Friday, April 5, 2013

Elated About Easter

After months and months and months of cold, snowy weather, we finally hit the spring jackpot over Easter weekend. 

Sunny and 60 degrees leads to:

Blooming crocuses,

laundry on the (zip) line,

barn roof tennis,

fun on the rope swing,

lettuce seeds in the garden,

toys in the yard,

long walks down the driveway,

and Peep roasts.

Always the Peep roasts.

Need more E adjectives to describe our Easter weekend?

Exciting.  Euphoric.  Enthusiastic.  Exhilarating.  Energetic.  Ecstatic.

Yup.  It was a good weekend.

Have a lovely day!


  1. Loved this post! Clothes on the line? Wow! I loved doing that! The kids looked like they were having so much fun! Roasted peeps? Never thought of that! How clever!

    1. I'm glad you liked it. I love hanging clothes on the line. They smell so good when they come back in the house.
      And the kids were having a ball.
      My husband came up with the peeps idea a few years ago. Sometimes we make them into s'mores, too.

  2. Goodness my J would LOVE LOVE LOVE barn roof tennis! since wall ball is a daily activity at my house tennis would be fun! We are doing chocolate covered peeps for our Sat night Big Game Party!!! J is so very excited about that! Glad you got spring like weather altho 60 degrees is still too cold for me!

    1. Most kids do enjoy getting up on the barn roof. Can't imagine you can go wrong when combining chocolate with most anything.
      60 degrees too cold? You are so spoiled. :)

  3. Do you believe hangin' wash out on the line is against the homeowner's rules in this snobby neighborhood where I live????? PPPPPPfffffttttt, wonder what they would do if I played tennis on my roof?

    1. I'm guessing you have done plenty of things worse than playing tennis on your roof to make the neighbors unhappy. :)

  4. I love these pictures! You really did capture the essence of spring here. But I have to admit, I have never heard of a Peeps roast (great idea!!!) or barn tennis--that looks a little scary to me!

    1. Thanks!
      Scary? Coming from the woman who just today wrote a post about the danger her son has gotten himself into? I'd think barn tennis was mild.

    2. I'm intrigued about the Peeps roasting, too. It sounds both barbaric and delicious.

  5. Barn roof tennis! That one sounds interesting! My husband would love your land. We've been "looking" here in Texas but haven't decided on what our must haves really are to get serious. Hubby definitely wants more space.

    1. I don't know where or why they came up with the barn tennis idea. I have to say, we do love having all of this room. We have no worries about our kids getting run over or kidnapped. They just go outside and play. Are you wanting to get animals?

  6. These are wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing your beautiful family and glimpse into your lives! Happy Easter!!!

    1. Thank you! Happy Easter to you and your family, too!

  7. Why thank you! (I am too tired to think of a word for thank you that starts with e.)

  8. It looks like everyone is having fun! Your place looks so picturesque ... and so rural!

    1. We were all having fun breathing in some fresh, warmer air.
      It certainly is rural. As for picturesque, only if you don't look too closely.

  9. Peep roasts is the best idea ever! I'm so sad I never thought of this. Now I'll have to wait a whole year to try this out. Roasted Peeps sound amazing!

    1. You should try them in a s'more, too!
      If you do this, take note. The colored sugar gets really hot. Let it cool a touch before you eat one!

  10. What an EXCELLENT Easter post! These were just delightful pics, made me smile. Toasted Peeps, who'd of thought... mmmmm! :-) Looks like you all had a wonderful day and were blessed with perfect weather.

    1. Thank you! It was a gorgeous day. My husband had the great idea of roasting the peeps a few years ago. We've had to do it every year since.

  11. I am in agreement that barn roof tennis looks dangerous lol First thing I thought of when seeing the pic. I would have to be one of the players on the ground :)

    I'll go for the peep roasting, though!

    Glad you had a great Easter :)

    1. The barn tennis must look worse in photos than it does in real life. It doesn't bother me at all. Although, now that you all mention it, when friends come over, the other parents do get a bit nervous about it. Huh.

      You are welcome for some peep roasting anytime. :)


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