
Friday, June 22, 2012

Taking the Plunge

Did I mention that I love summer?

Days full of nothing we have to do.

Days full of friends coming to visit.

Days of impromptu gatherings at the playground, never knowing which of the 50 people on the email list will show up.

Days of fun lunches, like homemade pizza bagels, that are reserved just for breaks from school.

Days of riding bikes to the nearby church to play a little kickball.

Days of yummy Fudgsicles and Popsicles to beat the heat.

Days of dinner dates with Hubby, friends, or both.

And of course, days of swimming.

We bought a summer membership to the pool for the first time ever.

Turken is getting to the age that my kids usually start swim lessons, but I decided to see how he does on his own before signing him up.

Our first trip to the pool, he refused to put his head under.  Wouldn't even dip his nose in. 

For the next trip, I came prepared, toting face masks for him and Cuckoo.

Cuckoo decided that they were better used simply as a fashion statement.

Turken, on the other hand, was thrilled to bits.  He had told me that he wanted goggles that wouldn't let water get into his eyes, nose, mouth, or ears.

We managed to cover 2 of the 4, and magically, he makes his own fashion statement, specifically, a painfully squished-up and difficult to breathe.

The boy is now officially a fish.  Because, as he says, "The goggles let the water in my ears, but it goes right back out again!"

We're holding off on the swim lessons.  Sure, he is still scared to death of the big pool, but I'm thinking we'll be there soon.

Have a lovely day!

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