun of myself too. I get that. Great list though!

  6. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9. We are very similar, you and I ;)

  7. That was fun...did you really pick out your kitchen decor in 30 minutes. Mother of god, I had to hire someone to pick out the colours in my house and I looked at countless light fixtures before choosing anything too!! I confess, when it was my turn to write about greatness, I decided to write it about my 4 year old son - that was fun too : )

    1. I really did. It really was ridiculous how long it took me to choose the lights. The cheapest part of the entire kitchen. The part that could be changed quite easily if I ended up not liking it.
      I'll be heading over to read all about your four year old. Four year olds are so much fun.

  8. The 10 Things I Suck At was actually the first piece we ever wrote for Stasha. It was called the Things at Which I am Absolute Rubbish and it was roaring good fun to write. This was fun to read. Erin

    1. Oh, how I wish I would have been around for that! I'm sure you two had people rolling with that topic.

  9. It's pretty amazing and very interesting at the difficulties so many had at compiling this list topic. It IS hard but it shouldn't be. We should all be confident in what makes us great. There is a difference in confidence and arrogance, while a fine line, I think we can all benefit from a little more horn tooting :)

    1. It is a fine line. In my head, I have no trouble listing my greatness. It's just the putting it out there for others to see. Perhaps it's because some people may not agree with me??

  10. This list was a challenge wasn't it? I didn't think too much about it b/c I knew if I did or took it very seriously I would NEVER write it. Also rocking a read aloud is an incredibly useful talent. I MISS reading to my pre-k class at circle time and nap time.

    1. My obsession with books is part of the reason I have so many kids and teach preschool. I don't ever want to see a day that I don't have anyone to read to.
      I had no idea it was a talent until I heard my husband read aloud to our kids. It's not one of his strenghts. :)

  11. I may not vocalize my desire to be great, but I'm thinking it! I am right there with you and your hyper-competitiveness.

  12. I love the way you wrote this! Humor is a wonderful quality to have, and you have oodles of it! Thanks for spreading the laughter as you always do, and so well!

    1. Well, that means a lot coming from you. You are a pro at humor! With or without rum. :)

  13. I envy your greatness for #3. I will walk about with a pocket full of swatches going every where holding things up to the light. I annoy myself! But it all turns out nice. Great list, you did really good, I had trouble at first too. You just have to put your own spin on your greatness ;-) I also squirm when people fuss over me. LOL!

    1. I could never be a personal shopper for someone. I would have no patience with a person who couldn't make a decision.
      It was hard to start this, but once I got started it was hard to narrow down my greatness to only 10. :)

  14. You have some GREAT skills. The keeping secrets and finding the humor in particular.

  15. It can be so weird to toot our own horns, I know, but you did a fantastic job and sound very "great" to me! :)

  16. Great list! I am a horrible reader out loud person, Thankfully my son doesn't notice or care

    1. Thanks!
      My kids don't mind my husband's bland reading either. It's really more handy in a room full of preschoolers.

  17. You can definitely add that you're very funny to the list. You always make me laugh.

  18. I loved the ending of your post - that's just how I would have felt too.

    I didn't do it partly because I wasn't in the right head space to think of my good qualities. Now I wish I had!

  19. I can really relate to this . I don't have any self esteem issues either but having to write my sales pitch marketing my work has been the hardest task ever. And cause I am a great procrastinator too I have in fact not done it yet....
    We have a lot uncommon too!


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!