
Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Birthday????

Helloooooo Forty!
Today I wake up to a new decade.  Not something I have been looking forward to.  In the middle of the night, when my thoughts run amok, it means I have one less day to spend on Earth with my family.  It means things are changing, and I hate that.
But then, once morning comes,  I can get a different perspective.  I have been given 14,600 days to live to their fullest.  I have had experiences I never thought possible.  I have been given a wonderful husband to share them with.  I have been given six beautiful children to make my days more exciting.  I have been given friends and family to make life more enjoyable.  My birthday is really a chance to celebrate what I have done with the gift 14,600 days. 

So, happy birthday to me!  Yeah 40! 

The only people that may not be so happy about celebrating my 40th would be my parents.  I can hear both of them now...  "I have a child who is 40?!?!?!?"

Read more blessings at He Sows, She Sows.

Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! It does make me feel a bit older, but it is a joy to watch my children grow and become whole. When I was 18 I never thought I'd still be around at this point in time so every day is indeed a blessing.


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