Sunday, March 27, 2016

Ten Things of Thankful, Easter Edition

Happy Easter!!!

So much to be thankful for these days...

For our active parish, which has plenty of opportunities to make Lent and the Triduum a prayerful, contemplative time.

For the youth of the parish who get involved and make Good Friday one of the most emotional days of the year.

For our freedom to pray and worship and celebrate any darn way we please. It is all too clear lately that this is not so for many people in the world.

For my mom's good health in her retirement which allows her to spend these last three days with us.

For the many people who were baptized and Confirmed at the Easter Vigil. We knew many of them this year, including two boys who are in Turken's class and the husband of Turken's teacher.

For the beautiful weather we had this weekend. We were able to spend a good amount of time outside, working and playing.

For the abundance of food available to us.

For pain medication to help a poor teen with major tooth pain make it through the weekend until the dentist office opens on Monday.

For a family who makes me laugh on a daily basis.

For Turken, whose birthday just happened to fall on Good Friday this year. Celebrations were postponed until a non-fasting day, with absolutely no complaints from him. It helped that he knew I was going to make the blasted red cake for him. :)

This is where I would insert a family photo of all of us in our Easter finery. Except we never get one of those. We always go to the Easter Vigil, and besides the fact our family isn't all together (at least one of the boys always serves, thus having to arrive over 2 hours before Mass starts) in that Easter finery until 10:00 at night when the Mass ends. A photo of 8 people is hard enough. A photo of 8 people at 10:00 at night after a 2 and a half hour Mass is not going to happen.

So, no photo for you.

Or me.

How has your week been? Let me in on the things for which you are thankful!

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. So much good in this post! (And I hope the toothache can be alleviated soon!)

    1. Friday morning. Until then, lots of ibuprofen and tylenol with codeine.

  2. Kristi has been one step ahead of me all evening....
    I have no picture of my family on Easter, either.
    You must have had much better weather this week than we had. It was miserably windy here. Some days warm, some days cold, all days windy. Until Friday.

    1. Ha! I saw that as I made the rounds. :)

      There were definitely days of wind, but mostly warm, so all was well. The kids could play outside, and that's all that matters to me. :)

  3. I'm thankful my younger son and I were able to go to Ohio to visit my college son for a few days over spring break. It was great bonding time for them since they rarely see each other.

    1. I'm so glad you were able to go!! I'd say, "Maybe one day we'll be in Columbus at the same time and be able to get together!" but I have no doubt you'd rather spend that precious time with your guy. :)

  4. I have no photos as well (no! no laughing, Dyanne and no, 'well duh!' from Kristi).
    Good to hear about a normal and semi-orderly major holiday, sans spectacular mishaps (although, toothaches are no fun. probably wouldn't help to suggest to your son that the constant, relentless ache, without the benefit of spectacular ups and downs is a good insight into an aspect of adulthood that is not often available... lol no, don't! besides, I'm writing this in your future and, by now the dentist has been accessed and relief is on it's way)

    1. Ha!
      The problem has been assessed and will be fixed on Friday. (Injury from 4 years ago rearing its ugly head.)

  5. You're the reason I do thankful Thursday. I just love your posts of thankful. People can find tons of good things in their lives if they just take the time to be thankful.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. It's all about taking the time to look for them, isn't it? Changes one's attitude, for sure.

  6. Happy Easter to you and your family. Thank you for sharing your wonderful blessings. I hosted a big Easter brunch here and I'm sad to say we have no photos either. Have a good break.

    1. But we have the memories. That's the important thing. We let the fun happen without interruption.

      Thank you!

  7. Happy Easter! Many blessings and yes many Thankfuls... :0

  8. Great list! I was thankful this week to finally meet my 5 month old niece and nephew and get to spoil them rotten. Okay, I was one of 4 aunts who was giving them WAY too much attention, but it's how things roll.

    1. How can you not give babies gobs of attention??? At least there were two of them to spread the love around. You and the other aunts didn't have to fight over them as much. :)

  9. Easter and family celebrations are the best part of this time of year, the ushering in of spring.
    Toothaches aren't fun at all though. Hope that didn't spoil someone's celebrating and hope the pain is fixed by now.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!